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About KittBash

  • Birthday 27/09/1982

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    N.B. Canada

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  1. I'm going to assume that this was this event... https://www.laco.org/events/gala/
  2. It’s been awhile since this has been given a spin. Forgot how consistently good Bear can be.
  3. But the Holiday special "could" happen! [P.S. To be clear, it was a joke]
  4. A new interview from what looks like late last year that lasts 1.5 hours with Mike taking about his work through the years. The interview starts around 36 minutes in.
  5. Hey @Antonb Yes Screen Archives is very legit. I've ordered from them for years. Their tracking link/service they use to display tracking info is broken on the site but if you copy paste the tracking number into something else, For example usps.com, the tracking number will work. I've had to do the same thing for a little while now.
  6. It appears as many as possible did.... it's gone again!
  7. I know that Markings was played at that concert but was Across the stars an encore or something? https://news.imz.at/industry-news/news/the-berlin-concert-anne-sophie-mutter-lang-lang-4358296/ Asking so I can add to the chronology project
  8. Thanks @Arnaud2 I've really enjoyed putting it together so far and there's always more updates coming. I also have a couple other projects on the go that I'm going to release when they hit a point that I've gone through and made sure they are not full of errors. One of them is a sheet tracking all of the orchestra performers across the Williams scores that we know of. For the Chronology, my hope is to keep growing it and make it as comprehensive as possible. That said if anyone has any sources you think are great places to look I'm always on the lookout to keep things going.
  9. WOW! Time really has flown. I remember finding the Episode 1 The music when I was in High school in 1999 on my Pentium 133 with a 56k modem and having to set the machine up overnight to download the mp3 pieces that the site was offering as we slowly pieced together the score! It was magic as the site got its own forums and I remember always being a little bummed as I couldn't go to the live chats due to the time difference. Fast forward and now my daughter is only 2 years younger then I was back then and I'm still visiting the site just about everyday! Thanks to @Ricard @Jay @Andreas and everyone else who have made this site what it is over the years! Honestly If it takes 30-60 days builds to build a habit then visiting this site is engrained in my being at this point. On a side note I wondering how many of us with the old "may 2002" accounts are still around these days?
  10. I've never sat down with my phone, caught up on a thread and been so happy once second, clicked to the next page, and was so instantly bummed out the next!...... ugh
  11. Ha Ha Ha! It's almost like he ran into the room with an uber eats delivery and went "Shoot! That interview is now!?!" threw it in the chair and jumped on the call. Decent interview, was able to catch it live. Honestly though I think my favorite part was at the begining when he talked about his starting his relationship with JA at Ubeda.
  12. @Swanny There is indeed a J. Archer credited in the Fiddler 50th liner notes. So far it’s the only instance I have found but we only really have the specialty labels liner notes to go on and the London lists are few and far between. The lists must exist somewhere. here’s. A photo of the violins listed on Fiddler.
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