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    InTheCity got a reaction from Remco in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    let me tell you a secret - no live concert album is ever live. I don't have the video version. the album version has endings with out applause, this tells you recordings were made ahead of time.
    all rehersals are recorded too.

    as evidence you can hear a clear poorly executed edit at 4:36.5  the left channel pops - no "live" take would have such a blemish 

    its the second most sloppy DG i've ever heard after Yundi Li Ravel G major. 

    I just feel the maestro deserves the full attention of the DG staff - believe me they hear these things too - but didnt gaf 

  2. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Remco in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    With all of these problems it seems like a slight towards Williams and Film Music as a whole. This wouldn't be the case with a Beethoven 9 with _______ (a serious classical conductor).  Turning off the violin 1 close mic takes minimal effort, but its almost as if they couldn't be bothered to rebounce the mix or to hire a score reader for the session.  ITs as if the music itself doesn't warrant the serious attnetion as other DG projects.  Very dissapointing album.
    The album has many many issues, and I invite any serious listener to listen to some of them which I mentioned.
  3. Haha
    InTheCity got a reaction from Leitmotif in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    This is a garbage recording - I am shocked at DG - so many errors - what a lazy effort
  4. Haha
    InTheCity got a reaction from Leitmotif in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   

    Listen to the image/volume of the orchestra on Star Wars at at 4:58 - what is the engineer thinking?
    Also tons of wrong notes in the horns 
    :36 on ET  Bb?
    whats going on Jurassic park at five minutes in the horns?
    also the engineer decided to leave the close microphone on for the first violin for the entire album - so lazy
    i mean on star wars what is this shit edit near 20 seconds? they added an eighth note 
    terrible album
  5. Like
    InTheCity reacted to Dr. Rick in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    Who is your proofreader then?  Capitalization at the beginning of sentences is always nice... 😂
  6. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Disco Stu in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   

    Listen to the image/volume of the orchestra on Star Wars at at 4:58 - what is the engineer thinking?
    Also tons of wrong notes in the horns 
    :36 on ET  Bb?
    whats going on Jurassic park at five minutes in the horns?
    also the engineer decided to leave the close microphone on for the first violin for the entire album - so lazy
    i mean on star wars what is this shit edit near 20 seconds? they added an eighth note 
    terrible album
  7. Like
    InTheCity reacted to Jurassic Shark in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    FYI, some people on this forum are offended by critical appreciation.
  8. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Remco in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    how else are they going to remove the applause in the tail of this? Izotope RX doesn't work like this.

    I've also sat in the control room multiple nights and all rehersals of the berlin philharmonic recording Prokofiev 3 with Yuja wang 2 years ago - sat there and watched them compile the edits for the "live perfomance"  - but yeh go ahead and tell me more how I don't know what I'm talking about .  (I also was JW's proofreader on TFA.)

    The man deserves DG best efforts, not this. Most of this stuff I'm picking up on my iphone 12 speakers - haven't even listend to it on my rig yet.   I assure you DG was aware of all of this and hit print anyway.  Shame On DG SHAME! 
    seriously if you enjoy it enjoy it, I'm just pointing out some stuff I hear. 

    Crumbs - buddy/friend - you just edited your post not once but twice - the initial post inferred I didn’t know what I was talking about.  Just sayin
    glad mr Shark agreed with me 
  9. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Jurassic Shark in John Williams in Vienna 'confirmed as the biggest classical best-seller of 2020, with 100,000 CD sales and 150 million streams'   
    let me tell you a secret - no live concert album is ever live. I don't have the video version. the album version has endings with out applause, this tells you recordings were made ahead of time.
    all rehersals are recorded too.

    as evidence you can hear a clear poorly executed edit at 4:36.5  the left channel pops - no "live" take would have such a blemish 

    its the second most sloppy DG i've ever heard after Yundi Li Ravel G major. 

    I just feel the maestro deserves the full attention of the DG staff - believe me they hear these things too - but didnt gaf 

  10. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from filmmusic in I transcribed O Holy Night (children's choir + organ) from Home Alone   
    i wonder who did the arrangement - i don't think JW 
  11. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from karelm in The Classical Music Recommendation Thread   
    wrote a new piece:

  12. Love
    InTheCity got a reaction from Loert in The Classical Music Recommendation Thread   
    wrote a new piece:

  13. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Omen II in I transcribed Tom and Jerry At MGM   
    Source File:
    My Transcription:
    I figured some of you may enjoy this.
    What a simply brilliant composer. I have no doubt in my mind that if film/tv wasn't invented some of these old media composers would be the Schuberts and Vivaldi's of our time.  I think JW would be easily akin to a Holst or R. Strauss. 
  14. Thanks
    InTheCity got a reaction from Sunshine Reger in I transcribed Tom and Jerry At MGM   
    Source File:
    My Transcription:
    I figured some of you may enjoy this.
    What a simply brilliant composer. I have no doubt in my mind that if film/tv wasn't invented some of these old media composers would be the Schuberts and Vivaldi's of our time.  I think JW would be easily akin to a Holst or R. Strauss. 
  15. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from KK in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey yall wanted to share this:
  16. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from The Illustrious Jerry in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey yall wanted to share this:
  17. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from SteveMc in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey yall wanted to share this:
  18. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from karelm in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey yall wanted to share this:
  19. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from ocelot in The Composer's Thread   
    My piano concerto album is finally out on youtube/itunes. 
    Recorded at Abbey Road - hope you enjoy. 
  20. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Docteur Qui in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey Everyone I wrote Some Horn Etudes in Cinematic Style - This one is Kinda John Barry John Williams Style
    appreciate the likes and subscribes ! 
  21. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Falstaft in Photorealistic Demo of "Riding The Lizard" from RotS   
    Done some years ago I dont think I ever posted 
    Also one more cue from the film 
  22. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from Incanus in Photorealistic Demo of "Riding The Lizard" from RotS   
    Done some years ago I dont think I ever posted 
    Also one more cue from the film 
  23. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from DarthDementous in Photorealistic Demo of "Riding The Lizard" from RotS   
    Done some years ago I dont think I ever posted 
    Also one more cue from the film 
  24. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from SteveMc in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey Everyone I wrote Some Horn Etudes in Cinematic Style - This one is Kinda John Barry John Williams Style
    appreciate the likes and subscribes ! 
  25. Like
    InTheCity got a reaction from The Illustrious Jerry in The Composer's Thread   
    Hey Everyone I wrote Some Horn Etudes in Cinematic Style - This one is Kinda John Barry John Williams Style
    appreciate the likes and subscribes ! 
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