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Glóin the Dark

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Everything posted by Glóin the Dark

  1. I also haven’t seen it and have only myself to thank.
  2. Just What Do You Think You Are Doing, Dave? is a great film.
  3. I hate the whole "love is an artefact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive" stuff. It undermines the film fatally for me.
  4. Unfortunately there wasn't anything as unintentionally hilarious as an astronaut having to explain to his pilot that the universe has three spatial dimensions.
  5. It’s not three hours of talking about nuclear physics; there are about thirty seconds where they talk about black holes.
  6. I don’t think Zimmer or Williams are known by the general public.
  7. Better yet, they should check out the BFI restoration of Napoleon...
  8. Yeah, but it's the "quantum world which it [relativity] revealed" phrase which baffled me (if that is indeed what he said). Isn't it the case that, far from revealing the quantum world, relativity has yet to be reconciled with it? Perhaps the reference is to a role played by special relativity (which would line up with the "forty years" claim) in the discovery or explanation of early quantum phenomena.
  9. I thought the score was used pretty well (not overdone, and contributed effectively to the film's momentum) while, at the same time, being rather dull in its own right. In particular, the quantum ideas deserve a more harmonically and rhythmically complex accompaniment. There was an interesting passage involving a discretely and rapidly changing metre, but I only noticed it a few times. I don't recall a well-attended cinema ever being as chillingly silent as this one was during the quiet moment. There was an early scene in which I thought Oppenheimer said something along the lines of "Einstein published his theory of relativity forty years ago, but couldn't accept the quantum world which it revealed". Did I mishear?
  10. Ah, lists! Memento Inception The Prestige Batman Begins The Dark Knight Dunkirk Tenet Interstellar The Dark Knight Rises Following, Insomnia and Oppenheimer are omitted because the number of years since I saw them is either very large (in the first two cases) or negative.
  11. I’m very keen to see the outcome when the review embargo is lifted, but the early reactions are intriguing. Brian Cox (the physicist; not sure what his taste in films is like) called it a masterpiece, and Paul Schrader says it’s the best film of this century. I think I might go and see it. This morning, when Google was greeting Barbie-related searches with a shower of pink confetti, a tweet showed up in my feed imploring everyone not to Google Cillian Murphy.
  12. You certainly can! Memento and Incendies are both bloody brilliant. I wouldn't expect a new Nolan or Villeneuve film to be brilliant, but then I wouldn't expect that of Spielberg or Scott either - though the latter pair have made the two best films of the bunch.
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