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    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Maybe he actually cared about the sanctity of Williams' thematic development throughout the original trilogy, and didn't want to plaster the film with Leia, Force theme, Rebel fanfare, Imperial March, Luke's theme, before Williams masterfully introduces them for the next film. Oh and he perhaps also wanted to write his own stuff, and not copy and paste. Otherwise what's the point of even showing up?
    If people want to hear lots of old theme statements, then I could suggest a few films that they are in abundance.
  2. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I'm loving this piece more and more.
    Like the quiet and understated Death Star motif at 0:45.
    And from 1:20 - 1:55 is basically the most Imperial 35 seconds of music in Star Wars history. We get Imperial rhythms, followed by Vader's motif, followed by Giacchino's new Krennic theme, and his new Imperial theme, then the Death Star motif, all in that little section. Jam packed full of Imperial goodness.
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    DarthDementous got a reaction from leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One - Disney FYC site contains 26 1/2 minutes of additional music   
    oh yeah you're right, had a complete brain-fart. 
    agreed completely on the comment about action music, then again I haven't listened to the full FYC album which I'll do so now.
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    DarthDementous reacted to crumbs in Will John Williams Ever Record Another Star Wars Score with the LSO?   
    I think the main reason TFA sounds different to the prequels is a result of Murphy's drier recording setup, the different recording studio (Abbey Road has its own character), less ornate orchestration (barely any choir and reduced percussion), and Williams demonstrating restraint by tempering the extraversion of his writing to better suit the film (ie. not doing the heavy lifting and compensating for a director's shortcomings).
    The LSO did the original trilogy and it sounds completely different to the prequels. It was because Williams changed his writing style and Murphy didn't record the OT.
  6. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Disco Stu in Will John Williams Ever Record Another Star Wars Score with the LSO?   
    Frankly, it would be insulting to British mattress manufacturers to fly in Williams' Los Angeles bed.  Not even taking possible customs law violations into consideration, it would be an insult to the craftsmen who design and produce mattresses for the British people.
  7. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Jay in Will John Williams Ever Record Another Star Wars Score with the LSO?   
    I do hope they record the Main Titles again for each sequel film instead of reusing the first film's recording like the prequels. 
  8. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Jay in Will John Williams Ever Record Another Star Wars Score with the LSO?   
    John Williams hasn't flown to Europe since 2005 and he certainly won't in the future either. Now that he knows very well how the LA musicians played his TFA score, he'll tailor his Ep8 score to their strengths and it will be fine. 
  9. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to artguy360 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One - Disney FYC site contains 26 1/2 minutes of additional music   
    Listening the Star-Dust on the FYC site, Gia really nails the sound of the Star Wars OT underscore. Even the orchestration sounds straight out of ANH. Then the music becomes destinctly Gia with his slow, sad piano music. 
  10. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to curlytoot in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One - Disney FYC site contains 26 1/2 minutes of additional music   
    Great find. I really wish "Good Luck Little Sister" was on the OST. I vividly remember hearing the ending of that cue in the theater and loved it (probably the wildest version of Krennic's theme); rushed to the OST afterwards to locate it but alas, it wasn't there.
  11. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from artguy360 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    to better organise my thoughts on the score I'm going to split it into pros and cons.
    - I do quite like the proto-Imperial March theme and Krennic's theme, even found myself unable to stop humming it
    - some of the underscore tricks me into thinking I'm listening to Williams and for the most part, the Star Wars sound is there
    - Jyn's theme despite being a bit generic is hummable and effective, particularly in the track 'Your Father Would be Proud' which brings me to the next point...
    - pretty much everything about 'Your Father Would be Proud', love the tone, the orchestration and the Prequel-style dramatic ending to the piece
    - pretty much everything about 'Hope', in particular the middle section with the Tantive IV escaping conjures up some very strong emotions and I connect it instantly to Star Wars even though I'm not sure why
    - the integration of Williams themes is well done for the most part, favourite examples would be the deconstructed Imperial March in the choir from 'Hope' followed by a brief statement with a new and exciting flourish, and the very seamless and appropriately eerie Deathstar motif attached to the Imperial theme
    - while not the worst examples I've heard, its very frustrating to hear the start of a theme you are very familiar with and then have it turn into something different. examples of this are the notes of Across the Stars in Guardian of the Whills and Luke's theme in the Hope theme.
    - the action music is pretty bland and relies more on rhythm than melodic identity, the attempt to emulate Williams' ecclectic nature fall flat and there's not much distinction between the action-heavy tracks. this is a huge missed opportunity with the amazing action in the movie, imagine what Williams would've written for that space battle!
    - inconsistency in thematic writing. Giacchino doesn't really commit to manipulation and inclusion of themes to tell a story though leitmotif and if he does do it, the quotes of the themes are static for the most part
    - the quotes of the Force theme are quite bland and feel misplaced at times. there were opportunities to have a thematically different take on these, maybe a more militaristic one like in Episode 3
    you can listen to it here: http://www.waltdisneystudiosawards.com/music/rogue_one/4m25ApproachtoEadu.mp3
    probably the most interesting action music in the movie even if it doesn't change as much in rhythm as I would have liked. bit of an 'Asteroid Field' feel near the middle of the track and the brass blasts are quite exciting. also noticed that Jyn's theme works really well in an action context as a driving force, would've liked to hear more done with that.
  12. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Arpy in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    to better organise my thoughts on the score I'm going to split it into pros and cons.
    - I do quite like the proto-Imperial March theme and Krennic's theme, even found myself unable to stop humming it
    - some of the underscore tricks me into thinking I'm listening to Williams and for the most part, the Star Wars sound is there
    - Jyn's theme despite being a bit generic is hummable and effective, particularly in the track 'Your Father Would be Proud' which brings me to the next point...
    - pretty much everything about 'Your Father Would be Proud', love the tone, the orchestration and the Prequel-style dramatic ending to the piece
    - pretty much everything about 'Hope', in particular the middle section with the Tantive IV escaping conjures up some very strong emotions and I connect it instantly to Star Wars even though I'm not sure why
    - the integration of Williams themes is well done for the most part, favourite examples would be the deconstructed Imperial March in the choir from 'Hope' followed by a brief statement with a new and exciting flourish, and the very seamless and appropriately eerie Deathstar motif attached to the Imperial theme
    - while not the worst examples I've heard, its very frustrating to hear the start of a theme you are very familiar with and then have it turn into something different. examples of this are the notes of Across the Stars in Guardian of the Whills and Luke's theme in the Hope theme.
    - the action music is pretty bland and relies more on rhythm than melodic identity, the attempt to emulate Williams' ecclectic nature fall flat and there's not much distinction between the action-heavy tracks. this is a huge missed opportunity with the amazing action in the movie, imagine what Williams would've written for that space battle!
    - inconsistency in thematic writing. Giacchino doesn't really commit to manipulation and inclusion of themes to tell a story though leitmotif and if he does do it, the quotes of the themes are static for the most part
    - the quotes of the Force theme are quite bland and feel misplaced at times. there were opportunities to have a thematically different take on these, maybe a more militaristic one like in Episode 3
    you can listen to it here: http://www.waltdisneystudiosawards.com/music/rogue_one/4m25ApproachtoEadu.mp3
    probably the most interesting action music in the movie even if it doesn't change as much in rhythm as I would have liked. bit of an 'Asteroid Field' feel near the middle of the track and the brass blasts are quite exciting. also noticed that Jyn's theme works really well in an action context as a driving force, would've liked to hear more done with that.
  13. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Will in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Love this!
    So hopeful and "epic," for lack of a better word, particularly IMO when you think of the scene it underscores. It's the start of the transition from terror and chillingness to hopeful nostalgia. Very "Star Wars."
  14. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to lostoman17 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Before my first listen to the soundtrack, I was reading comments there. I thought the score is awful... And finally I saw the film the day before yesterday. 

    What can I say...

    I will never EVER argue with people about (so called) "Djatchino" in this thread. The score is simply brilliant (as the movie is). It is filled with drama and epicness, extremely beautiful orchestration. One of my TOP-3 Gia scores. 
  15. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I'd say it was equally cheesy and over the top , but we're just so used to the Imperial March that we view it as less cheesy and OTT than it is.
    I like to think of Giacchino's Imperial theme as just a precursor to the Death Star motif, like a build up for example, as if Williams' Death Star motif is the big finale to a full Death Star theme, that's half Giacchino, half Williams. Because most of, if not all its appearances are ended with the Death Star motif, especially in the piece 'When Has Become Now.' They seem like one theme together.
    That way I can like it better when thought of in context with the film. On album listen I like it, but in the film it did have an extra cheesy feeling.
  16. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Damien F in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I actually like the imperial theme in the opening track.
  17. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Will in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I love the title "Jyncarcerated." 
    I'm glad the official titles are serious, but I'm also glad that we got pun ones as a bonus. 
  18. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to KK in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I agree it's more memorable than the Kylo Ren themes, which were never much anyway. But it sounds far more distracting, and more awkward in construction. As with most Gia villain themes, it's just an awkward recombination of Williams' familiar intervals anyway.
    The theme itself is actually not that bad. In fact, I'd like it if the second half was less awkward in construction. When it the 5th just steps to the 6th, it feels prematurely neutered, especially after the leaping intervals before it. It's also particularly distracting in context, often taking you out of the film. Could have been a rather sweeping melody otherwise.
  19. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    And just wanted to add one thing. As much as I'm tired of the Imperial March, I don't think the same way at all about the Force theme. Which never ever disappoints. Yes, I do think he reused binary sunset variation a few too many times. But, on the whole, this is the theme that never disappoints. It gives Star Wars this mythical aura that the two most popular themes never quite reach in my opinion.
  20. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    If The Imperial March didn't exist, and just Vader's motif was used for the Empire up until now, and then Giacchino composed the Imperial March for this film, some on here would call it cheesy, because it is. It works perfectly in 1980, but now it really wouldn't work if invented in todays more serious filmmaking tone.
    I can imagine it now - 
    "Seriously though, that stupidly over the top nazi 'I'M EVILLLL' imperial march that Giacchino wrote for the empire, was just laughable. Completely took me out of the film."
  21. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Want to read my honest opinion? No? I will state it anyway. I'm bit tired of The Imperial March. Great theme, yeah. But it's just getting on my nerves sometimes very much in the same way as My Heart Will Go On and Everything I Do I Do It For You. You can't have a single JW concert without it. And it is hardly one of his best compositions, technically.
  22. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Well, it is a better theme than his Nazi theme from MOH scores. And, to be quite frank, it is bit more memorable than Kylo Ren themes (if somewhat not as refined musically).
  23. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Disco Stu in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    People=me and I'd appreciate it if "people" would stop singling me out for my honest gut reaction. You say "so much negativity" like everyone has it out for Giacchino, like there's some kind of disingenuousness involved. What I see is a lot of honest, emotional, and/or thoughtful reactions to music that is consciously imitating the scores that are a major reason why many of us are here every day and so passionate about film music in the first place.
    I consider myself a supporter of Giacchino's music as well, I have often loved his scores. But I wouldn't be much of a supporter if I couldn't acknowledge when I thought he had failed.
  24. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I like how Giacchino's hope theme sounds like a cheap knock-off of Luke's theme at first but then you realise at the end that this is exactly the point as you hear the film's last line and where it ends. It was always meant to anticipate Williams' iconic melody but can't be fully stated until the end credits. Nice.
    Karol - who also likes how Giacchino ends the final Vader's theme statement with Death Star motif
  25. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Alex Shore in John Williams begins recording Star Wars Episode VIII score today in Los Angeles   
    2 JW Fans + 2 Kobe Fans = 3. (At the first Star Wars Episode VIII recording session. Kobe loves Rey's Theme and sings it to his daughter at bedtime.)
    Source: Montage: Great Film Composers and the Piano - CD & Film
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