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BTW, in case you forgot, the pilot opened with his 50th birthday, and as far as you've seen into the show, you haven't even gotten to his 51st birthday yet.

If BB started in 2008 or whenever it was, and it's been only 1 year, why did Walts new car have a 2012 date on it?

Production error. They also make another mistake in one episode by referring to the capture of Bin Laden, when it couldn't have happened yet in the timeline.

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Right now I just want Walt to have too much wine, accidentally say something to Hank that will suddenly put 2 and 2 together for him.

When you see Hank sitting on the toilet, just think to yourself that most BB fans had to wait A WHOLE YEAR to see what happened next ;)

I was lucky, I only had to wait 4 months.

Best cliffhanger ever!

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It's not a spoiler though is it. I've said that line to everyone I encouraged to watch it and they didn't feel spoiled.

It's important that latecomers appreciate what a monumental wait that was for the fans! Because Steef, like those other people I mentioned, will just hit play immediately on next episode - when it was actually the point that the series break arrived.

That wait for side 2 felt like an event!

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It's not a spoiler though is it. I've said that line to everyone I encouraged to watch it and they didn't feel spoiled.

It's important that latecomers appreciate what a monumental wait that was for the fans! Because Steef, like those other people I mentioned, will just hit play immediately on next episode - when it was actually the point that the series break arrived. It was agony!

That wait for side 2 felt like an event!

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In a way I wasn't a huge fan of the flashforward to Walt's 52nd birthday, because then no matter what trouble he gets into during the final season, you KNOW he's going to survive and get away until you catch up to that birthday, so a lot of tension is removed.

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It isn't a spoiler in the same way that if I said watch out for the part where Vader reaches out over the abyss with his gloved fist in Empire Strikes Back. It spoils absolutely nothing. I just wanted Steef to appreciate the occasion it was back then.

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Walt's the star, don't worry about his survival. Worry about the collateral damage.

It's not just the survival, you also know as soon as the season starts that he escapes going to jail at least until his 52nd birthday as well.

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It doesn't rule out the possibility that he already went to jail, but got out by his 52nd birthday. Or the possibility he awoke in the shower on the morning of his 52nd birthday to find the past two years a really bad dream.

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I didnt know anything about going to jail, until you just posted that, Jason.

Thank you

What are you talking about?

All I am saying is, as soon as the season 5 premiere starts, and you see Walt enjoying his 52nd birthday a free man, you know that he is not only alive, but also not in jail by his 52nd birthday. THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING!

I have said NOTHING WHATSOEVER about what might happen after his 52nd birthday. You're being too paranoid. I would never ruin BB for anybody, unlike Lee.

It doesn't rule out the possibility that he already went to jail, but got out by his 52nd birthday.

I never said it did. All I said is the flashforward tells you he's free on his 52nd birthday. That's all.

You people are too much sometimes....

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Well you are the resident BB expert and fanboy extraordinare who watched one episode a day but still knows shot for shot and line for line and down to each episode title when things happen. It's easy to forgive you for telling Steef what one particular episode moment *doesn't* show us than simply unplugging your mind and concentrating on what it does show us, like first-time viewer Steef would be experiencing. Perfectly natural.

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OK, I'll Dick and Jane it for you.

What does the scene show us? Walt is a free man. Period. That should have been the first thing you said, not the second.

What does it not show us? Well, where he's not, duh. He's not in jail. Why are you so hung up on the idea he'd go to jail, like that's the penalty for all his crimes? He's also not in prison, court, on a cruise ship, in an airport, or in bed with a hooker, but you like jail.

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Well, I never spoke once today with knowledge of what actually does happen. I simply mentioned my state of mind that was created after seeing the flashforward they put in, which was "ok, well, no matter what is happening here, I know Walt will be OK". So anytime throughout the entire final season his life is in danger, you can go "well, I know he's going to survive this, he's alive on his 52nd birthday". Anytime it seems like he might get caught and go to jail, you can go "Well, I know he doesn't go to jail, he's free on his 52nd birthday". That's all. You guys are being very weird today!

Ya'll are acting like I put the flashforward there to begin with - blame Vince Gilligan!

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Say My Name

Classic BB episode which starts super cool with Walt in control and laying down the law, and end with him being a fucking asshole and shooting Mike, for no reason but wounded pride.

It's a pity such a great character is killed of, but it is one of the shows most tragic death scenes. Most deaths by either Walt of Jesse happen for a reason. This was just stupid.

Jesse is smart wanting out, but I'm afraid that's not gonna last.

The new Todd guy is interesting. Totally different then season 1 Jesse, in that he doesn't even want to be paid until he gets better at cooking. And doesn't mind Walt treating him like a student or an assistant (something Jesse never wanted to accept)

Good episode, overshadowed by the death of Mike. Another notch on Walts soul, whatever is left of it anyway.

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OK, you didn't mention one of my favorite BB episodes of all time - Dead Freight.

What did you think of that one?

When Marcy and I watched it, the suspense was killing her so much, she had to get up and watch from the kitchen towards the end!

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They get emotionally invested in the characters and the situations they are in, so feel their tension and have a physical reaction to it?

Men are more like emotionless robots ;)

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I don't know, I know some dudes who will change the channel when the tension during a sporting event gets to be too much. Bases loaded, down by a run, bottom of the 9th. 3rd and 20, time running down, etc.

They think that by doing that it will change the result

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I loved it all. It was fun, suspenseful, and not just a throwaway episode either, with the shooting at the end have consequences that permutate through the rest of the season

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OK, you didn't mention one of my favorite BB episodes of all time - Dead Freight.

What did you think of that one?

When Marcy and I watched it, the suspense was killing her so much, she had to get up and watch from the kitchen towards the end!

Dead Freight

The first episode of S5 to recapture some of the spirit of adventure of the earlier seasons.

Cracking dialogue and a wonderful, if unlikely heist plot.

Especially great is Walts application of science and chemistry and he explain about water being heavier then the stuff they are stealing. The robbery itself is brilliant shot. Some real suspense there.

Also this new character Todd seems rather cool.

Up until the end, where this quite optimistic episode suddenly turns deeply sour.

Todd shooting that kid is like a fucking anvil hitting you., Brilliant but ultra dark ending.

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Gliding All Over

The game changing episode where Hank goes to the White's bathroom and finally puts two and two together!

But before that, loads of great stuff.

Walt calmly dealing with Mike's remains after sending Jesse packing. The near Godfather like assassination of "the nine", plus the lawyer and Walt is finally able to cook uninhibited and rakes in millions upon millions.

I saw Walt take the ricin but missed how he used it.

The scene where Skyler shows him the enormous stack of money finally quenches Walts thirst, and he even pays Jesse the cash he owed him. The scene between Jesse and him, reminiscing about the old RV days is great. It's both a fun reminder, and a chilling one, since neither character can ever go there again.

The montage scene of many months is interesting. We have never had such a passage of time on the show. And I would actually like to have seen Walt actually quit the bizz, but otherwise, brilliant ep.

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