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  1. What AI program did you use to generate that?
  2. I guess I'm misremembering then. Nothing too unusual.
  3. I thought they announced the black friday titles on monday last year? I seem to remember working on the west coast last year before Thanksgiving when they announced Amistad and Godfather.
  4. Well we should know tomorrow afternoon I would think.
  5. I hope it releases soon! And while they are at it we never got a Rebels season 3 or 4! What's up with that?
  6. So I’m spending most of my day in the airport and air today. I forgot my ear pods and I just realized the score came out today and not Friday. Does it mean I have a problem when I immediately went to the little technology shop and bought new overpriced EarPods so I can listen today while I wait around in airport?
  7. Most disappointed??? The last ten to fifteen years of cinema going?
  8. Once again this is a really great job. I haven't seen this movie in several years and you just reminded me how much I love it. Great Job!
  9. I love the 1985 film. I have zero interest in this.
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