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Jamie Dutton

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Jamie Dutton last won the day on August 18 2024

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About Jamie Dutton

  • Birthday 08/08/1987


  • Title (custom text underneath your username)
    Attorney General of Montana
  • Location
    The Train Station

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  1. I have no problem with Batman killing people because otherwise the city gets taken over by Bane and the Joker, it just didn't make any sense for him to want to kill Superman.
  2. Returns is reboot with references to the original movies that never felt right. It's also very boring and drab. Kevin Spacey is good though, but he's the only one having fun. It sort of set the tone for the dark and disturbing serious realistic and relatable Superman era we've been stuck in. "I hate my life."
  3. Anyone else on The Mediterranean Diet? I didn't realize that's what I was on until someone mentioned it on some net chatboard. Salads, chicken, turkey, almonds, chickpeas, fruits and vegetables. It's all I eat. It's supposedly a very healthy diet.
  4. I thought this was a BS line by our President? You're fulla shit. You got city hands.
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/illegal-crossings-northern-us-border-terror-suspects-arrested/ This sort of thing has got to stop. Canadians probably don't realize that because they're used to weak leadership. They elected Justin after all, a lame duck isn't he? I thought he resigned. Or, they're uninformed. That's possible. Or, they don't care. Which is a big problem. I like this new America.
  6. How about some regular action dolls? I'd be all over a McFarlane Toys box set of all the Bonds, similar to the Batman movie one they did. It's easy to reuse suited bodies. We've never gotten proper 007 action dolls. I remember seeing these prototype pre-posed figures for Quantum of Solace years ago that were eventually canceled.
  7. You have 30 days to get your act together
  8. It's about a right wing nationalist who beats the crap out of what he views as an illegal alien. Exactly what everyone wanted from a Batman Superman movie. I'm convinced it's a movie that had a name long before it ever had a story, and the name was required by the studio. In the end they decided to interpret it as literally as possible and have them fight, in a men's room as is traditional in Warner Brothers movies.
  9. I never considered either of the Tim Burton movies that dark. I also have clapped back at these claims that Frank Miller inspired the first movie. If any comics inspired the movie they were classic Detective Comics and Batmans, not recent ones at the time. https://www.batman-online.com/features/2008/7/19/comic-influences-on-tim-burtons-batman-1989
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