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Mr. Who

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    Mr. Who got a reaction from James in Pinar Toprak's CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019)   
    I think there’s too much focus on that she’s a woman. She’s just a composer.
  2. Thanks
    Mr. Who reacted to Disco Stu in Pinar Toprak's CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019)   
    It’s not like there’s some high bar to clear.  There have been plenty of mediocre-to-shitty superhero scores.  I hope this score is good, but if it’s not it’s not really evidence of anything larger.
  3. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to Code 000. Destruct. 0. in Hubris - Choral Works by John Powell (high-res formats download available exclusively on composer's official website - CD available from CDBaby)   
    Mrs. Pilgrim was going to listen to it at work today - just got this in a text from her.

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    Mr. Who got a reaction from Florian in David Arnold teases upcoming TOMORROW NEVER DIES expanded release!   
    This is good news. I hope LLL will release the Barry bond scores in the future!
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    Mr. Who got a reaction from Chen G. in Who should Score Peter Jackson's Mortal Engines?   
    All this Junkie XL talk... did anyone read anywhere that he is scoring it? I know that he’s working on the Cameron producers Battle angel movie.
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    Mr. Who reacted to bollemanneke in The Rebellion is Reborn vs. The Adventures of Han   
    Not to cause trouble, but I'm going to say it anyway. I really, really don't understand why people are loving this new track so much. As a JW concert arrangement, it's just bad. Reading between the lines of other topics, I distinctly get the impression that most people are determined to love it because it's written by JW, not because it's anything special. That's sad. Someone claimed it was the best he had written since Hedwig's Theme. There's a limit.
  8. Haha
  9. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to Kasey Kockroach in John Powell's SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018) - Deluxe Edition 2020 / Intrada 2-CD edition October 31, 2023   
    I think people are just paranoid Giacchino will one day take over the world and enslave us all.
  10. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Jurassic Shark in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT (2018) - Film & Score   
    That’s the official story. He might have been fired.
  11. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to Koray Savas in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT (2018) - Film & Score   
    Successful Composer Tip #1: Turn down immensely popular and successful franchise films offered to you if a composer was previously rejected...
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  13. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Jurassic Shark in John Powell's SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018) - Deluxe Edition 2020 / Intrada 2-CD edition October 31, 2023   
    They both wrote some amazing music for that movie.
  14. Like
    Mr. Who reacted to bollemanneke in John Powell's SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018) - Deluxe Edition 2020 / Intrada 2-CD edition October 31, 2023   
    I'm reading up on this topic and just want to say this:
    1. I keep hearing about JW being unhappy with Rogue One. So was I, but I didn't go and interfere. Why is it so relevant to anyone what JW thinks about Rogue One? He didn't score it! It's not his assignment. He could hae done it, though, but chose not to.
    2. Why would anyone want to 'collaborate' with Powell? Powell is extremely capable and talented, why can't they just let him do his thing? Can we please either have Williams scoring these movies, or someone else?
  15. Sad
    Mr. Who reacted to publicist in John Powell's SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018) - Deluxe Edition 2020 / Intrada 2-CD edition October 31, 2023   
    A composer having himself 'several new themes' written by another - and that's the official version - and getting 'help' spotting the picture may sound like a brilliant idea to people for whom Star Wars and Williams is everything, for me it sounds like i'm getting diluted Powell writing around not only Williams' old stuff but his new stuff, too! 
  16. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to Richard P in John Powell's SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018) - Deluxe Edition 2020 / Intrada 2-CD edition October 31, 2023   
    I'm sorry, but can we get away from interviewers saying stuff like 'greatest thematic material ever written for film' and similar over exaggerations when all you're trying to say is that JW is pretty cool, and following him isn't the easiest scoring gig.
    It's so cringeworthy watching either the composer himself sitting there having a Jack Horner-Spielberg moment, or another composer being reminded that their task was doomed the moment they accepted it because they're following JW.
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    Mr. Who got a reaction from John in the best blade runner edition?   
    I disagree. I think the 2049 score is very good. The atmosphere it creates is incredible.
  18. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in The DCU - DC Universe   
    DC should probably just consider giving up at this point....

  19. Thanks
    Mr. Who reacted to crocodile in Alan Silvestri's THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (2018)   
    Well, not using Cap's theme makes perfect sense in the context of this film actually (and Civil War). But I can't discuss it further without spoilers.
  20. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from James in Alan Silvestri's THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (2018)   
    I have seen the movie and I like the score! It's just a shame that Silvestri didn't use the character themes from the other movies. Iron Man's scenes would have been great with Djawadi's or Tyler's theme, Cap's theme from first avenger or Winter soldier would have been great in the Wakanda scenes, Thor's theme from thor 1 or 2 and the Guardians theme would have been cool as well. Otherwise the score is very good!
    Btw, does anyone know the difference between the extended tracks and the regular versions of those extended tracks?
  21. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Cerebral Cortex in Alan Silvestri's THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (2018)   
    I have seen the movie and I like the score! It's just a shame that Silvestri didn't use the character themes from the other movies. Iron Man's scenes would have been great with Djawadi's or Tyler's theme, Cap's theme from first avenger or Winter soldier would have been great in the Wakanda scenes, Thor's theme from thor 1 or 2 and the Guardians theme would have been cool as well. Otherwise the score is very good!
    Btw, does anyone know the difference between the extended tracks and the regular versions of those extended tracks?
  22. Haha
    Mr. Who reacted to Jurassic Shark in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Dead Sparrow
    Music by James Newton Howard
  23. Like
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Mitth'raw'nuorodo in What are your favorite shots in a movie?   
  24. Haha
  25. Thanks
    Mr. Who got a reaction from Pieter Boelen in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT (2018) - Film & Score   
    No I meant the guy who runs the Soundtrack Memes Twitter page holds a grudge.
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