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War of the Worlds Full Scores (updated)


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Hey ya'll,


So far, I've put the following full score performances on YouTube (using MuseScore, lol). 

Reaching the Country (4m5: "Robbie Joins the Fight")

Escape from the Basket (6m1: "The Basket Scene")--includes some bars cut from the OST

The Return to Boston (6m2: "Entrance to Boston")--includes some bars cut from the OST

Watch the Lightning (not on the OST. Performed by me. I didn't bother typing this one up since it's very legible).

Surveying the Wreckage (not on the OST but in the movie)

The Cafe Scene (not on the OST. Performed by me)

Boston Street (neither in the movie nor on the OST...something JW wrote for fun, I guess, and never ended up using it for anything, Performed by me)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6on8a9f8CWhvtxBUCA9rg  <--my channel



The following scores are available for your reading pleasure from my MuseScore page (MuseScore is awfully glitchy with typeset notation...excuse the silly redundant dynamic markings)

Reaching the Country

The Return to Boston

The Cafe Scene

Boston Street

The Basket Scene

https://musescore.com/user/18946111 <--my musescore page




Enjoy! :D


All of these are essentially copy-and-paste from John Williams' hand-written sketch scores.


NOTE: Let me know if any of you guys have any studio scores/sketch scores to any of these: The Ferry Scene, The Attack on the Car, The Intersection Scene, or Escape from the City, or the "Epilogue."  I don't have these and I want to type them up!


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