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About lostoman17

  • Birthday 17/10/1995


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    Russian Federation

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  1. The trailer and the music is pretty cool! fake or not?
  2. Before my first listen to the soundtrack, I was reading comments there. I thought the score is awful... And finally I saw the film the day before yesterday. What can I say... I will never EVER argue with people about (so called) "Djatchino" in this thread. The score is simply brilliant (as the movie is). It is filled with drama and epicness, extremely beautiful orchestration. One of my TOP-3 Gia scores.
  3. Again, I cannot understand why there are so many Gia-haters on this forum. Almost everyone insolently talking about "Djatchino-ish" music. To my mind this pseudo-offensive word is a compliment. Honestly, I always try to be "Djatchino-ish" while playing the piano.
  4. Johannsson's scores generally sounds awesome in a film. They fit and even enhance the movie's atmosphere so to say. But is it possible to daily-listen to them while, for example, driving a car? Not really...
  5. Everyone has his/her own truth. For me Giacchino's scores are inspirational. I should admit though, that sometimes he sounds rather generic. But this fact is not bad at all. That means Giacchino has a good old fashioned musical taste.
  6. My English is bad... But I often try to read (and understand) your comments and thoughts on Giacchino's scores. It seems that no one enjoys his work here. Why so? I think he is a pretty talanted composer. Much more talented than Zimmer...
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