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Everything posted by leeallen01

  1. So in 'Finn and Poe, United' is that Finn's Theme at 0:42 or just random stuff from Williams? And does BB-8 actually have a theme. I hear innocent little moment here and there and of course, but is there a specific melodic idea for him? And some of the rhythms of 'The Bombing Run' remind me of 'The Battle of Hoth' stuff, specifically the march at 0:00 and 1:00 in 'BOH Part 2.'
  2. Has anyone referred to BB-8 as a he? Or even R2 as a he? What's with the no female droids? Damn Hollywood and their misogynistic treatment of robots!
  3. They're clearly not going for a love story between Rey and Finn. A lesser film would have had: 1) Rey kiss Finn when they're on Starkiller Base. Instead Rey hugged him and thanked him. 2) Rey confess her feelings or kiss him on the lips at the end when he's lying in a coma. Instead she kisses him on the forehead and says "Thank you, my friend." To undo all of the female lead becoming a powerful, (unknown at this point) mysterious identity etc and just have a romance focus, will be idiotic and will get a lot of negative reaction. I think Rey is clearly set up as a Luke character who has no romance at all in his trilogy.
  4. Radiohead's rejected Song for SPECTRE has been released - http://filmmusicreporter.com/2015/12/25/radioheads-rejected-spectre-title-song-posted/
  5. I could listen to all the areas he evolves Rey's theme throughout the album for the rest of my life and die happily. I haven't fell head over heels like this for a theme for many years. The obvious ones are Shore's Shire Theme, Newton Howard's Village, but the most recent is perhaps 10 years ago with Williams own 'The Terminal.' If I played 'Jazz Autographs' on repeat for all-time, I wouldn't consider it a wasted life.
  6. They don't. She's a slim white girl with brown hair, therefore she is inevitably going to be compared to every actress fitting that description. She is only being compared to Kiera Knightley because she's all of the above plus from London. I think she looks different and her performance is vastly different.
  7. Poe's Theme understandably has a Superhero feel to it, which makes me wonder what he would do for a modern Comic book film. Marvel of course, considering they don't take themselves seriously at all, which is what Williams said was so good about doing Superman.
  8. If you rearrange the letters of Rey, you get Eyr, which is an old way of saying Air. When Salacious Crumb used to laugh, it would sound like he was saying "air air air air air air air" thus confirming that Rey is Salacious Crumb reincarnated. YODA - "In your solitude on Tatooine, training I have for you." JABBA - "Tawa dah beeka umbah (Training?)" YODA - "An old friend has learned the path to immortality. One who has returned from the netherworld of the Force. Your old Jester." JABBA - "Salacious!"
  9. That's why Luke didn't take his robes off at the end. This is what he had underneath.
  10. She is literally a Rey of light. Though I read that the Emperor froze his sperm in the Dark Side Fertility Centre in the Republic and Rey was born from a woman who used it. Apparently for the last 30 years a few kids have been born from his donation, and the republic have been sending constant unanswered demands for child support payments, so the First Order destroyed the Republic to stop them.
  11. Yes of course. Because they'd definitely confirm a spoiler for a future film... Film makers NEVER lie to us, especially about the secret identity of a character. The studio and J.J. never lied when he was making Star Trek Into Darkness. Because Khan wasn't in it of course. As we were told for months. I'm not saying he is Plagueis (I believe he is) but saying "the film makers said he isn't" as an excuse is weak.
  12. It also has a great little moment at 1:02 in 'I Can Fly Anything' just before it fully comes in at 1:19. As if to say his theme is trying to break through the First Order, but doesn't manage it, so it tries again a few seconds later and succeeds. Pure musical storytelling from Williams.
  13. Luke is so dumb with the whole "Obi Wan Kenobi. Maybe he means old ben kenobi" that I'm surprised he understood Yoda's dying words: "There is another Sky...walk...er" Luke: "I wonder if he means Skywalker. I don't know any one named Skye Walker."
  14. No idea. All I know is I've seen archival footage before of him with a much longer story that he chopped and shortened into one. Apparently in the final draft of ANH, they refined it to work as a single stand-alone film in case it did badly and he wasn't able to continue.
  15. Lucas specifically says he wrote a story which became too long and he split it into 3 acts, and the first act became the first film. You see old footage of him with the full story and then using only the first third initially. You can't argue with video evidence. He had the Original Trilogy all planned. He hadn't written the entire scripts, but the story was all mapped out to a decent degree.
  16. Yeah of course. He didn't have it detailed, but he planned to do it is my point. He didn't just wake up years after jedi and think "let's make some money!"
  17. Damn right. But everything ever made is made up as you go along. You can't write every word at the same time. Unless you have a thousand monkeys on typewriters. My point is that clearly Lucas had it all planned out back in the late 70's and early 80's that he wanted 3 films and then a prequel trilogy about Vader.
  18. How do you explain this? 4:12 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l3lbWba7xjQ
  19. Who was is that said Lucas didn't plan it out and only planned to make the first film, then when it made money he made the next and the next etc? Well I already said how Lucas wrote the basic story for all 3 Original films, then split it into 3 acts and the first act became Star Wars (now Ep.4) But Lucas planned even the Prequel trilogy as well along with the originals. He had ideas and stories about the prequel trilogy before Empire was even released.
  20. You forgot: - BB-8 My Baby - Snoke and Mirrors - Hux Capacitor - Natural Born Starkiller - Dude Where's My Bar - It Was Nice To Poe You
  21. Are there any places left on your film studies course of 'The Vulcan Way Of How To Not Be Emotionally Involved In A Film?'
  22. I've seen it 3 times and I was surprised how the 3rd was the most emotionally powerful for me. Not for Han's death, which is sad yes but I was shaking with absolute childish joy when Poe took out all the TIE-Fighters and Storm Troopers, and I really almost welled up seeing Rey catch the lightsaber. It was strange considering it was my third time, but it just hit me heavily. Weird. Maybe when I see it a 4th time, I'll be rolling around on the floor, crying and screaming, and the 5th time I'll just spontaneously combust.
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