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Manakin Skywalker

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Everything posted by Manakin Skywalker

  1. I don't believe it uses the film stem on the 2012 set as there is no frequency cutoff on that track, whereas there is on the End Credits for example.
  2. To celebrate the occasion, I'm going back to my original profile picture.
  3. Why do Count Dooku and Lucius Malfoy share the same motif I wonder? 🤔
  4. I wonder how the Holiday Special fits in to George's master plan. 🤔
  5. If you'd watch his videos (especially during the ST and his fan film debacle) you'd see more of what I mean. As for the irl part, that's not my story to tell.
  6. Theory is a POS (irl too) and obsessed with drama, he's not the kind of attention we need.
  7. Sorry, I was waiting for the livestream to end (when they usually post the individual trailers)
  8. The OT and PT are on the same level of importance for me personally. The OT for better-sounding audio and (hopefully) less-lengthy track compilations, and the PT for the unreleased material and lossless quality. I think the prequels would actually be much easier/cheaper given everything was recorded digitally (and on freshly-transferred, previously untouched analog tapes). I can't imagine how degraded some of the OT tapes must be by now...
  9. Yes it does! Vincent was also one of the singers on Low Below.
  10. Using all of the available information we have so far, I've gone ahead and drawn a preliminary sketch of what the artifact might look like. This may contain story spoilers, so click at your own risk!
  11. And the iTunes version contains even more (including some still-unreleased material)!
  12. Spoken word too... so Hook was supposed to have two raps!
  13. Oh is that you @rpvee? I just noticed the letters match
  14. Almost all of them are from the same guy too. Hopefully it's someone here that wants to share it, and not some greedy asshole. EDIT: There's some auto bidding going on here too...
  15. On JWFan? Nowhere publicly, it's against site rules.
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