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Dixon Hill

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Everything posted by Dixon Hill

  1. He watched the first episodes tonight - just for Ewan really - and I can't say it was that enthralling. Came here to see what this place thought. Music is just sort of there, innit? Reports of my banning are greatly exaggerated. I am merely retired from JWFan, the internet, and music making as a whole. I seem to only ever check this place anymore when I'm away from home. Hope you're all well.
  2. Nobody is the anyone of any time but themselves, I reckon. Furthermore, who are you people?
  3. Other Topics always thrived on the spirit of bullshittery - something no doubt dampened in the wake of these troubled Trumpian times.
  4. I thought I felt especially touched by her presence today.
  5. Congratulations - it's all downhill from here.
  6. Thanks gents. I reckon I've aged 5 years for this one though.
  7. Christ, another one coming now? The pain. Stop the pain.
  8. I haven't been here in some time and wondered why Stefan wasn't around. If you read this old friend, know that I wish you all the best going forward. Maybe someone in contact with him can pass along the message. How odd to witness the twists and turns of each others' lives like this over a forum. I hope you're all as well as possible, JWFan.
  9. Mirror, The Sacrifice, The Saragossa Manuscript, Barry Lyndon, The Big Lebowski
  10. I think it's finding its footing - despite starting off pretty weak and redolent of what makes new Trek so lukewarm. I want it to be great eventually.
  11. Thankfully we have you to preach the truth to those poor unfortunate souls who like different things than you do. Hate to be nothing but negative lately but this place is slipping back into its old ways more and more, which is a damn shame. There was a Silver Age for a little while there.
  12. Welcome to JWFan, it only gets worse. Might as well turn back while you can.
  13. JWFan should be all the dating app you need I reckon.
  14. Inaccurate bullshit. Par for the course though. This forum is unreadable at times.
  15. They are fun together, Previn clearly loves John in his gruff way and it's amusing to see him frustrated by Williams' extreme humility about his gifts.
  16. A loss, but an extraordinary legacy.
  17. Witcher any good? Don't know the first thing about it but your enthusiasm would be an enticement.
  18. I reckon it's just an engrossing flick, neither terribly profound nor empty.
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