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Mr. Who

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  1. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from crumbs in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    This is the best LLL news since Titanic!
    As the HP3 cover uses the OST image, I made my own version of the LLL cover:
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban LLL edition by hahah123 Covers, on Flickr
  2. Thanks
    Mr. Who reacted to Josh500 in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    Looks awesome! 
    But I think it would have been even better with Buckbeak in the background, along with Sirius.
  3. Thanks
  4. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from The Illustrious Jerry in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    This is the best LLL news since Titanic!
    As the HP3 cover uses the OST image, I made my own version of the LLL cover:
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban LLL edition by hahah123 Covers, on Flickr
  5. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Jay in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    And the worrying begins!
    Trust me,
    There is nothing on the Azkaban OST that is not on the new set.
    There is no Williams score in the film that is not on the new set.
    It's all good, man!
  6. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from A. A. Ron in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    This is the best LLL news since Titanic!
    As the HP3 cover uses the OST image, I made my own version of the LLL cover:
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban LLL edition by hahah123 Covers, on Flickr
  7. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Pieter Boelen in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    This is the best LLL news since Titanic!
    As the HP3 cover uses the OST image, I made my own version of the LLL cover:
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban LLL edition by hahah123 Covers, on Flickr
  8. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Molly Weasley in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Same! I’m definitively ordering this immediately! The HPs have been by holy grail scores and this is the only one I never got in complete form.
  9. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Disco Stu in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    I just woke up.  My deepest apologies for not being here to post this 3 hours ago.
    Praise Matessino!  Praise La-La Land!

  10. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Jay in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    Imagine the look of confusion on my face when I looked in the program for the Williams concert at Royal Albert Hall in London!
  11. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Pretty sure it won’t be Hp
  12. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Jay in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    One thing I should point out is that this set features music you've NEVER heard before.  For all three scores!
    Even if you're intimately familiar with the albums and the music in the films themselves, there is music here you've NEVER heard before.  For all three scores!
    Even if you downloaded the recording session leaks, there is music here you've NEVER heard before.  For all three scores!

    AND ALSO even if you downloaded sheet music leaks, there is music here you NEVER knew existed before.  For all three scores!
  13. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Bilbo in Harry Potter - The John Williams Soundtrack Collection 7CD boxset from La-La Land Records (2018)   
    Pity about the massive error or the front cover of Philosopher's Stone. Hopefully they can fix it in time! 
  14. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
  15. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Same! I’m definitively ordering this immediately! The HPs have been by holy grail scores and this is the only one I never got in complete form.
  16. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Molly Weasley in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
  17. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to crumbs in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Ummm, I just read the tracklist for Schindler's List... errr.... WTF? OST + 6 bonus tracks?
  18. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Bilbo in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    No more Star Trek!
  19. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from 1977 in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    No more Star Trek!
  20. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Did anyone guess Star Trek yet? I WANT MORE STAR TREK!
  21. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to crumbs in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    The question is, which will be first? LLL's Facebook posts, new pages on their website, or Jay un-hiding all the pre-made threads about the releases on the main board?
  22. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Write that they weren't admitted to Hogwarts at all because of poor behavior in 2018
  23. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Disco Stu in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    If Potter isn't announced on Friday, I'm going to buy 30 bags of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans, go through them each assiduously picking out just the vomit flavored beans, and mail them to La-La Land Records
  24. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to Chewy in The Art of the Score Podcast Thread   
    I'm gonna isolate the unreleased tracks so we can listen to them without having to have the timestamps!
  25. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Holko in Justin Hurwitz's FIRST MAN (2018)   
    All depends on the OST release and the music!
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