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slurring two same notes??


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You probably all know the difference between a slur and a tie. If two notes are slured, they are meaned to be played legato. If two notes are tied they are meaned to be played without release.

But what to do if I want two notes which are exactly the same to be played legato??? I mean if I would slur them it would look exactly like a tie, and could be easily confused...

Do two same notes which are slured even exist in sheet music anywhere???

Any help appreciated!!

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Slurring means more than just playing legato. A musician can play legato without slur markings.

A wind player playing normally tongues each notes to give each note a starting edge. Adding slurs to a wind part tells the player to not use the tongue at all at the start of a note (except trombone) and this makes thr phrase sound very smooth (because there is no tongue to give the start of the note an articulation.

A string player playing notes without articulation will change direction of the bow on each note ( this gives each note that starting edge similar to tongueing on a wind instrument). When you add slurs to a string instruments part, instead of changing bow direction with each note, the bow continues in the direction its going while the fingers change the notes. This results in a very smooth sound.

Now, if you slur the same note one after the other, the musician will usually assume the composer wants that note articulated (bow change or tongued) , otherwise it would sound just like a tied note.

Basically, I would just write ,"legato" at the start of your legato section and add slurs to the phrases you want to have that smooth, slurred sound.

Let Mr know if that made some sense

Another example, I've played music where all the notes were without slurs, but at the top of the page, it said "legato" and I knew to play in that style, nice and connected, but with a crisp start to each note.

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I would use a slur with tenutos. That is completely clear. The performer will slur the two notes together but slightly reaccent the second note. String players will use a single bow, wind players will use the same breath.

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