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    Jacck reacted to Dixon Hill in John Powell kicks ass   
    I'm becoming surprisingly fanatical about Powell. He is a composer's composer. I know he's liked but I don't think people fully realize just how excellent he is yet. It's exciting.
  2. Like
    Jacck reacted to Arpy in Gordy Haab   
    As much as Haab can mimic Williams, he's missing the heart of the music, the soul. At least Giacchino can produce more endearing themes.
  3. Like
    Jacck reacted to Dixon Hill in Gordy Haab   
    I'd rather not talk about anyone based on their ability to mimic.
  4. Like
    Jacck reacted to Incanus in The Sabrina theme. A hidden gem?   
    And to complement this thread with another version, here is the Cinema Serenade version with Itzhak Perlman on solo violin:

  5. Like
    Jacck reacted to crumbs in The Sabrina theme. A hidden gem?   
    Theme From Sabrina Featuring John Williams on Piano
  6. Like
    Jacck reacted to WilliamHorne97 in The Sabrina theme. A hidden gem?   
    Hi guys I'm new to JWFAN.com As you can see by the title of this thread I'm going to be talking about the Sabrina theme. In my opinion its a hidden gem , and could be one of John Williams best pieces of work. The emotions that are conveyed by the piano and the orchestra are just breath taking. The track has a strong sense of sadness and beauty, and if I have heard correctly Williams dedicated this song to his late wife? It's such a shame that some of his best work ( musically) is almost hidden. It does make me cringe when I see these ' Top John Williams music' videos and its full of ST main theme, Imperial March and raiders march. Yes these themes are amazing but its the incidental music that I feel shows of Williams talent Feel free to voice your opinions on the Sabrina theme and everything else I have said. thank you
  7. Like
    Jacck reacted to Taikomochi in First clip from The Force Awakens, containing Williams score premieres during American Music Awards   
    C'mon, don't be so hard on the guy. I mean, he managed to record A.I. with the orchestra playing live inside a hurricane.
  8. Like
    Jacck reacted to Loert in First clip from The Force Awakens, containing Williams score premieres during American Music Awards   
    An arrangement for DOTF already exists, and was written by Williams as a bonus track for the upcoming Episode I Sony Ultimate Edition soundtrack:

  9. Like
    Jacck reacted to Marcus in First clip from The Force Awakens, containing Williams score premieres during American Music Awards   
    Just to clarify:
    It's Williams' orchestrations, whether they be penned in full score by Spencer, Pope, Neufeld, Karam etc. The difference in style has only to do with Williams' preferences.
    These have become less contingent on romantic-mid 20th century techniques (Tchaikovsky-Shostakovich-Polish 60s avant-garde) as Williams' own style matured (which is also why "Star Wars" is the least Williams-esque of the star wars scores). You may like or dislike his artistic evolution, but don't blame the orchestrators for his choices; they're his, not theirs.
  10. Like
    Jacck reacted to crumbs in First clip from The Force Awakens, containing Williams score premieres during American Music Awards   
    He's dead, Jim.
    I don't see the point getting upset about things out of anyone's control.
    You're also judging a whole score on a 12 second clip. Stepping Stones in KOTCS sounds little like the other action cues, so you can't judge a score from one cue.
    Personally, I reckon this cue sounds more like Raiders or Goldsmith's The Mummy with the Arabic flavouring, and nothing like the flatly recorded, generic orchestration of KOTCS.
  11. Like
    Jacck reacted to Not Mr. Big in First clip from The Force Awakens, containing Williams score premieres during American Music Awards   
    Why do people always associate Williams' modern action style with auto-pilot?
  12. Like
    Jacck reacted to crumbs in First clip from The Force Awakens, containing Williams score premieres during American Music Awards   
    If this were a Ben Burtt mix, the sound of sand bouncing off BB8 and the footsteps of our main characters would be mixed louder than the music.
  13. Like
    Jacck reacted to Bespin in The Force Awakens Disney Records OST   
    Where's the track list?! I don't care about the cover(s)!!!
  14. Like
    Jacck reacted to aj_vader in The Force Awakens Disney Records OST   
  15. Like
    Jacck reacted to Manakin Skywalker in The Force Awakens Disney Records OST   
    Made this just now... not exactly the 'traditional' design, but not terrible none-the-less.

  16. Like
    Jacck reacted to Darth Crossfader in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    There are plenty of talented, established composers whose career took them from being a trailer/jingle composer to writing scores for either video games, television or cinema, UBT. Martin O'Donnel and John Powell, for example.
  17. Like
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    Jacck reacted to King Mark in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    I'm still sure the music in this TV spot isn't Williams, while the Star Tours clip is new Williams music
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    Jacck reacted to Dixon Hill in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    Is this actually meant to be sound reasoning?
  21. Like
    Jacck reacted to KK in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    Yup. The possibility of Williams does miraculous things!
  22. Like
    Jacck reacted to publicist in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    If what you are all talking about are the first 40 seconds of the clip on page 1 i can't hear anything beyond a rather base template for a simple theme that nobody would make much of a fuss over if it were in a trailer music gallery filed under 'epic/foreboding'.
  23. Like
    Jacck reacted to KK in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    Those intervals and their motion strike me as dull, uninspired and mechanical even. The kind of writing I might expect from the likes of lesser composers like Giacchino.
    Listening to it now, the only thing that gives me doubt are the running string ostinati under the melody, which is very Williams-esque.
  24. Like
    Jacck reacted to The Great Gonzales in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    Too much definitely.
  25. Like
    Jacck got a reaction from mbrannon47 in Force Awakens ABC TV Spot - CONFIRMED premiere of Williams' score!   
    The music sounds like Williams pastiche to me. Doesn't seem to fit the Star Wars aesthetic, and veers off a bit into Harry Potter land.
    Also, I reckon the recording could well be produced from samples...? And if so, it surely wouldn't be a Williams original.
    That said - that melody has got itself stuck in my head - just caught myself whistling it.
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