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Gruesome Son of a Bitch

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Everything posted by Gruesome Son of a Bitch

  1. Also would have liked packaging more like The Lost World with pop-up stuff.
  2. They should have done awesome covers like the 2004 Star Wars Trilogy, or the Episode I Ultimate Edition. I don't know why they used this lousy poster art.
  3. They're all great but the main theme takes the edge for me. My favorite rendition of any of those themes is the, naturally, unreleased cue when Kevin says goodnight from the first movie ("Somewhere in my Memory").
  4. Luke Skywalker's Theme in the shootout across the Death Star pit, then the swing across. So awesome.
  5. Also having the Battle Of Hoth as several tracks rather than one ginormous 15 minute one edited together with "gapless playback". This goes for a lot of the cues edited together on the SE and separate on Anthology.
  6. When tracks are edited, and when the best parts of those cues are left off. For instance: "Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters" - doesn't include the music when Harry sees the train "Entry Into The Great Hall" - doesn't include the music when they actually enter the hall "Palpatine's Teachings" - no comment
  7. Nimbus 2000 3 note motif for Voldemort and/or dark mysteries of films 1 and 2 The Chamber Of Secrets Friendship Theme
  8. "Flight To Neverland" film version > anything in AOTC. So Hook all the way.
  9. Right. Look, I certainly know that 1997 ROTJ sounds bad. But to compare the sound of the tracks on the new Indy set to those discs is just ridiculous.
  10. I still can't believe the POA album contained "The Patronus Light" instead of "A Window/Bridge To The Past" when Harry first uses the Patronus charm. That's one of Williams' best moments in the last 20 years.
  11. I love king mark's posts because it's exactl;y the way I feel. QFT. This post deserves some kind of award for truth. Complete Williams scores or it's the Cruciatus Curse!
  12. Her theme when she slaps Indy in the face when she's alive in the temple always brings a smile to mine and short rounds faces. Williams is god.
  13. The set's great for what we got, all the new material (regardless of whether it's the film version and whatnot) and improved sound quality. I gave it no second thought when I read the press release and I don't regret spending one penny.
  14. At least the end part of "Indy's Very First Adventure" is definitely not the film version. From around the point when Indy and the Sheriff look out the window on sounds like a flubbed alternate take.
  15. btw it arrived today from Amazon with next day shipping. I'll have it all on my iPod in time for work.
  16. I ordered this from Amazon, Barnes & Noble can suck it. They don't have it. I only have one track from Amazon since last night at midnight, "Short Round Helps". Apparently the music in the film is looped when Indy and Short are backhanding the Thuggees.
  17. I can't wait for this set to ship so I just reserved it for instore pickup at Barnes and Noble a month or so ago. I hope they come through.
  18. I have this terrible fear that "Short Round Helps" will be some alternate version.
  19. That track includes music from the opening scene, the falling tour car and Ellie and Muldoon arriving at the T-Rex paddock.
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