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Everything posted by Quintus

  1. Going on at them that fans could get the autographs for free when he's never given a fan anything for free in his goddamn life!
  2. Literally the only reason why Temple of Doom is a dark red movie is because Lucas was going through a divorce at the time.
  3. Not that I class her as your usual generic stunner, but I found that the more I watched Waller-Bridge (in Fleabag), the cuter she got. By the end I thought she was fit AF. Certainly a "weird fancy" for me. I would be massively surprised if she was ever your type though, even stranded on a desert island.
  4. The Empty Man. A creepy thriller about a made up urban legend, but also not your average run-of-the-mill teeny horror movie as it was probably very awkwardly marketed to be. Film is longer than I'd have preferred, but it turns out there's a whole mythology in there which the writer director takes great care in layering everything in, interwoven as it is with the central conspiracy of the main plot. It's all surprisingly quite epic, and curious as hell throughout. Performances are really strong, especially from the main chap playing the investigative ex cop, his slipping sanity and the impulsive reactive dialogue with it was really believable and well done. We all think and talk this way to ourselves when weird shit happens to us, and that detailing adds nice authenticity to the characterisation on show. It's all utter hokum, but that never stopped David Lynch's brand of bizarro sci-fi from tapping into our ungraspable fears, and it doesn't fail here either. I really liked this, there was something slightly Lovecraftian about it. Box office failure and later cult favourite written all over the thing.
  5. It's also a bit much, a bit wishful thinking, to have those expectations of an artist touching 90 years old.
  6. ET Poltergeist Blade Runner (although I've listened to Conan much more)
  7. You don't want to see video of Lucas leaving his bathroom with a towel around his waist?
  8. Aww man I'd love banal sightings of Lucas to become a thing, like an ongoing meme.
  9. As you know, Williams wrote TWO really strong Indiana Jones macguffin themes in later years, he just put them in the wrong movies. The Unicorn treasure theme from Tintin The Jedi Steps theme from TFA. JW is still easily very capable of delivering the goods in this way, he just needs to get his priorities back into order.
  10. Drax just chats shite to get a reaction, we know that.
  11. Like a rubbish luckier version of Peter Jackson.
  12. He's a billionaire waster with bad ideas.
  13. Just going ALL practical with nary a digital shot in sight would go a LONG way towards restoring authenticity to the Indiana Jones cinematic experience. Heck, I even think slightly hokey fx could help turn a fairly bad script into schlocky fun one.
  14. At the same time, that was 13 years ago. Ford wasn't touching 80 at that time 🤷‍♂️
  15. I didn't play Days Gone, but I read a lot of good and bad about it. Mixed reception, then (although seeming unanimity in regard to its strong second half). But mixed reaction is much more of an incentive for me to try something than boring old "universal praise", so I'm planning on getting it for PC later this year.
  16. Don't forget it takes 70 years and many writers for a new Indiana Jones script to be written. By the time the film comes out, the Ayatollah of Iran has taken a pass at it.
  17. They cancelled Days Gone sequels (upsetting a legion of fans in the process) and decided to recycle exhaustingly done to death old content instead, how ambitious of Sony. Dead boring.
  18. All your Lucasfilm soundtracks are belong to us.
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