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    InTheCity got a reaction from Miguel Andrade in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from ChrisAfonso in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from fommes in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from pete in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
  5. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from karelm in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from Falstaft in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from Sunshine Reger in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from BuzzLightyear in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
  9. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Nemesis in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
  10. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from ConorPower in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
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    InTheCity got a reaction from oierem in I transcribed "We Don't Wanna Grow Up" From Hook   
    I was inspired after seeing the maesto at the bowl 
  12. Neutral
    InTheCity got a reaction from Taikomochi in Harry Potter 7CD Collection - MUSIC discussion   
    I’m listening to some of these Azkaban tracks and I’m convinced some of it isn’t Williams 
  13. Haha
    InTheCity got a reaction from Chewy in Harry Potter 7CD Collection - MUSIC discussion   
    I’m listening to some of these Azkaban tracks and I’m convinced some of it isn’t Williams 
  14. Confused
    InTheCity got a reaction from Once in Harry Potter 7CD Collection - MUSIC discussion   
    I’m listening to some of these Azkaban tracks and I’m convinced some of it isn’t Williams 
  15. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from DrTenma in Raptor Motif & DSCH Motif - Coincidence?   
    granted the notes are slightly different but the intent is the same, and the usage is almost identical 
    (for those don't know Shostakovich used this motif OBSESSIVELY  (most notably string quartet 8 and Symphony 10) - the four notes spelled out his initials 
    what are your thoughts? love both these composers 
  16. Like
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    InTheCity got a reaction from Holko in Does anyone with very good video skills want to help me to make some videos about Empire SB?   
    with all do respect i am a professional expert lol 
    there are things he changed at the session (from his written down music ahead of time) i thought that might be interesting 
  18. Surprised
    InTheCity got a reaction from JoeinAR in How familiar is JW with the greatest film composer who ever lived?   
    And of course that would be Shostakovich. There are endless familiarities in the music but I was wondering if there are any quotes if him talking about Dmitri? 
    Searching for quotes or interviews
  19. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Bayesian in How familiar is JW with the greatest film composer who ever lived?   
    Glad to see some Shostakovich supporters coming out of the woodwork.
    Another thing he shares with John Williams is that they are both polystylists,
    Shostakovich has his very serious side : the violin concerto one, the symphony 4 
    he has his narrative sound 
    most of his late symphonies - his symphony 11 is often referred to as as a film score without a film 
    he has his jovial sound 
    symphony nine,piano concerto 2
    his incredibly sad sound
    string quartets 8:15
    and he has his very deep instrospective sound 
    symphony 10, lady Macbeth 
    ive been investing in the hardcover works - I’m totally immersed in studying this wonderful man 
  20. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from karelm in How familiar is JW with the greatest film composer who ever lived?   
    Glad to see some Shostakovich supporters coming out of the woodwork.
    Another thing he shares with John Williams is that they are both polystylists,
    Shostakovich has his very serious side : the violin concerto one, the symphony 4 
    he has his narrative sound 
    most of his late symphonies - his symphony 11 is often referred to as as a film score without a film 
    he has his jovial sound 
    symphony nine,piano concerto 2
    his incredibly sad sound
    string quartets 8:15
    and he has his very deep instrospective sound 
    symphony 10, lady Macbeth 
    ive been investing in the hardcover works - I’m totally immersed in studying this wonderful man 
  21. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Tom Guernsey in How familiar is JW with the greatest film composer who ever lived?   
    Glad to see some Shostakovich supporters coming out of the woodwork.
    Another thing he shares with John Williams is that they are both polystylists,
    Shostakovich has his very serious side : the violin concerto one, the symphony 4 
    he has his narrative sound 
    most of his late symphonies - his symphony 11 is often referred to as as a film score without a film 
    he has his jovial sound 
    symphony nine,piano concerto 2
    his incredibly sad sound
    string quartets 8:15
    and he has his very deep instrospective sound 
    symphony 10, lady Macbeth 
    ive been investing in the hardcover works - I’m totally immersed in studying this wonderful man 
  22. Haha
    InTheCity got a reaction from Sunshine Reger in How familiar is JW with the greatest film composer who ever lived?   
    You neglect his symphonies - his most important works. His music has a level of depth that Williams isn’t able to achieve with his forwardness.  
  23. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Tom Guernsey in How familiar is JW with the greatest film composer who ever lived?   
    I read a biography of Shostakovich where it said fifty scores for film were composed by him.
    Perhaps I should have said that he was the greatest composer to ever pen a film score.
    Personally I consider him the greatest composer of the 20th century.  So much of his writing is to be found in JW - the running woodwind octaves, the menacing low string octaves, the scherzos etc 
  24. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Jurassic Shark in John Williams & the Vienna Philharmonic: January 18/19 2020   
    for anyone following at home the Tuba player is lost for about 30 seconds surrounding the 2:00 mark of ET 
  25. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Remco in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    how else are they going to remove the applause in the tail of this? Izotope RX doesn't work like this.

    I've also sat in the control room multiple nights and all rehersals of the berlin philharmonic recording Prokofiev 3 with Yuja wang 2 years ago - sat there and watched them compile the edits for the "live perfomance"  - but yeh go ahead and tell me more how I don't know what I'm talking about .  (I also was JW's proofreader on TFA.)

    The man deserves DG best efforts, not this. Most of this stuff I'm picking up on my iphone 12 speakers - haven't even listend to it on my rig yet.   I assure you DG was aware of all of this and hit print anyway.  Shame On DG SHAME! 
    seriously if you enjoy it enjoy it, I'm just pointing out some stuff I hear. 

    Crumbs - buddy/friend - you just edited your post not once but twice - the initial post inferred I didn’t know what I was talking about.  Just sayin
    glad mr Shark agreed with me 
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