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Smaug The Iron reacted to Bowie in John Williams nominated for 51st Oscar, for "The Last Jedi"
Smaug The Iron reacted to mstrox in THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album
The Las
The Last Jedi was good as hell!
Smaug The Iron reacted to crumbs in THE ADVENTURES OF HAN - 2018 John Williams theme for Solo: A Star Wars Story
People are just butthurt TLJ wasn't the film they wanted it to be. Rian did something different so automatically it's "wrong." The hyperbole across the internet is predictable and cringeworthy. Mind you, this is after two years of people bitching that TFA was just a rehash!
Just reading through Rian's Twitter comments made me embarrassed; what a horrible reflection on the Star Wars community that people are basically threatening him over it.
It's just a movie folks! Go vent your anger and frustration at something important like poverty or world hunger.
Smaug The Iron reacted to Jurassic Shark in UPDATED WITH TWEET: JW should do a cameo in SW Ep. IX!
Like this post if you want JW to do a cameo for SW Ep. IX.
EDIT: By popular demand, here's the real petition. Spread the good word!
EDIT: We've just passed 1200 signatures!
Smaug The Iron reacted to crumbs in THE LAST JEDI - Score as heard in the movie thread - SPOILERS ALLOWED
It absolutely contributed to the widespread opinion from the masses that the score was "unnoticeable", because it gets very few opportunities to shine in the mix. Even earlier tracks like The Scavenger are mixed rather quietly, when there are few sound effects at all.
If you add back in just a couple of cues, like Finn vs Stormtrooper Captain, Hux's Speech or Han's alternate death, the opinion of the score would've been quite different I think.
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from looohhk in THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album
Is it just me or do I hear Leia’s theme at 2.16 in Escape FYC?
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from Breadstick Basilisk in THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album
Is it just me or do I hear Leia’s theme at 2.16 in Escape FYC?
Smaug The Iron reacted to Damien F in THE LAST JEDI - Score as heard in the movie thread - SPOILERS ALLOWED
My take on the 2017 Williams versus the early 2000s Williams is that both eras have pros and cons, and I'd find it very difficult to conclusively decide which era is better.
I mean I've never been a huge fan of Jango's Escape. It is perfectly fine score but I think it is a fairly weak action cue when compared to the catalog of other Star Wars action music. In contrast, The Fathiers knocks it out of the park.
You can criticize TLJ for apparent lack of new thematic material, but ROTS only had one major new theme and Battle of the Heroes doesn't even feature throughout the movie as much as Rose's Theme or the Luke island theme, so you could almost call it an action sequence theme (like The Asteroid Field) rather than a major thematic idea for the entire movie. And I also think Battle of the Heroes is the weakest of all the major themes to be introduced in a new SW movie and I include Rose's Theme and the Luke Island theme in that.
But likewise, anyone could some up with several examples of how ROTS or even AOTC is a better score than TLJ, so ultimately it comes down to personal taste and music preferences.
Smaug The Iron reacted to King Mark in THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album
the Disney people probably read this thread and they're re-editing the FYC so it doesn't contain unreleased music
Smaug The Iron reacted to Will in THE LAST JEDI - Rough Complete Score Breakdown - SPOILERS ALLOWED
Prefatory notes:
1. Sorry for the formatting not being ideal, but I tried to do this as fast as possible (and it still took many hours over the last few days).
2. Also, I don't include unreleased cue timings, but I do give brief descriptions of most unreleased cues. Obviously it's tough to accurately describe music, so I ended up saying stuff like "there are some fanfares" a lot. But I hope you find it a bit interesting.
3. A note on Johnson's treatment of the score: It doesn't seem to me that there's very much microediting or tracking in the film! That's in addition to the great mix!
4. Overall, it doesn't seem like there's that much essentially unreleased music. Sure, there are a bunch of short cues we're missing, but not many full "sequences."
4. Some have said "The Battle of Crait" contains music that differs from the end credits (possibly a non-microedited version?) I wasn't really sure about that so I didn't deal with that here.
5. @CGCJ has done a nice breakdown of the OST chronology here, if you haven't seen it yet:
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Rough Cue List
By Will (with some assistance from @Jilal)
Main Title - unclear whether OST recording and film recording are identical, and whether either are new
Escape Part 1 - heard until about 2:45 on OST track; last few seconds are unreleased, but nothing too special; not sure if there are differences between OST and film version because our audio source cut off beginning few minutes of film
Escape Part 2 - Heard after Rebel Fanfare on OST; several differences between OST and film, most importantly the film's tracking in of the Luke's theme (main theme) statement from OST "Who Are You?" and omission of the first (short) Resistance march statement heard on OST, and the OST's omission of a heroic Poe's theme statement
Snoke Contacts Hux - Short, dark unreleased cue (not too interesting)
Return to Ahch-To - heard until ~1:45 on OST "Ahch-To Island"; OST has one minor microedit
Revisiting Snoke - identical to OST
We Need Your Help - heard from ~1:45 on OST "Ahch-To Island" until track ends
Who Are You? - heard until ~1:00 on OST "Who Are You?"
I Need Help - Unreleased (includes a typical quiet Force theme statement, and some nice but ordinary, and very short, elegaic strings)
They've Tracked Us - Heard at beginning of OST "The Supremacy," until Leia's theme heard; Film contains some extra material, including a quiet and unremarkable statement of Rey's theme, at OST 0:08 (before the music swells)
Chaos on the Raddus - Pretty short unreleased action cue; contains statements of Leia's theme and of Ren's theme (pretty similar to those found elsewhere)
Battle Continues - Opening heard on OST "The Supremacy" at ~2:00-2:30;ending (some nice short swelling music followed by mostly standard brooding underscore), is unreleased
Leia Uses the Force - Heard in full on OST "The Supremacy" from 2:30-end
Old Friends - Identical to OST track 0:00-1:58
Holdo's Speech - Unreleased, stately Resistance theme variation
Poe Confronts Holdo - Unreleased dark underscore
Rose Spots Finn - Unreleased, short; contains one Rose's theme statement (similar to some on OST)
Fun with Finn and Rose - Nearly all is in OST track, with exception of short brass scare
Rey Connects with Ren Part 1 - Pretty short unreleased cue, nothing special
Rey Connects with Ren Part 2 - standard meditative Rey's theme statement and some dark brass scares; SOME of cue is on 2:00-2:36 of OST "Old Friends," rest unreleased
Training Begins - 2:36-end of OST "Old Friends"
Lesson One - identical to OST track
Raw Strength - short unreleased cue with very short but cool fanfare
Do You Know What Happened - short unreleased cue (uses Ren's two themes)
Arrival at Canto Bight - identical to OST "Canto Bight" opening; contrary to some posters' assertions, it seems like the transition to next cue is same in film and OST
The Casino - identical to rest of OST "Canto Bight"
The Fathier Race, and Spotting the Codebreaker - Unreleased (statement of Rose's theme, short fun scherzo, and finally the gorgeous Long Goodbye cameo!)
Rey Training with Lightsaber - Unreleased (bombastic Rey's theme statement)
Luke Remembers His Academy - Unreleased (includes statement of Han's theme, and some nice dark, elegaic stuff)
Maintain Our Current Course - Unreleased (dark and short)
Meeting DJ - OST "Who Are You?" (1:00-2:05)
Jailbreak - OST "Who Are You?" 2:05-end
The Stable - Very nice short unreleased cue, with some Resistance march variations and a calming tone, although ends with suspense tones leading right into next cue
The Fathiers Part 1 - identical to OST (ends at OST 0:56)
The Casino Starts to Shake - seems to be unreleased source music (short jazz lounge piano bit); unclear whether it's JW or not
The Fathiers Part 2 - identical to OST (starts at OST 0:56)
Anybody Need a Lift? - Pretty great unreleased cue with Rose's theme and some fanfares (plus, yet again, the Force theme)
Rey and Ren Chat Again - unreleased; dark and brooding
The Dark Water - Unreleased, and very short
The Cave - identical to OST (0:00-1:57)
Fighting in the Rain - Pretty long action opening unreleased, although OST has end of cue in "The Cave" (1:57-end)
The Sacred Jedi Texts - Identical to OST, although film seems to replace OST 1:15-1:30 with somewhat awkward tracking from somewhere
Dire Straights - Unreleased; Very short, but has some nice fanfares
We're Abandoning Ship, and Rey's Escape Pod - Unreleased, quite long; includes bombastic Rey's theme statement (and that cool trumpet bit Jilal pointed out)
Relieving Holdo - Fades in as previous cue ends; has interesting little Force theme variation and includes innocent Luke's theme (main theme) statement
You Will Turn - unreleased
Rey to Snoke, and Infiltrators Caught - Beginning on OST "A New Alliance" (:00-01:07); pretty great ending with Rose's theme and Resistance march is unreleased
Leia Stuns Poe - Extremely short; includes short Luke's theme (main theme)
Someone Needs to Stay - Totally unreleased; Nice innocent Luke's theme (main theme) variation, recalling ANH; also nice Force theme variation, and concluding with a big performance Holdo's lovely "desperation" theme
Snoke Tortures Rey - Unreleased (includes Emperor's theme)
Destroyer Hangar, and Resistance Caught - Unreleased, and pretty long (starts with great short march based on unreleased "You Need a Pilot" from TFA); also has some nice fanfares
The Death of Snoke - OST "A New Alliance" 1:07-1:51
Fighting the Guards - OST missing opening, but rest of cue can be heard 1:51-end in OST "A New Alliance"
Let It All Die - Unreleased (lots of low Kylo B theme and a bit of Rey's theme)
Cruiser Prepares to Jump - Pretty great unreleased little action cue, although seems fairly similar to a lot of other stuff on OST
Execution, and Holdo's Sacrifice - Sounds identical to OST "Finale" 5:30-6:25, although OST seems to have a few extra seconds of music at end (probably recorded for end credits?)
"Chrome Dome" - Identical to OST
Destroyer Escape, and Let's Finish This - Unreleased; Pretty nice Rose's theme heroic statement
Shut the Door - Short unreleased action cue, with nice Rose's theme statement at end
It's Now or Never - Unreleased; portion almost identical to "The Plan" from TFA (similarly unreleased; they are semi-fugato low string variations on Resistance march)
We Have to Buy Time - OST "The Battle of Crait" start-3:46; fades right into next cue in film and OST
Falcon Chase - OST "The Battle of Crait" 3:46-4:30; fades right into next cue in film and OST
More Fighting - OST "The Battle of Crait" 4:30-5:28; fades right into next cue in film and OST
Finn's Daring Ride - OST "The Battle of Crait" 5:28-end
I Saved You - Unreleased; Sad variation of Rose's theme
Reunion - identical to OST "The Spark" start-2:15
Facing Evil - identical to OST "The Spark" start-2:15
That's Enough - Unreleased underscore with some fanfares and Kylo's B-theme
The Duel Begins - Unreleased; Contains nice quiet variation of Poe's theme (pretty similar to that in "Peace and Purpose")
Following the Critters - Unreleased; short but pretty great (includes very nice heroic rendition of Rey's "intro" chords)
The Last Jedi Part 1 - Identical to OST start-1:30; next cue begins immediately after this one ends
The Last Jedi Part 2 - Identical to OST 1:30-end
Peace and Purpose - Identical to OST
Legends - OST "Finale" start-0:36
Shooting Star - OST "Finale" 0:36-1:05
End Credits - This wasn't in our audio source (see Jay's analysis, though!); obviously, you can find at least a version of the credits music in the final OST track
NOTE: The OST's "The Rebellion is Reborn" is a concert suite.
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from rpvee in THE LAST JEDI - OST Album MUSIC Discussion (No Movie Spoilers)
After listening to the album three times I must say that I really like it. Rose’s theme is really good and I liked that a lot of the previous themes returns. Hearing Luke and Leia again was great .
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from Joni Wiljami in THE LAST JEDI - OST Album MUSIC Discussion (No Movie Spoilers)
After listening to the album three times I must say that I really like it. Rose’s theme is really good and I liked that a lot of the previous themes returns. Hearing Luke and Leia again was great .
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from John in THE LAST JEDI - OST Album MUSIC Discussion (No Movie Spoilers)
After listening to the album three times I must say that I really like it. Rose’s theme is really good and I liked that a lot of the previous themes returns. Hearing Luke and Leia again was great .
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from John in Middle-Earth from Script to Screen: Building the World of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
I have the book and so far I have found two parts that talks about Shore’s music.
Smaug The Iron reacted to Holko in [Finished] Chamber of Secrets Thematic and Originality Analysis
Recently, the question of how much of the CoS score was done by William Ross came up, and I said I'd do an analysis basen on what we have. Well here it is! There are also a lot of misconceptions thrown around about how much of the score is just retreading the first one, I hope my final numbers can put an end to that. Any thoughts and corrections on calculating errors, typos and unnoticed references are most welcome! I'm using the leaked PS and CoS sessions, so the main analysis will only take into account the final intended version of every cue so far known to be recorded for the movie, no unused/not recorded music from leaked sheets and no tracked cues. I will assume satisfactory knowledge of the movies and all major themes at least.
I've also decided to have a look at the OST and recommend the best cues not on it, and also to break down the major tracked cues appearing in the cue list, just for completion's sake - look for the Appendix at the end of this post.
The Analysis
My custom terminology
OM - Old Material, used in PS, similar tempo, similar orchestration - will reference PS session cues, slates and timecodes if relevant, won't if unnecessary (I don't have to point out where Nimbus 2000 is in Hedwig's Theme)
AM - Adapted Material, themes/specific cues used in PS or other movies, but adapted/orchestration and tempo changed significantly enough (like Nimbus 2000 in Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle, for example)
NM - New Material, thematic and melodic material first heard in CoS
From Reel 3 onwards, I'll be using contractions for frequently reappearing themes with long and tedious names :
3NL - 3-Note Loop (original Philosopher's Stone motif here repurposed as a generic danger/mystery theme)
HWWO - Harry's Wondrous World Opening
N2 - Nimbus 2000
Reel 1
Reel 1
Old Material: 05:52
Adapted Material: 03:19
New Material: 06:07
Complete: 15:18
Reel 2
Reel 2
Old Material: 5:56
Adapted Material: 3:22
New Material: 8:40
Complete: 17:58
Reel 3
Reel 3
Old Material: 2:49
Adapted Material: 3:51
New Material: 5:43
Complete: 12:23
Here I must also stop to say the movie must have been criminally overspotted, because a lot of good and new bits have been left out. Normally, lots of bits and pieces go missing, because the picture gets trimmed after the recording takes place, so the music goes with them, but here most scenes are intact and the music is taken out from under them, for example the beginning of Transformation Class (I guess they wanted the 3NL to be more sudden and dramatic in its appearance?) or the Whomping Willow and some Spiders material (probably tension and "jumpscare" reasons). This could potentially be forgiven had most of Reel 8 not been tracked - a lot of important action score, mysteries and big revelations to never see the light of day because JW had to spend his time writing minutes of unrecorded music, and writing and recording several more minutes that were not used. Kind of like The Arena vs. The Battle of Geonosis all over again!
Reel 4
Reel 4
Old Material: 3:40
Adapted Material: 1:54
New Material: 8:46
Complete: 14:20
Reel 5
Reel 5
Old Material: 2:05
Adapted Material: 4:57
New Material: 7:20
Complete: 14:22
Reel 6
Reel 6
Old Material: 2:40
Adapted Material: 1:27
New Material: 3:31
Complete: 7:38
Reel 7
Reel 7
Old Material: 4:56
Adapted Material: 1:54
New Material: 9:58
Complete: 16:48
Reel 8
Reel 8
Old Material: 00:00
Adapted Material: 2:16
New Material: 9:35
Complete: 11:51
Reel 9
Reel 9
Old Material: 4:13
Adapted Material: 3:24
New Material: 4:14
Complete: 11:51
Standout NM cues: All Dobby material, Magical Household, all Lockhart material, all Flying Car material, all Fawkes material, Writing on the Wall,
Transformation Class, Petrified Colin, Dueling Club, The Spiders Pt.2, Ginny Gets Snatched, Reel 8
Standout OM cues: Escape from the Dursleys, Letters from Hogwarts, Harry meets Lucius, Introducing Colin / Mail, Flying Pixies, Dumbledore and Harry,
Reunion of Friends
Total Numbers:
Complete: 2:02:29
Old Material: 32:11 (26.27%)
Adapted Material: 26:24 (21.55%)
New Material: 63:54 (52.17%)
Discrepancies between the final numbers and the cue list numbers can come down to podium changes, or the fact that I couldn't be bothered to count the seconds of silence on the beginning of every sessions track or in the middle of some cues. The final percentages would not be impacted in any significant way.
So on an expanded 2-disc release, counting with 78 min. max per disc, there would be at least 36:40 left for bonus material, probably a few minutes more, since the aforementioned silences and properly joined tracks would make the score shorter than my estimate. I believe we have no idea how many alternates exist/were recorded/were even written, if not many, this could probably house the Children's Suite (24:11 if we count Harry's Wondrous World as the finale, 18:50 if we don't). We'll 100% get HWW as the HP1 Credits, so on HP2 it'll either be the Credits or the Suite (and thus the CD2) finale, if the suite or even the HWW is on there, of course.
Appendix A
Reel 10 (Additional material, I don't consider these part of the score)
Appendix B
The tracked cues - what do they consist of? (An editing guide)
Appendix C
A complete intended score editing guide
This includes every single sessions cue (even ones removed from the movie) and tracked cues.
Note: this is simply a guide to my preferred way of listening to the score, not an attempt at a complete film edit recreation with all edited out bits and pieces tracked down; that exceeds even my patiance and tolerance levels, it's work for another year - and probably another user. (A Remixed and Restored trilogy á la Jurassic Park based on the Black Friday John Williams Harry Potter Collection, perhaps? :P)
I consider two types of edits: hard and soft. A hard edit means two cues were written to be joined/overlapped, but recorded separately. Listening to them separate worsens the listening experience because you get a buildup to an unsatisfying climax, a few seconds of silence, then a sudden out-of-nowhere climax and continuation. Temple of Doom, for example, is filled with these types of transitions. A soft edit just means one cue is winding down/a note is held, while the other starts or winds up without there being a gap between these. Not joining these cues does not necessarily worsen the listening experience.
Hard edits I always recreate, this means I had to split a few tracked cues in half in Reel 8 to avoid overstuffed, non-focused 15 minute tracks. Soft ones I'm more liberal with - if it makes sense musically and thematically as one track, I'll even join cues separated by seconds of silence in the movie.
Since there are way more soft edits than hard ones, I'll only indicate hard edits (+ and +h instead of +s and +h).
The final track names are my own creations, sometimes I'd reference the edit I've listened to for years, sometimes an original session name since I like it better, sometimes it's completely made up.
Appendix D
So what is on the OST?
Personal comments incoming, feel free to ignore them if you happen to like inexplicably random and non-chronological presentations!
Old Material: 22:26 (31.83%)
Adapted Material: 6:44 (9.55%)
New Material: 41:19 (58.62%)
Complete: 70:29
Appendix E
Which unreleased cues can I look forward to most in a future expansion if I don't touch bootlegs and session leaks?
(Personal favourites, recommendations)
Yes, I've got way too much free time.
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from Holko in John Williams: Unpopular Opinions
The force awakens score is better then any of the prequels score.
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from Joni Wiljami in John Williams: Unpopular Opinions
The force awakens score is better then any of the prequels score.
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from DominicCobb in John Williams: Unpopular Opinions
The force awakens score is better then any of the prequels score.
Smaug The Iron reacted to The Great Gonzales in The Thematic Material of the Star Wars Saga (Possible Community Project?)
Figured it would be nice to have a thread for this:
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1 CD)
Star Wars Main Title and The Arrival at Naboo
0:07 Main Theme (A Section)
0:26 Main Theme (B Section)
0:48 Main Theme (A Section)
1:25 The Story Begins
Duel of the Fates
0:00 B Section
0:16 Ostinato Accompaniment
0:24 A Section
1:40 B Section
1:58 Ostinato Accompaniment
2:11 A Section
2:37 B Section
3:02 Ostinato Accompaniment
3:07 B Section
3:22 Ostinato Accompaniment
3:37 A Section
3:43 B Section
3:52 A Section
3:55 B Section
4:08 Ostinato Accompaniment
Anakin's Theme
0:00 A Section
0:16 B Section
0:50 C Section
1:24 A Section
1:54 Imperial March
2:08 Imperial March
2:12 B Section
2:35 Imperial March
Jar Jar's Introduction and The Swim to Otoh Gunga
0:08 Jar Jar's Theme (A Section)
0:25 Jar Jar's Theme (B Section)
0:38 Naboo Battle Motif
0:45 Jar Jar's Theme (B Section)
1:04 Jar Jar's Theme (A Section)
1:23 Underwater Wonders
4:05 Jar Jar's Theme (A Section)
The Sith Spacecraft and The Droid Battle
0:26 Naboo Battle Motif
0:49 Naboo Battle Motif
0:59 Naboo Battle Motif
1:10 Duel of the Fates A Section
1:26 Naboo Battle Motif
1:34 Naboo Battle Motif
1:43 Naboo Battle Motif
1:51 Naboo Battle Motif
2:14 Naboo Battle Motif
The Trip to the Naboo Temple (The Audience With Boss Nass)
1:45 Jar Jar's Theme (A Section)
2:16 Queen Amidala/Boss Nass (Instrumental Connection)
The Arrival at Tatooine and The Flag Parade
0:00 Jar Jar's Theme (A Section)
0:17 Jar Jar's Theme (A Section)
0:28 Unknown 1
0:40 Unknown 2
0:53 Unknown 1
1:14 Unknown 1
1:27 Unknown 1
2:04 Flag Parade (A Section)
2:38 Flag Parade (B Section)
2:51 Flag Parade (A Section)
3:25 Flag Parade (B Section)
3:35 Flag Parade (A Section)
He Is the Chosen One
0:10 The Force Theme (Fragment)
0:19 Anakin's Theme
1:36 The Force Theme
2:11 Anakin's Theme
3:33 Hyperspace
Anakin Defeats Sebulba
0:32 The Force Theme
0:53 Jabba's Theme
2:49 Podrace Motif
3:13 Podrace Motif
4:02 Podrace Motif
4:05 Anakin's Theme
Passage Through the Planet Core
0:47 Queen Amidala/Boss Nass (Instrumental Connection)
2:19 The Force Theme (Fragment)?
2:51 The Force Theme (Fragment)?
3:10 Underwater Wonders
4:16 Naboo Battle Motif
Watto's Deal and Kid's at Play
1:11 Anakin's Theme
2:28 The Force Theme
3:15 Unknown 3
3:49 Unknown 3
3:55 Jar Jar's Theme (Fragment)?
4:18 Anakin's Theme
4:31 Unknown 3
Panaka and the Queen's Protectors
0:09 Naboo Starfighters
0:20 Main Theme (A Section)
0:26 Naboo Starfighters
0:40 Naboo Starfighters
0:56 Duel of the Fates (A Section)
2:03 Naboo Starfighters
2:31 Naboo Starfighters
Queen Amidala and The Naboo Palace
0:42 Queen Amidala/Boss Nass (Instrumental Connection)
1:17 Anakin's Theme
3:23 Queen Amidala/Boss Nass (Instrumental Connection)
The Droid Invasion and The Appearance of Darth Maul
0:34 Trade Federation March
0:49 Trade Federation March
1:27 Trade Federation March
1:44 Trade Federation March
1:58 Trade Federation March
2:50 Trade Federation March
3:20 Dark Side?
3:44 The Emperor's Theme
4:18 Underwater Wonders
4:57 Duel of the Fates Ostinato Accompaniment
Qui-Gon's Noble End
0:00 Duel of the Fates (B Section)
0:13 Naboo Escape
0:41 Naboo Escape
1:34 Standoff
1:39 Force Field
1:55 Standoff/Duel of the Fates (Lyric's Only)
2:24 Duel of the Fates Ostinato Accompaniment
2:34 Duel of the Fates Ostinato Accompaniment
2:53 Standoff
3:20 Duel of the Fates (A Section)
3:23 Duel of the Fates Ostinato Accompaniment
3:34 Standoff
The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral
0:00 Discussion and Confrontation
0:55 Yoda's Theme
1:17 Imperial March
1:55 Jedi Funeral
2:14 The Force Theme
2:23 Jedi Funeral
Augie's Great Municipal Band and End Credits
0:06 The Emperor's Theme (Reverse)
0:18 Naboo Parade
0:31 The Emperor's Theme (Reverse)
0:53 Naboo Parade
1:06 The Emperor's Theme (Reverse)
1:18 Naboo Parade
1:26 Main Theme (A Section)
1:35 Rebel Fanfare
1:41 The Rolling Thunder
1:44 Rebel Fanfare
1:55 The Rolling Thunder
1:59 Main Theme (A Section)
2:06 The Rolling Thunder
2:16 Duel of the Fates
6:29 Anakin's Theme
Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant
0:07 Main Theme (A Section)
0:26 Main Theme (B Section)
0:48 Main Theme (A Section)
1:24 The Story Begins
1:39 Kamino Theme
2:11 Kamino Theme
3:00 Conspiracy Motif
3:16 Kamino Theme
Across the Stars: (Love Theme from Star Wars: Episode II)
0:00 Across the Stars Ostinato
0:13 Across the Stars (A Section)
0:55 Across the Stars Ostinato
1:03 Across the Stars (A Section)
2:01 Across the Stars (B Section)
2:26 ???
2:33 Across the Stars (A Section)
2:40 Across the Stars (A Section)
2:48 Across the Stars (A Section)
2:54 Across the Stars (A Section)
3:06 Across the Stars (A Section)
4:01 Across the Stars (B Section)
4:26 ???
4:36 Across the Stars (A Section)
5:02 Across the Stars Ostinato
5:07 Across the Stars (A Section)
Zam the Assassin and The Chase Through Coruscant
1:29 Coruscant Action
1:52 Coruscant Action
2:33 Coruscant Action
3:16 Speeder Action
3:43 Speeder Action
4:15 Speeder Action
6:09 Speeder Action
7:59 Speeder Action
Yoda and the Younglings
0:45 Across the Stars (A Section)
1:07 Obi-Wan/Investigation/Jedi Order Motif
1:17 Yoda's Theme
3:10 The Force Theme
3:23 Across the Stars (A Section)
Departing Coruscant
0:00 Across the Stars (A Section)
0:49 The Force Theme
1:14 Across the Stars (A Section)
Anakin and Padme
0:00 Naboo Courtship Motif
0:59 Across the Stars (A Section)
1:28 Dies Irae?
2:11 Across the Stars (B Section)
2:26 Dies Irae?
2:43 Dies Irae?
3:15 Across the Stars (B Section)
Jango's Escape
0:04 Jango Fight
0:25 Jango Fight
1:06 Action Strings
1:16 Jango Fight
1:58 Jango Fight
The Meadow Picnic
0:00 Naboo Courtship Motif
1:36 Naboo Courtship Motif
1:39 Across the Stars (A Section)
2:12 Naboo Courtship Motif
2:40 Kamino Theme/Mystery Motif
2:46 Trade Federation March
Return to Tatooine
1:23 Unknown Arpeggio Motif
2:48 Unknown Arpeggio Motif
3:10 The Force Theme
3:35 Duel of the Fates Ostinato Accompaniment
3:38 Duel of the Fates (A Section)
4:05 Duel of the Fates Ostinato Accompaniment
4:08 Geonosis Sneak
4:27 Geonosis Sneak
4:45 Geonosis Sneak 2
4:59 Geonosis Sneak 2
5:51 Conspiracy Motif
The Tusken Camp and The Homestead
0:00 Sandpeople Motif?
1:26 Anakin/Shmi Motif
1:45 Greatest of All Jedi
3:27 Imperial March
3:59 Dark Side?
5:15 Dies Irae?
Love Pledge and The Arena
0:12 Across the Stars (A Section)
1:55 Unleashing the Monsters
2:11 Unleashing the Monsters
2:42 The Monsters
3:20 The Monsters
4:15 The Monsters
5:03 The Monsters
5:23 The Monsters
5:54 The Monsters
6:09 Across the Stars (A Section)
7:11 Across the Stars (A Section)
7:24 Action Strings
7:39 The Force Theme
7:59 Action Strings
Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale
0:00 Dooku Escape
0:08 The Force Theme
0:42 Dooku Escape
0:51 Dark Side Motif (Prequels)
1:15 Dark Side? (From TPM)?
2:59 Imperial March
3:17 Imperial March
3:38 Across the Stars (A Section)
4:45 Main Theme (A Section)
4:54 Rebel Fanfare
5:00 The Rolling Thunder
5:03 Rebel Fanfare
5:11 The Rolling Thunder
5:18 Main Theme (A Section)
5:26 The Rolling Thunder
5:36 Across the Stars (A Section)
6:34 Across the Stars (B Section)
6:59 ???
7:05 Across the Stars (A Section)
7:10 ???
7:13 Across the Stars (A Section)
7:18 ???
7:21 Across the Stars (A Section)
8:34 Across the Stars (B Section)
8:59 ???
9:09 Across the Stars (A Section)
9:36 Anakin's Theme
9:56 Across the Stars (A Section)
10:01 Imperial March
10:06 Across the Stars (A Section)
10:12 Princess Leia's Theme Concert Arrangement Reference/Across the Stars (A Section)?
10:18 Imperial March
On the Conveyor Belt (Target Bonus Track)
0:36 Droid Factory
2:35 Conveyor Belt
2:51 Conveyor Belt
Star Wars and The Revenge of the Sith
0:07 Main Theme (A Section)
0:26 Main Theme (B Section)
0:48 Main Theme (A Section)
1:24 Coruscant Battle
1:38 The Force Theme
2:04 Coruscant Battle
2:16 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:24 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:26 Coruscant Battle
2:34 Coruscant Battle
2:49 Coruscant Battle
3:15 Buzz Droids
3:37 Buzz Droids
4:13 Buzz Droids
4:32 Buzz Droids
4:46 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
5:21 The Elevator
5:37 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
5:43 Dies Irae?
6:07 The Elevator
6:20 The Elevator
6:27 Dies Irae?
6:53 The Elevator
Anakin's Dream
0:23 Across the Stars (A Section)
2:25 Across the Stars (A Section)
3:30 The Force Theme
Battle of the Heroes
0:00 Ostinato Accompaniment
0:05 A Section
0:26 Ostinato Accompaniment
0:32 A Section
1:16 B Section
1:33 A Section
1:56 The Force Theme
2:11 Ostinato Accompaniment
2:17 A Section
2:51 A Section
3:06 Ostinato Accompaniment
3:10 A Section
Anakin's Betrayal
0:00 Lament Theme
0:43 Lament Theme
1:26 Dies Irae?
1:38 Dies Irae?
1:59 Dies Irae?
3:20 Lament Theme
General Grievous
0:05 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:11 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:16 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:25 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:26 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:32 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:38 Obi-Wan Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
0:44 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:52 Evil Dark Side Theme
1:04 Evil Dark Side Theme
1:49 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:15 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:22 Grievous Duel
2:32 Grievous Duel
2:43 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
3:02 Grievous Duel
3:22 Grievous Duel
3:44 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
Palpatine's Teachings
2:37 Imperial March
3:00 The Force Theme
3:13 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
3:40 A Dark Place
4:55 Hyperspace
Grievous and the Droids
0:07 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:49 Main Theme (A Section)
1:16 Invisible Hand Battle
2:10 Invisible Hand Battle
2:38 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:45 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
3:01 Invisible Hand Battle
3:13 The Force Theme
Padme's Ruminations
1:16 Across the Stars (A Section)
1:36 Dark Side Motif (From TPM and AOTC)
Anakin Vs. Obi-Wan
0:02 Battle of the Heroes (A Section)
0:23 Imperial March (The Clash of Lightsabers Lift)
0:31 Battle of the Heroes (A Section)
0:55 Imperial March (The Clash of Lightsabers Lift)
1:52 Imperial March (The Clash of Lightsabers Lift)
2:30 Battle of the Heroes (B Section)
3:06 Battle of the Heroes Ostinato Accompaniment
3:10 Battle of the Heroes (A Section)
3:21 The Force Theme
3:36 Battle of the Heroes (A Section)
Anakin's Dark Deeds
0:00 Dark Deeds
0:34 Slaughter
0:44 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
1:05 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
1:15 Slaughter
1:44 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:01 Imperial March
2:01 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:14 Bitter Revelation
3:17 Bitter Revelation
Enter Lord Vader
0:19 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
0:50 To Mustafar
1:32 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
2:21 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
3:19 Imperial March
3:25 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
3:43 The Force Theme
3:49 The Emperor's Theme
The Immolation Scene
0:00 Lament for Anakin
0:52 The Force Theme
1:04 Lament for Anakin
1:29 Lament for Anakin
2:02 Leaving Mustafar
2:17 Leaving Mustafar
Grievous Speaks To Lord Sidious
0:00 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
1:14 Evil Dark Side Theme
1:27 Grievous/Dark Side Rising/Dark Times
1:58 Dies Irae
2:13 Bitter Revelation
The Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny
0:00 Across the Stars Ostinato Accompaniment
0:38 Across the Stars Ostinato Accompaniment
1:33 Jedi Funeral
1:53 The Force Theme
2:00 Jedi Funeral
2:36 Jedi Funeral
2:52 The Force Theme
3:00 Jedi Funeral
A New Hope and End Credits
0:07 Princess Leia's Theme
0:28 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:51 The Force Theme
1:24 Main Theme (A Section)
1:34 Rebel Fanfare
1:40 The Rolling Thunder
1:44 Rebel Fanfare
1:53 The Rolling Thunder
2:03 Main Theme (A Section)
2:20 Princess Leia's Theme (A Section)
3:26 Princess Leia's Theme (B Section)
4:00 Battle of the Heroes
5:30 The Force Theme
5:45 Battle of the Heroes
6:39 Battle of the Heroes Ostinato Accompaniment
6:43 Throne Room Fanfare
7:04 The Force Theme
7:38 Throne Room Fanfare
7:48 Throne Room Theme
8:08 Main Theme (B Section)
8:28 Throne Room Theme
8:49 Throne Room Fanfare
8:59 The Force Theme
9:45 Throne Room Theme
10:03 Escape Pod
10:13 Throne Room Theme
10:34 Main Theme (B Section)
10:55 Throne Room Theme
11:17 The Rolling Thunder
11:20 Main Theme (A Section)
11:37 Main Theme (B Section)
11:54 Rebel Fanfare
12:01 The Rolling Thunder
12:05 Rebel Fanfare
12:09 Throne Room Fanfare
12:18 Rebel Fanfare
12:33 Throne Room Theme
12:39 Throne Room Fanfare
Main Title / Rebel Blockade Runner:
0:07 Luke's Theme A Section
0:26 Luke's Theme B Section
0:48 Luke's Theme A Section
1:25 Luke's Theme A Section
1:38 Rebel Fanfare
1:41 Mars, Bringer of War Reference
1:56 Rebel Rhythm
1:58 Rebel Fanfare
Imperial Attack
0:00 Rebel Rhythm
0:04 Rebel Fanfare
1:11 Imperial Motif (Fragments)
1:41 Rebel Fanfare
2:20 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:31 Leia's Theme
2:52 Leia's Theme
3:43 Leia's Theme
4:06 Imperial Motif
4:47 Escape Pod
4:54 Imperial Motif
6:18 Death Star Motif
Dune Sea of Tatooine / Jawa Sandcrawler
0:00 Stravinsky Reference
1:35 Jawa Rhythm
1:43 Jawa Theme A Section
2:13 Jawa Theme A Section
2:46 Jawa Theme B Section
3:16 Jawa Secondary/Sandcrawler Theme
4:12 Jawa Secondary/Sandcrawler Theme
4:47 Imperial Motif
The Moisture Farm
0:10 Jawa Rhythm
0:16 Jawa Theme A Section
0:40 Jawa Theme B Section
1:03 Jawa Theme A Section
1:25 Luke's Theme A Section
1:45 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
Hologram / Binary Sunset
0:31 Leia's Theme
1:53 Unknown
1:56 Luke's Theme A Section
2:21 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:53 Rebel Fanfare
3:13-3:34 Dies Irae
3:13 Luke's Theme A Section
3:27 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
Binary Sunset (Alternative)
0:00 Unknown
0:22 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
0:44 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
1:00 Unknown
1:20 Threepio Motif?
1:21 Landspeeder Travel Motif?
Landspeeder Search / Attack of the Sand People
0:00-0:32 Landspeeder Travel Motif
0:11 Luke's Theme A Section
1:46 Sand People Motif?
2:46 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
Tales of a Jedi Knight / Learn About the Force
0:09 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
0:45 Sand People Motif?
1:00 Threepio Motif?
1:08 Landspeeder Travel Motif?
1:40 Imperial Motif
2:10 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:45 Leia's Theme
3:53 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
4:13 Death Star Motif
Burning Homestead
0:47 Landspeeder Travel Motif?
0:58 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
1:26 Landspeeder Travel Motif?
1:29 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
1:42 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
1:50 Death Star Motif
1:53 Imperial Rhythm
1:55 Imperial Motif
1:58 Leia's Theme A Section
Mos Eisley Spaceport
0:31 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
0:45 Landspeeder Travel Motif
1:06 Landspeeder Travel Motif
1:20 Imperial Motif
1:52 Landspeeder Travel Motif
1:53 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
Cantina Band
0:00 Main Melody
0:43 Main Melody
2:29 Main Melody
Cantina Band No. 2
0:04 Main Melody
2:15 Main Melody
Princess Leia's Theme
0:15 Leia's Theme
1:30 Leia's Theme
2:25 Leia's Theme
Millennium Falcon / Imperial Cruiser Pursuit
0:30 Luke's Theme A Section
0:42 Imperial Spy Motif?
0:58 Luke's Theme A Section
1:09 Imperial Spy Motif?
1:34 Imperial Rhythm
1:37 Imperial Motif
1:40 Imperial Spy Motif?
1:54 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:13-2:34 Blasting out of Mos Eisley Setpiece/Motif?
2:16 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:34 Star Destroyer Chase Setpiece/Motif?
2:42 Blasting out of Mos Eisley Setpiece/Motif?
2:54 Star Destroyer Chase Setpiece/Motif?
3:30 Death Star Motif
Destruction of Alderaan
0:02 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
0:20 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
0:46 Dies Irae (Fate Motif?)
Death Star / The Stormtroopers
0:55 Rebel Rhythm
0:57 Rebel Fanfare
1:21 Stormtrooper Rhythm
1:39 Psycho Reference
1:46 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:08 Imperial Motif
2:58 Imperial Motif (Fragments)
3:18 Luke's Theme A section
Wookiee Prisoner / Detention Block Ambush
1:22 Luke's Theme A Section
2:11 Luke's Theme A Section
3:21 Rebel Rhythm
3:23 Rebel Fanfare
3:27 Leia's Theme
3:40 Luke's Theme A Section
Shootout in the Cell Bay / Dianoga
0:16 Imperial Motif
0:33 Rebel Fanfare
1:31 Imperial Motif
2:26 Dianoga/Trash Compactor A Section
2:48 Dianoga/Trash Compactor B Section
2:57 Dianoga/Trash Compactor A Section
3:22 Dianoga/Trash Compactor B Section
The Trash Compactor
0:00 Trash Compactor
0:47 Imperial Rhythm
0:51 Imperial Motif
1:32 Trash Compactor
2:04 Trash Compactor
Tractor Beam / Chasm Crossfire
0:00 Ben Sneaks Around
1:24 Ben Sneaks Around
2:01 Luke's Theme A Section
2:12 Luke's Theme A Section
2:24 Imperial Rhythm
2:34 Stormtrooper Rhythm
2:37 Imperial Motif
2:45 Imperial Motif
3:01 Stormtrooper Rhythm
3:23 Luke's Theme A Section
3:40 Luke's Theme B Section
3:58 Luke's Theme A Section
4:08 Leia's Theme A Section
4:17 Stormtrooper Rhythm
4:31 Luke's Theme A Section
4:45 Stormtrooper Rhythm
4:48 Imperial Motif
Ben Kenobi's Death / Tie Fighter Attack
0:00 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
0:09 Leia's Theme
0:37 Rebel Rhythm
0:39 Rebel Fanfare
1:01 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme) A Section
1:17 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:03 Here They Come Motif (Rebel Rhythm?)
2:12 Rebel Fanfare
2:20 Here They Come Motif
2:24 Rebel Fanfare
2:41 Here They Come Motif
3:14 Here They Come Motif
3:29 Death Star Motif
The Battle of Yavin (Launch from the Fourth Moon / X-Wings Draw Fire / Use the Force)
0:54 Death Star Motif
1:11 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme) A Section
1:26 The Rolling Thunder
1:30 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme) A Section
1:49 Imperial Motif
1:55 Imperial Rhythm
2:46 The Rolling Thunder
2:56 Rebel Victory Fanfare
3:40 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme) A Section
4:01 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme) A Section
5:10 Imperial Motif
6:28 Luke's Theme A Section
6:49 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme) A Section
7:03 The Rolling Thunder
7:10 Luke's Theme A Section
7:45 Luke's Theme A Section
8:07 Mars, Bringer of War Reference?
8:45 Rebel Fanfare
Throne Room / End Titles
0:00 Throne Room Fanfare
0:17 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
0:48 Throne Room Fanfare
0:56 Throne Room Theme
1:11 Luke's Theme B Section
1:29 Throne Room Theme
1:45 End Credits Rhythm
1:47 Luke's Theme A Section
1:56 Rebel Fanfare
2:02 The Rolling Thunder
2:06 Rebel Fanfare
2:17 The Rolling Thunder
2:24 Luke's Theme A Section
2:40 Luke's Theme B Section
2:57 Luke's Theme A Section
3:21-4:02 Leia's Theme
3:23, 3:27, 3:31, 3:35, 3:39, 3:43, 3:47 and 3:50 (Fragments) Rebel Fanfare
4:03 The Rolling Thunder
4:06 Luke's Theme A Section
4:22 Luke's Theme B Section (Development)
4:38 Rebel Fanfare
4:44 The Rolling Thunder
4:47 Rebel Fanfare (Development)
4:58 Rebel Fanfare
5:11 Throne Room (Development)
Throne Room (Gerhardt)
1:55 Throne Room Fanfare
2:04 Ben Kenobi's Theme (The Force Theme)
2:48 Throne Room Theme
3:10 Escape Pod
3:21 Throne Room Theme
3:39 Luke's Theme B Section
3:59 Throne Room Theme
Main Title / The Ice Planet Hoth
0:07 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:26 Luke's Theme (B Section)
0:49 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:38 Imperial March
1:52 Imperial March
2:49 Luke's Theme (A Section)
3:05 Luke's Theme (A Section)
3:18 Han Solo and the Princess
4:10 Luke's Theme (A Section) [Strings]
4:25 Luke's Theme (B Section)
4:42 Princess Leia's Theme
5:20 Princess Leia's Theme
5:47 Han Solo and the Princess
6:31 Droid Motif
6:59 Luke's Theme (A Section)
7:10 Luke's Theme (B Section)
7:25 Luke's Theme (A Section)
7:44 Han Solo and the Princess
The Wampa's Lair / Vision of Obi-Wan / Snowspeeders Take Flight
1:07 The Force Theme
1:23 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:48 Hoth Blizzard
1:53 Rebel Fanfare
2:03 Droid Motif
2:46 The Force Theme
2:59 Hoth Blizzard
3:34 Luke's Theme (A Section)
4:09 Luke's Theme (A Section)
4:52 The Force Theme
6:43 Snowspeeder Search
6:57 Snowspeeder Search
8:10 Snowspeeder Search
The Imperial Probe / Aboard the Executor
0:07 Imperial March
1:14 Imperial March Rhythm
1:40 Imperial March
1:57 Probe Droid
2:32 Imperial March Rhythm
2:50 Imperial March
3:45 Imperial March Rhythm
4:02 Imperial March
The Battle of Hoth (Ion Cannon / Imperial Walkers / Beneath the AT-AT / Escape In the Millennium Falcon)
0:10 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:40 Imperial March Rhythm
0:54 Imperial March
1:20 Imperial March
1:42 Imperial March
3:06 Imperial March
3:13 The Rolling Thunder
3:14 Rebel Fanfare
3:27 Luke's Theme (A Section)
4:02 Imperial Walkers
4:30 Snowspeeders
5:03 Snow Battle
5:40 Snow Battle
6:17 Snowspeeders
6:46 Imperial Walkers
7:24 Snowspeeders
7:40 Hoth Evacuation
8:03 Droid Motif
8:33 Imperial March
8:38 Hoth Evacuation
9:14 Luke's Theme (A Section)
9:44 Luke's Theme (A Section)
10:11 Luke's Theme (A Section)
10:21 The Force Theme
10:45 Rebel Fanfare
11:16 Imperial March
11:59 Han Solo and the Princess
12:15 Imperial March
12:50 Imperial March
13:12 Han Solo and the Princess
13:20 Imperial March
13:32 Han Solo and the Princess
14:06 Han Solo and the Princess
The Asteroid Field
0:05 Imperial March
0:33 Imperial March
1:19 The Asteroid Field
1:42 The Asteroid Field
1:59 Asteroid Chase
2:42 Asteroid Chase
3:26 Han Solo and the Princess
Arrival on Dagobah
1:16 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:00 Droid Motif
1:20 Droid Motif
1:42 Droid Motif
1:54 Droid Motif
2:15 Droid Motif
2:41 Imperial March
3:04 Imperial March
4:35 The Force Theme
Luke's Nocturnal Visitor
0:00 Yoda Playful
0:12 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
0:31 Yoda's Theme (B Section)
1:18 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
1:32 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
1:48 Yoda Playful
1:56 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
Han Solo and the Princess
0:16 Han Solo and the Princess
1:32 Imperial March
2:07 Imperial March Rhythm
2:12 Imperial March
3:07 The Dark Side
Jedi Master Revealed / Mynock Cave
0:09 The Force Theme
0:27 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:46 Yoda's Theme (B Section)
0:59 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
1:27 The Force Theme
1:50 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:13 Imperial March
2:51 Mynock "Cave"
4:32 Mynock "Cave"
The Training of a Jedi Knight / The Magic Tree
0:06 Yoda's Theme
0:38 Imperial March
1:07 The Force Theme
2:14 Luke's' Theme (A Section)
3:57 The Dark Side
4:39 Luke's Theme (A Section)
4:46 Yoda's Theme
4:58 Imperial March
The Imperial March
0:00 Imperial March Rhythm
0:10 Imperial March (A Section)
0:38 Imperial March Rhythm
0:48 Imperial March (B Section)
1:06 Imperial March (A Section)
1:39 Imperial March Rhythm
1:48 Imperial March (A Section)
2:16 Imperial March (A Section)
2:34 Imperial March Rhythm
2:39 Imperial March (A Section)
2:44 Imperial March Rhythm
Yoda's Theme
0:07 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
0:58 Yoda's Theme (B Section)
1:19 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
2:06 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
2:33 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
Attacking a Star Destroyer
0:00 Boba Fett Motif
1:58 Imperial March (Fragment)
2:13 Yoda's Theme
Yoda and the Force
0:28 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:59 The Force Theme
2:18 Yoda's Theme
2:30 Yoda's Theme
3:01 The Power of the Force/The Dark Side
3:12 Yoda's Theme
3:41 Imperial March
Imperial Starfleet Deployed / City In the Clouds
0:03 Imperial March
0:37 Imperial March
1:27 Han Solo and the Princess
1:51 Boba Fett Motif
2:03 Yoda's Theme
2:23 The Force Theme
2:46 Yoda's Theme
4:17 Cloud City
4:55 Cloud City
5:03 Cloud City
5:22 Imperial March (Hidden at Cloud City Variation)?
5:38 Imperial March (Hidden at Cloud City Variation)?
Lando's Palace
0:06 Cloud City March (A Section)
0:29 Cloud City March (B Section)
0:43 Cloud City March (A Section)
1:22 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:42 The Force Theme
1:56 Imperial March
2:05 Yoda's Theme
2:26 Yoda's Theme
3:00 Luke's Theme (A Section)
3:16 The Force Theme
Betrayal at Bespin
0:03 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:30 Han Solo and the Princess
1:06-1:27 Cloud City March (A Section)
1:14 Rebel Fanfare
1:24 Rebel Fanfare
1:27 Cloud City March (B Section)
1:42 Imperial March (Hidden at Cloud City Variation)
1:52 Boba Fett Motif
2:20 Luke's Theme (A Section)
3:13 Droid Motif
3:27 Imperial March
Deal with the Dark Lord
0:00 Imperial March
0:08 Prison Motif?
0:14 Droid Motif
0:38 Prison Motif?
1:05 Han Solo and the Princess
2:10 Han Solo and the Princess
Carbon Freeze / Darth Vader's Trap / Departure of Boba Fett
0:04 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:24 Imperial March
0:57 Han Solo and the Princess
1:19 Imperial March
1:27 Luke's Theme (Fragment)
1:35 Han Solo and the Princess
1:59 Han In Carbonite
2:27 Imperial March
3:22 Han Solo and the Princess
3:43 Han Solo and the Princess
4:17 Unknown 1
4:34 Imperial March
4:42 Unknown 1
5:00 Cloud City Trap
5:38 Yoda's Theme
6:07 Yoda's Theme
6:35 Yoda's Theme
6:46 Yoda's Theme
7:15 Imperial March
7:34 Cloud City Trap
8:12 Unknown 1
8:29 Unknown 1
9:18 Cloud City Trap
9:32 Han Solo and the Princess
9:57 Han In Carbonite
10:02 Han Solo and the Princess
10:29 Imperial March
10:59 The Force Theme
11:11 Yoda's Theme
11:35 Yoda's Theme
11:42 Luke's Theme (A Section)
The Clash of Lightsabers
0:08 The Dark Side
0:41 Imperial March
1:41 Yoda's Theme
1:43 Yoda's Theme (Shadow)
2:00 Cloud City March (A Section)
2:16 Han Solo and the Princess
2:54 Han Solo and the Princess
3:23 Unknown 2 (Perhaps development of Rebel Fanfare or Luke's theme)
3:38 Rebel Fanfare
Rescue from Cloud City / Hyperspace
0:54 Imperial March
2:08 Unknown 2
2:13 Cloud City
2:20 Cloud City
2:25 Cloud City Rescue?
3:22 The Force Theme
3:50 Imperial March
4:02 Cloud City Rescue?
4:14 Cloud City Rescue?
5:06 Escape from Bespin
5:17 Princess Leia's Theme
5:23 Escape from Bespin
6:08 Escape from Bespin
6:24 Imperial March
6:41 Escape from Bespin
6:44 Droid Motif
7:13 Imperial March
7:47 Imperial March
8:10 Escape from Bespin
8:29 The Force Theme
8:43 Imperial March
The Rebel Fleet / End Title
0:03 The Force Theme (A Section)
0:33 The Force Theme (B Section)
0:43 The Force Theme (A Section)
0:58 Han Solo and the Princess (A Section)
1:23 Han Solo and the Princess (B Section)
1:46 Han Solo and the Princess (A Section)
2:00 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:08 Rebel Fanfare
2:14 The Rolling Thunder
2:17 Rebel Fanfare
2:28 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
2:30 Rebel Fanfare
2:55 Yoda's Theme (B Section)
3:12 Yoda's Theme (A Section)
3:42 Imperial March Rhythm
3:52 Imperial March
4:46 Han Solo and the Princess (A Section)
5:05 Han Solo and the Princess (B Section)
5:25 Han Solo and the Princess (A Section)
5:53 Throne Room Fanfare
5:57 Rebel Fanfare
6:02 Rebel Fanfare
6:03 Imperial March
Main Title / Approaching the Death Star / Tatooine Rendezvous
0:07 Luke's Theme (A Section)
0:26 Luke's Theme (B Section)
0:49 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:33 Death Star II
2:03 Death Star II
2:26 Trap Motif
2:35 Death Star II
2:54 Imperial March
3:01 Trap Motif
3:05 Imperial March
3:10 Trap Motif
3:15 Imperial March
3:21 Trap Motif
3:28 Imperial March
3:56 Imperial March
4:55 Imperial March
5:17 Trap Motif
5:20 Imperial March
6:00 Yoda's Theme?
6:36 Luke's Theme (A Section)
6:42 Droid Music? Jabba's Theme (B Section)?
7:16 Droid Music? Jabba's Theme (B Section)?
Jabba's Baroque Recital
0:00 A Section
1:06 B Section
2:05 A Section
Bounty For a Wookiee
0:20 Jabba's Theme (A Section)
0:59 Jabba's Theme (A Section)
1:14 Jabba's Theme (B Section)
1:47 Jabba's Theme (A Section)
Han Solo Returns
2:24 Han Solo and the Princess
2:48 Jabba's Theme (A Section)
3:02 Jabba's Theme (B Section)
3:29 Jabba's Theme (A Section)
3:43 Jabba's Theme (B Section)
Luke Confronts Jabba / Den of the Rancor / Sarlacc Sentence
1:39 Jabba's Theme
3:46 Rancor
4:28 Rancor
5:17 The Force Theme
5:32 Luke's Theme (A Section)
The Pit of Carkoon / Sail Barge Assault
0:00 Unknown (From Binary Sunset)
0:34 Jabba's Theme
1:25 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:31 Rebel Fanfare
1:46 The Rolling Thunder
1:50 Rebel Rhythm and Rebel Fanfare (Ben Kenobi's Death Lift)
2:08 The Rolling Thunder and Luke's Theme Fragment (Battle of Yavin Lift)
2:18 Rebel Rhythm
2:26 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:38 Rebel Rhythm
2:41 Rebel Fanfare (Fragment)
2:48 Jabba's Theme
3:01 Jabba's Theme
3:05 Here They Come Motif (Tie Fighter Attack Lift)
3:12 Rebel Fanfare
3:30 Battle of Yavin Lift
3:45 Luke's Theme (A Section)
3:52 Rebel Rhythm
3:55 Rebel Fanfare
4:15 The Rolling Thunder
4:21 Rebel Rhythm
4:27 Rebel Fanfare
5:02 Victory Fanfare
5:21 Luke's Theme (A Section)
5:26 Victory Fanfare
5:39 Death Star Motif
5:41 Victory Fanfare
The Emperor Arrives / The Death of Yoda / Obi-Wan's Revelation
0:03 Imperial March
0:20 Imperial March
1:05 The Emperor's Theme
1:48 Imperial March
2:04 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:13 Yoda's Theme
2:53 The Force Theme
3:10 Yoda's Theme
3:49 Imperial March
3:58 Luke's Theme (A Section)
4:33 The Force Theme
5:00 Yoda's Theme
5:35 Revelation
6:14 The Force Theme
6:21 Revelation
6:35 Revelation
7:04 Yoda's Theme
7:33 The Force Theme
7:54 Revelation
8:56 The Force Theme
9:43 The Force Theme
10:14 Princess Leia's Theme
Alliance Assembly
0:16 Rebel Briefing
1:31 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:52 Rebel Briefing
Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor
0:31 Unknown 1
1:06 Unknown 1
2:01 The Force Theme
2:19 Imperial March
2:41 The Force Theme
2:54 The Force Theme
3:00 The Dark Side
3:42 Imperial March
Speeder Bike Chase / Land of the Ewoks
0:43 Speeder Bike Theft
0:48 Speeder Bike Theft
0:52 Speeder Bike Theft
1:08 Speeder Bike Theft
1:12 Speeder Bike Theft
1:16 Speeder Bike Theft
2:33 Discovery In the Forest
2:54 Discovery In the Forest
3:10 Discovery In the Forest
3:27 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
3:54 Discovery In the Forest
4:01 Wicket's Theme
4:43 Princess Leia's Theme
4:55 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
5:04 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
5:11 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
5:25 Imperial March
5:59 The Emperor's Theme
7:09 Princess Leia's Theme
7:28 Han Solo and the Princess
8:40 Han Solo and the Princess (Han Solo Returns Insert)
The Levitation / Threepio's Bedtime Story
0:18 The Force Theme
0:45 Unknown 2
0:55 Unknown 2
1:36 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:43 Imperial March
1:54 The Force Theme
2:08 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:22 Han Solo and the Princess
Sail Barge Assault (Alternate)
0:33 Rebel Fanfare
0:36 Unknown Action
0:47 Unknown Action
0:51 Luke's Theme (A Section)
1:29 Unknown Action 2
1:48 Jabba's Theme
2:01 Jabba's Theme
2:06 Unknown Action 2
2:19 Jabba's Theme
2:30 Unknown Action 2
3:14 Unknown 3
3:43 Unknown Action 2
4:03 Victory Fanfare
4:27 Victory Fanfare
4:41 Death Star Motif
4:42 Victory Fanfare
Parade of the Ewoks
0:00 Ewok Theme
0:28 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
0:45 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
1:10 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
1:34 Ewok Theme
1:50 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
2:06 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
2:39 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
2:55 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
Luke and Leia
0:27 Luke and Leia (A Section)
1:41 Luke and Leia (B Section)
2:23 Luke and Leia (A Section)
3:21 Luke and Leia (B Section)
3:48 Luke and Leia (A Section)
Brother and Sister / Father and Son / The Fleet Enters Hyperspace / Heroic Ewok
0:27 The Force Theme
0:57 Luke and Leia
1:34 The Force Theme
1:46 Luke and Leia
2:17 Han Solo and the Princess
2:42 Han Solo and the Princess
3:46 Imperial March
4:49 The Force Theme
6:11 Imperial March
6:34 Luke's Theme (A Section)
7:14 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
7:30 Fleet Preparing for Hyperspace
7:36 Fleet Preparing for Hyperspace
7:45 Throne Room Motif
8:17 Death Star Motif
9:33 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
9:41 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
9:55 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
10:08 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
Emperor's Throne Room
0:14 Imperial March
1:00 Emperor's Throne Room
1:07 The Emperor's Theme
1:39 Emperor's Throne Room
2:23 The Emperor's Theme
The Battle of Endor I (Into the Trap / Forest Ambush / Scout Walker Scramble)
0:00 Trap Motif
0:24 Trap Motif
0:49 Imperial March
1:02 Trap Motif
1:15 Luke's Theme (B Section)
1:20 Trap Motif
1:44 Rebel Fanfare
1:53 Trap Motif
2:17 Rebel Fanfare
2:24 Rebel Fanfare
2:59 The Emperor's Theme
3:38 Capture
3:48 Imperial March
3:54 Capture
4:06 Capture
4:16 Imperial March
4:31 Scout Walker Scramble
4:48 Scout Walker Scramble
4:55 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
5:44 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
6:06 Scout Walker Scramble
6:23 Scout Walker Scramble
7:14 Ewoks In Trouble
8:21 Imperial March
10:13 Imperial March
10:35 Ewoks In Trouble
11:08 Rebel Fleet Fanfare
The Lightsaber / The Ewok Battle
[The Emperor Arrives Insert:
0:03 Imperial March
0:15 Imperial Rhythm
0:20 Imperial March
0:26 The Emperor's Theme]
0:48 The Emperor's Theme
1:43 The Forest Battle
3:35 Ewok Theme
3:46 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
4:00 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
4:05 The Forest Battle
The Battle of Endor II (Leia Is Wounded / The Duel Begins / Overtaking the Bunker / The Dark Side Beckons / The Emperor's Death)
0:00 Defending the Bunker
0:07 Princess Leia's Theme
0:22 Han Solo and the Princess
0:29 Defending the Bunker
1:05 The Emperor's Theme
1:19 The Force Theme
2:16 The Force Theme
2:38 The Emperor's Theme
3:49 The Dark Side
5:37 The Force Theme
5:40 The Emperor's Theme
6:30 The Force Theme
7:13 Rebel Fanfare
7:44 The Emperor's Theme
8:49 The Emperor's Theme
9:08 The Force Theme
The Battle of Endor III (Superstructure Chase / Darth Vader's Death / The Main Reactor)
0:00-1:54 Ben's Death / Tie Fighter Attack / Battle of Yavin Lift
0:00 Here They Come Motif
0:09 Rebel Fanfare
0:16 Here They Come Motif
0:20 Rebel Fanfare
0:37 Here They Come Motif
0:46 Rebel Rhythm
0:49 Rebel Fanfare
1:04 The Rolling Thunder
1:07 Luke's Theme (Fragment)
1:12 Rebel Victory Fanfare
1:50 Death Star Motif
2:45 Imperial March
3:42 Imperial March
4:04 Imperial March
4:58 The Rolling Thunder
5:02 Luke's Theme (A Section)
5:31 Victory Fanfare
Leia's News / Light of the Force
0:00 Luke and Leia (A Section)
0:31 Luke and Leia (B Section)
0:51 Han Solo and the Princess
1:19 The Force Theme
2:12 The Force Theme
Victory Celebration / End Title
0:16 Victory Celebration A Section
0:53 Victory Celebration B Section
1:15 Victory Celebration A Section
1:33 Victory Celebration B Section
2:26 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:35 Rebel Fanfare
2:41 The Rolling Thunder
2:44 Rebel Fanfare
2:55 The Rolling Thunder
3:02 Luke's Theme (A Section)
3:25 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
3:40 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
3:55 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
4:19 Ewok Theme
4:34 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
4:50 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
5:32 Luke and Leia (A Section)
6:28 Luke and Leia (B Section)
6:46 The Rolling Thunder
6:53 Luke's Theme (A Section)
7:08 Luke's Theme (B Section)/Throne Room Motif
7:23 Rebel Fanfare
7:29 The Rolling Thunder
7:44 Rebel Fanfare
7:57 Throne Room Motif
The Forest Battle
0:00 The Forest Battle
1:45 Ewok Theme
1:57 Wicket's Theme (B Section)
2:10 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
2:21 The Forest Battle
2:33 Unknown 3
2:50 The Forest Battle
Leia Breaks the News (Alternate)
0:00 Luke and Leia (A Section)
0:28 Luke and Leia (B Section)
0:45 Luke and Leia (A Section)
0:52 Han Solo and the Princess
1:02 Wicket's Theme (A Section)
Ewok Celebration and Finale
0:18 A Section
0:49 B Section
1:00 A Section
1:10 B Section
1:26 A Section
1:36 B Section
[End Title Film Take:
2:00 Luke's Theme (A Section)
2:09 Rebel Fanfare]
Ewok Celebration (Film Version)
0:27 A Section
0:49 B Section
0:59 A Section
1:09 B Section
1:25 A Section
1:35 B Section
Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village
0:08 Luke's Theme A Section
0:26 Luke's Theme B Section
0:49 Luke's Theme A Section
4:20 Kylo Ren's Theme
5:32 Kylo Ren's Theme
6:13 Kylo Ren's Theme
The Scavenger
0:38 Rey's Theme?
0:53 Rey's Theme (Intro)
1:31 Rey's Theme (Main Theme)
1:59 Rey's Theme (Intro)
2:54 Rey's Theme
I Can Fly Anything
1:19 Rey's Theme
Rey Meets BB-8
0:00 BB-8 motif?
01:09 Resistance March
Follow Me
1:12 Finn's/Action Motif
1:41 Finn's/Action Motif
2:00 Finn's/Action Motif
2:29 Rebel Fanfare
Rey's Theme
0:00 Rey's Theme (Flute Intro)
0:13 Rey's Theme (Intro)
0:33 Rey's Theme
1:00 Rey's Theme (Intro)
1:21 Rey's Theme
1:40 Rey's Theme
1:54 Rey's Theme (Intro)
2:13 Rey's Theme
2:39 Rey's Theme (Intro)
The Falcon
0:08 Rebel Fanfare
0:11 Finn's/Action Motif
0:50 Finn's/Action Motif
1:00 Finn's/Action Motif
1:19 Finn's/Action Motif
2:26 Finn's/Action Motif
2:39 The Snow Battle Reference?
3:06 Finn's/Action Motif (Strings)?
That Girl With the Staff
0:08 Luke and Leia?
0:20 Rey's Theme
The Rathtars!
0:44 Luke's Theme A Section
2:47 Finn's/Action Motif
3:06 Finn's/Action Motif
3:43 Rebel Fanfare
Finn's Confession
0:00 Discussion and Confrontation (Talk of Podracing Reference)
0:48 Rey's Theme
1:00 Rey's Theme
1:17 Rey's Theme
Maz's Counsel
2:14 The Force Theme
2:40 Rey's Theme
Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle
0:00 Dark Side (Carrying Home Mother Reference)?
0:51 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:17 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:29 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:43 Rey's Theme
The Abduction
0:13 Unknown 1 (Starkiller Base)?
0:45 Kylo Ren's Theme
0:57 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:18 The Force Theme (Fragment)?
1:39 Rey's Theme
Han and Leia
0:03 Luke's Theme A Section
0:10 Leia's Theme
0:29 Han Solo and the Princess (Luke To The Rescue Lift)
1:12 Resistance March
2:22 The Force Theme (Fragment)?
2:31 Rebel Fanfare (Fragment)?
3:25 Han Solo and the Princess
3:44 Unknown 1 (Starkiller Base)?
4:02 The Force Theme
March of the Resistance
0:15 Resistance March
1:01 Snoke's Theme (Dark Side motif from ROTS?)
On the Inside
0:45 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:04 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:27 Rey's Theme
Torn Apart
1:06 The Force Theme (Fragment)?
2:14 Han Solo and the Princess (Twisted, Horns)
2:48 Kylo Ren's Theme
3:13 The Force Theme
3:44 Kylo Ren's Theme
3:52 Rey's Theme
The Ways of the Force
0:13 The Force Theme
0:33 Rey's Theme
0:53 Rey's Theme
1:08 Unknown 1 (Starkiller Base)?
1:21 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:35 Kylo Ren's Theme
1:50 The Force Theme
2:08 Rey's Theme
2:38 The Force Theme
2:52 Rey's Theme
Scherzo for X-Wings
0:14 Luke's Theme A Section
0:32 Luke's Theme A Section
0:50 Luke's Theme A Section
1:04 Luke's Theme A Section
1:19 Luke's Theme A Section (Fragment)
1:34 Luke's Theme A Section (Fragment)
2:03 Luke's Theme A Section
2:07 The Force Theme
Farewell and the Trip
0:11 Rey's Theme
0:47 The Force Theme
1:26 Rey's Theme
1:49 Han Solo and the Princess
2:12 The Force Theme
2:55 Leia's Theme
3:45 Rebel Fanfare
3:51 Luke's Theme A Section
4:03 Rey's Theme (Flute Intro)
4:07 Rey's Theme
4:34 Rey's Theme (Flute Intro)
The Jedi Steps and Finale
0:04 Luke's Theme A Section
0:19 Rey's Theme/Luke's Theme Hybrid?
0:41 Rey's Theme/Luke's Theme Hybrid?
1:10 Rey's Theme/Luke's Theme Hybrid?
1:37 The Force Theme
2:14 Luke's Theme A Section
2:23 Rebel Fanfare
2:29 The Rolling Thunder
2:41 Luke's Theme A Section
2:58 Rey's Theme (Intro)
3:02 Rey's Theme (Flute Intro)
3:11 Rey's Theme
4:01 Rey's Theme (Flute Intro)
4:25 Unknown 1 (Starkiller Base?)
4:45 Kylo Ren's Theme
5:02 Finn's/Action Motif
6:05 Resistance March
7:27 The Force Theme
7:31 Rey's Theme
8:07 Rebel Fanfare
8:22 Rey's Theme
8:34 Luke's Theme A Section
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from Pieter Boelen in .
Well I have now seen it and I really liked it. Better then On Stranger Tides, both film and score.
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from SafeUnderHill in Top ten themes from Lord of the rings and top ten themes from The Hobbit
What is your top ten favorite themes from Lord of the Rings and what is your top ten favorite themes from The Hobbit?
Smaug The Iron got a reaction from Bilbo in .
You cannot wield it. None of us can. The box set answers to PJ alone, it has no other master.