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    Jefferson, Iowa
  1. Who were the conductors, if I may ask? ~Conor Jo-Michael Scheibe (choir) of U of Miami and Steven Amundson (orchestra) of St. Olaf were 2005's directors. Both produced acceptable products (both choir and orchestra sounded decent). Having Dr. James Rodde this year as a choir director produced perhaps the best All-state choir Iowa's had in a very long time. It showed me how more efficient conducting styles affect the product.
  2. Last year at the Iowa All-State concert, the orchestra, AND the choir (which I was part of) had horrible conductors; their actions were completely incoherent to the music. It was really disappointing. This year the choir's conductor was fantastic... He was IN the music. We could do everything he wanted us to just by watching his arms and hands. It was great.
  3. I love Pirates 1 and 2... and Twister is an awesome score.
  4. The "son" part of names was often given to immigrants in the early 1900s when they immigrated into America... So Williamson often meant "son of William." I bet he's Brittish. Just a feeling.
  5. Yeah, I eventually made the connection that, when Barbossa appears at the end, the monkey had run to him earlier. Funky foreshadowing!
  6. I really liked this movie... I went to it twice just to catch some things I missed the first time. The movie, the first time, was highly enjoyable and just COOL. Analyzing it would be boring for me, so I won't. BUT. Spoiler........... I think I certainly caught what will be a large theme in the next movie... In Tia Dalma's place, they show a locket. A heart-shaped locket that, coindidently, is identical to Davy Jones' locket/music box. And Tia Dalma refers to Davy's ex-love as "...untamable as the sea..." Hmm... Could be? This little finding made the movie for me... It made me want to see what's coming next... And I loved the music... worked perfectly in the movie. However, it would have been nice to expand on the new themes and give them counter-themes, then the score might be worth buying. Very good score. Awesome movie.
  7. I went to the Des Moines Symphony performance. It was better than on the soundtrack simply because of the clearness and crispness of the sound... and the experience of hearing music you know (of this caliber) performed by amazing professionals is just awesome.
  8. I have a feeling, though I don't actually know, that Barbossa only appears in a flash-back or something... perhaps a super brief scene, simply because it says Barbossa (uncredited) meaning it probably won't be on the actual movie credits (I think). Just a thought . Very much looking forward to this movie.
  9. I thought that 2005 was a great year for music... Nothing truely memorable, but I found a new love for Danny Elfman's music with Corpse Bride and Charlie... And all of the John Williams scores this year are great as well.
  10. Gorgeous? I can think of many JW moments in many of his scores that outtop many of those! Oh well.
  11. Yeah... Do we have to download something to get the songs?
  12. I just heard Home Alone playing over a mall's sound system in Des Moines... My mom heard it first and was like... "I love Home Alone music..." I was like hey. Cool.
  13. I just think well... He has a certain style... so of course some things are going to sound similar.
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