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Dixon Hill

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Everything posted by Dixon Hill

  1. My reaction to this score is the same as my reaction to the film. It's not at all bad, and quite good at points, but the inspirations shine through really, really heavily, which makes it lack a certain amount of its own identity. I reckon the director had a lot of homages he wanted to make on his own as well as with the composers. Standouts are Terra Incognita and The Rings of Saturn which are both wonderfully fresh. The latter is some of the most harmonically crafty film music I've heard in recent years. Messiaen finding his way into a blockbuster. Resonantia is similarly impressive.
  2. If you can't see that Signs outclasses all but the last one you mentioned then you're, well, Thor I suppose.
  3. Last thing I listened to was a rough read through this morning of a large scale piece I'm working on for alto flute, harp, viola, and bass. After listening to some students talk at length about their own very innovative works in progress I was feeling like quite a square to be doing something so academic by comparison. Much to my surprise they found my music engaging and "trippy" so perhaps I've still got it.
  4. They're still doing Lost rehashes and they're still shit. Difference is the Robert Jordan books are pretty good source material and it's a completed story that can be freely adapted. Decent chance of it surpassing GOT in quality if they do it right, if not necessarily in cultural impact.
  5. People still give a shit about this dumpster fire in all its incarnations, past and future? More interested in what Amazon will do with Wheel of Time now.
  6. The TPM setpiece first, followed by ROTJ and the Sidious fights from ROTS.
  7. Who is the sexiest young celebrity these days? Anyone else dark and disturbed? Is the MCU cinema?
  8. Ye gods Stern has become bloodless in the last few decades.
  9. Hey, I'm gonna take that personal in a second!
  10. I think it's something like Gooth-Nah-Dotter.
  11. ROTS end credits are about 300 bars. Seems to fit. Taping that stuff together is surprisingly hard, one wrong move really screws you up. The effort behind this is inspiring. Making gifs still eludes me.
  12. Have you ever met an opinion that originated outside of your own brain that you didn't think was bizarre? Anyway I reckon I like the films about the same. Both are good Saturday night flicks, especially in the summer. WOTW's score is really good but MR is what I dig the most.
  13. Bullshit! I saw the look on your face when you sold your collection for quick cash. You were almost enjoying it!
  14. Opera. 39 is my favorite of theirs and no other album flows so seamlessly from great song to great song.
  15. And Orci is some kind of tin foil Truther isn't he.
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