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What is the last Television series you watched?


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Whether it's true nihilism or not is really not the point. Sharky refuses to acknowledge the Golden Age of TV because he deems it too "nihilistic". Whether it's completely and truly "nihilistic" or only has nihilistic flavors is a different matter. Happy stuff, full of optimistic messages, doesn't equal Golden Age TV either.

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I only get depressed with network TV. However, anything that moves or fascinates me fills my heart with delight, it doesn't matter whether its bleak or not. It's the same with music.

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Modern Family 7x02 The Day Alex Left For College

Not bad, not bad. Lots of funny parts. Nice balance of the different characters and stories. The writers clearly completely forgot about Alex and Claire's European backpacking trip. Oh well. Alex's new roomate being an even smarter / younger version of herself was hilarious and inspired. Luke finally outgrowing wanting to be with his dad all the time was a good storyline, and the end of it was a nice touch. Joe talking is funny - he's already lightyears better than Lilly (who is the worst actress on TV)

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Just bought The Wire Blu-ray box set. My worries as to whether it might be worth an upgrade proved to be wrong. The show looks great in hi-def and the new 1.78:1 aspect ratio (as compared to the 4:3 on DVD) works in its favour. Would even go as far and say it looks more glamorous. I've not seen in many years, curious as to how it holds up. Is it still the best television drama, after all these years of "golden age"? Curious to find out.


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TV excels in writing and characters, but it has no time and budget for crazy, extravagant visuals.

Depends on how crazy perhaps. Pushing Daisies had great, whacky look that perfectly complemented its writing. (Though admittedly it got cancelled just when it became truly ambitious).

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The League 7x03 The Blind Spot

Pretty funny, always good to see Sofia back, and them hiding int he blind spot was good. Dick Chicken was stupid though. The EBDB Pro stuff was funny.

The League 7x04 Deflategate

They should have named this episode "The Wet Spot", though that storyline was more gross than funny. The actual deflategate storyline, with the breast implants, was way too forced and not funny.

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Yeah, Hardy is cool.

In any case, instead of watching just a couple episode of The Wire, I ended up watching half a season in one sitting. Yeah, it's still terrific.


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