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    DarthDementous reacted to mrbellamy in John Williams begins recording Star Wars Episode VIII score today in Los Angeles   
    Funny thing about that was it wasn't even his idea. Some reporter suggested it to him and he just agreed it would be kinda cool and interesting for there to be no marketing, speculatively. Then of course naturally it got reported everywhere as "ADAM DRIVER DOESN'T WANT ANY EPISODE 8 TRAILERS!"which apparently turned into there will be no trailers lol.
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    DarthDementous reacted to Mr. Breathmask in John Williams begins recording Star Wars Episode VIII score today in Los Angeles   
    Wouldn't even have to be Williams scoring.
    Just someone with some chops for good themes and thematic consistency throughout the series would have helped.
  3. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to ocelot in John Williams begins recording Star Wars Episode VIII score today in Los Angeles   
    I believe they wanted Rogue one not to have any other Star Wars attached to it as many people still think it is the sequel to Episode 7, lol... 
  4. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Meredith McKay in John Williams begins recording Star Wars Episode VIII score today in Los Angeles   
    Now we will have Inception levels if imitation!
    The Imitation Game 2: Williams on Giacchino on Williams.
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    DarthDementous reacted to Alex in The BFG - FYC Album   
    Soon it'll just be cheaper to hire JW and the Hollywood Studio Symphony to perform it in your living room
  6. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to artguy360 in Original Trilogy to Sequel Trilogy - What Changed in the Action Music?   
    JW used to write action cues based around some kind of motif or as a kind of ballet with fun changes in temp accompanied by different motivic phases like the Desert Chase from Indy or The Battle of Yavin both of which have clear musical changes at important moments in the film. Contemporary JW action music is more reliant on more diverse textures and musically chaotic noise and changes in rhythm rather than a clear motivic identity.
  7. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Damien F in Which do you prefer? "Across the Stars" or "Rey's Theme"?   
    The problem I have with Across The Stars is not the music itself, but rather it accompanies probably the worst written romance in cinema history. That's obviously not JW fault though. He was scoring the idea of the Anakin/Padme relationship rather than how it actually transpired onscreen.
    In contrast, Rey's theme is a remarkably precise theme for Daisy Ridley's portrayal of the character – feminine but not overtly romantic, noble yet modest, heroic but with a hint of uncertainty and mystery.
  8. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to The Psycho Pianist in Which do you prefer? "Across the Stars" or "Rey's Theme"?   
    I love both of them, but Rey's Theme has just that feeling of extra depth and complexity, and sense of satisfaction upon it finishing. Across The Stars has a (deliberately of course) lush, romantic, almost Tchaikovsky-esque feel; but it simultaneously feels quite one dimensional and pretty much repeats the theme over and over (kind of like Luke and Leia's theme), with only that troubled, low string and brass ostinato for contrast, which I feel is slightly incongruous with the tone of the rest of the piece.
    Rey's Theme feels a lot more fresh and transparent, and layers two different thematic ideas right from the beginning - playing around with the melodic ideas and developing them midway through. Personally I prefer that approach from purely a musical standpoint, although of course they both work excellently as written for the films.
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    DarthDementous reacted to Disco Stu in Which do you prefer? "Across the Stars" or "Rey's Theme"?   
    Is it time for me to make an "Across the Stars - Williams' Most Overrated Theme?" thread?  I'll do it, I'm not bluffing!
    One has to exist from at some point over the 14 years or whatever of JWFan.
  10. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Arpy in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Great score and listening experience for me so far, a few moments have escaped me, but I'm sure it will all make much more sense after I see the film tomorrow, as did TFA after I saw that.
    Reading through this thread though has been a trial, so much negativity, so many expectations many of you all had. There are dour reactions, outright bizarre reactions of people feeling physically ill (if this music makes you ill, I can only assume you're now a zombie) Some fun reactions, and very thoughtful ones, so I'm not bashing the thread! 
    I had very little interest in Rogue One from the start, I'm more optimistic now, but I knew what it was going to be (both film and score) and have set my expectations accordingly. 
    Listening to Rogue One and The Force Awakens back-to-back you can hear that Giacchino has put effort into trying to infuse Williams' style into his own, even if that means that it might sound like a contradiction at moments where his ideas of sombreness and softness he employs aren't what Williams would've done at all.
    Maybe I've gone too easy on Giacchino, but maybe that's because I support his work more than most around here seem to do...
    My spell-checker keeps trying to suggest "Pinocchio" instead of "Giacchino"

  11. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to mrbellamy in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    So I don't have much to add on this that hasn't already been discussed to death, but I will reiterate a bunch of things that have already been said.
    I thought the music was fine. I'm with you loert, I quite like that new Imperial theme. On a dramatic level it doesn't really convey much gravitas and it did take me out of the film at times and make it feel like a knock-off. One shot in particular, that big one of all the TIE Fighters flying out, I thought that actually did call for Williams. That was one of those moments where I agree (I think Jay said this) that the visuals were telling me it's Star Wars and the music wasn't. But it's a fun tune!
    Not a fan of Jyn or Chirrut's themes, honestly, and I don't think they were that well-utilized either. Just don't think they really told much of a story or carried much meaning, and I could hear Giacchino straining to imitate Williams at times with those in kind of haphazard ways. There was one bit in Eadu where it showed Jyn and her theme played, then Chirrut and his theme, then back to Jyn and her theme, then Chirrut, and I just thought that felt a little forced, lacked that effortlessness. Reminded me of Sharky's comment awhile back about "rhetoric" vs "syntax". 
    As far as the Williams quotes go, mostly I thought he did really well, minus a few missteps here and there. That Force theme statement early on, yeah, wtf is that? Rhythmically awkward, and it's funny that KK mentioned "Farewell and the Trip" earlier because that was the counterexample I was going to bring up too. But all the other Force theme statements I actually liked, and the Imperial motif, Imperial March, and Death Star were handled just fine.
    The "Hope" theme, I think is okay as its own thing, but that title statement...yikes. I get that they were trying to go same but different, but the way I see it, the better decision would have been to go with something that sounded completely different like Jyn's theme, or just bite the bullet and do Luke's theme full stop. Everyone was already humming it anyway and it was sadly hilarious hearing everybody in the audience get all excited and whoo-ing with the first two notes, and then suddenly drop into this weird murmur. Going down the middle and having this cocktease thing that sounds like Luke's theme but isn't, and the title font looking like the Star Wars title but not looking like it, it was like the uncanny valley of Star Wars. Just weird and slightly embarrassing.
    Thing is, when I heard the theme in that clip of Jyn's speech, I picked up on the Luke's theme similarities and actually appreciated it, but now I'm just not sure in general how successful that was to have something that sounded like the main title but wasn't. Especially because they never really connected. That was my expectation was that he would bring the two together at some point, or relate them to each other...there was a point late in the film where I thought he was going to go into Luke's theme instead. Just the idea of him conditioning us to hear this other "not quite right" theme all the time and then finally building into Luke's. I think that could have been interesting.
    But you know, these gripes aside, hats off to MG. This was a less than ideal way for him to get his dream project and he gave it his all. You can tell he loves these scores, loves Williams, and as last-minute pastiche goes, he manages to convince well enough and keep the engine running with some entertaining highlights. Would have preferred to hear Desplat get his full swing at it, but what can you do? Thankfully he's got Valerian coming up.
    And strangely find myself pretty indifferent about wondering what a Williams R1 would have been like. Just glad we've still got him on VIII. For the record, though, he would have destroyed that Jedha escape sequence!
  12. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Loert in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    But if you forget about the Empire, the Imperials or the Imperial March etc...it's a pretty good tune on its own, right?!  
    I particularly like the parts with the "shivering" woodwind, such as from 0:17 and 2:00.
  13. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Just an fyi; I'm not criticising those people for their negative opinions of the score, just like I don't expect to be criticised for really liking the score. I'm merely pointing out how over the top those people are expressing it. Like how the score makes them feel ill and that Giacchino has proven he is terrible etc. It's just unnecessary.
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    DarthDementous reacted to Luke Skywalker in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Ah so it is a happy crying face?
    I thought it was the contrary
    I dont think it is silly, the imperial theme.
  16. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I thought what Giacchino did with Vader's motif, the Imperial March, Death Star Motif and the Rebel Fanfare were all great. That one Force Theme rendition was ended in a very dodgy way I agree, but the other times were nice.
  17. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Will in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Actually haha of course it doesn't mean anything but one of the softer Jyn's theme statements did remind me very much of Rey's theme.
    Nice to hear a bit more positivity today, btw, although the dozens of negative posts are grating to read.
  18. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Luke Skywalker in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Nobody does. And nobody ever will.
    This score is not bad, orchestrated, it's the most closer to the williams sound that he ever has done. He quotes the themes that should be quoted. In fact probably its a concious idea to create a new Imperial/Krennic theme, and leave the Vader march only for him. (As it is not used in ANH). I  would have liked more rebel fanfare, but after thinking it, really the rebel alliance is a mess until they make up their minds and fight in the final battle so that may be also a conscious move.
    As i said earlier some underscore is similar to some MOH music and that is cool, GIacchino returned a little to his old sound.
    Another thing they have wanted to distiguish this so much from the main saga that they probably didnt force giacchino to make a pastiche of previous themes. And since it seems they werent forcing it any other composer would have done a un-stawarsy score. I didnt like the title card music, Luke's theme should have been used though.
    I dont really see anymore similarities between this score and others this year than in other years. So i dont hear any straining ot tiredness.
    Some quotations of old themes sound more in place than in Jurassic World or even  Williams' KOTCS and TFA shoehorned renditions. I think this score contains the most examples of correct blending of Williams homages with new music in most after-Williams-derivated films.
    Really excluding the opening blast, the opening of 'He's here for us' doesnt sound like Williams star wars? COme on.
  19. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Shoot me by all means, but I really really like what I'm hearing. 
    He really knows his Star Wars scores as well. Things like the great little Hoth battle reference at 0:30 in 'AT- ACT Assault.'
    I know people will reply with things saying I'm an idiot for thinking it's great, but I care not. I am a fan of Giacchino, and I really like his style and this score.
  20. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Just got my CD. Going through my first listen. 
    I'm up to 'Jedha Arrival' and wow, I really like that piece. Favourite of the score so far. 
  21. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Seriously guys, did you seriously expect Giacchino would suddenly write like John Williams because it's Star Wars? He never did that before and never will. All he can do is approximate the sound. Surprised that it sounds a bit like pastiche? First, Star Wars is a pastiche and over the top. It was never subtle (or too subtle). Second, this is in Gia's DNA. He did it with MOH, he did it with The Incredibles, he did it last year with Jurassic World (to lesser extent). He does have a lighthearted personality. Tongue-in-cherk homages are his thing. I seriously can't understand why this is suddenly such an issue. It's always been like that!
  22. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    When I first saw the track listing I started to worry about Michael. But reading the booklet I know everything is ok.

  23. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Mephariel in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Let’s talk about the good stuff first. Giacchino definitely got the sound of Star Wars right for the most part. It sounds like Star Wars and I especially love the way he uses brass in opening seconds to draw you in. In terms of specific cues, I love parts of “Star-Dust” because Giacchino is just awesome with piano. Jyn’s theme is awesome, but definitely a rip-off of “Night on Yorktown.” Still, powerful stuff. If there is one cue I am buying it is the “Jyn Erso and Hope Suite.” His incorporation of Williams’s themes is very appropriate and transitions very nicely.

    There are two main problems with the score. The first is that most of the action cues are so dry. It is not necessary bad composition, just dry. Like I am listening to an opera sitting in a white room without seeing the characters. I mean, it sounds like a space opera, but without the organic, fun, lively feeling that Williams put into his scores. And maybe it is because of the time constraint, but Giacchino fell back to the method of using a slow repetitive build up leading to a rising crescendo a bit too much. Giacchino also clearly struggled to imitate the complexity and intricacies of Williams’ underscore (as do much composers), and he is at his strongest, instead, when he let his own emotional voice shined through. The last part of “Rebellions Are Built on Hope” for example, is beautiful. Another example is the cue “Your Father Would Be Proud.” That cue sounds the least like Williams, but it is definitely a highlight of score.

    The second issue is that most of the score sounds the same. It not because it is a continuous narrative, rather the cues stay flat throughout. There are too much of the same instruments, too much of the same rising notes, the same frantic orchestration. A lot of the cues lack a clear identity and are nearly indistinguishable from each other.  

    After my first listen, it is probably my favorite Giacchino score of the year, but that is not saying much because I didn’t like any of his scores that much. I give it a solid ***1/2 stars. I can’t help but think what this score would be like had Desplat stayed on.

  24. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Docteur Qui in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I just got back from the movie. Thought the score was good, surprisingly Star-Warsy. I haven't much liked any of Giacchino's scores for the last few years but this one worked really well in the film for me. Far, far more so than the clunky Jurassic World. Heaps of colourful instrumentation that I wouldn't expect from Gia (especially from the woodwinds). 
    I'm yet to listen to the score by itself but my initial impression is that it's nowhere near as bad as most of you are saying. Neither is the film for that matter. 
  25. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in SPOILER TALK: Rogue One by Gareth Edwards   
    To each their own, but I can honestly say I bloody loved Rogue One. Start to finish adored it. My favourite SW film since the original trilogy. Some of my favourite storytelling. Some scenes blew me away and the set pieces were visually stunning and very interesting to watch. I was honestly very impressed indeed. 
    I was smiling from ear to ear with awe at so much of it. Force Awakens lefts me semi disappointed on first watch. I expected so much more than a safe remake. But Rogue One had such original and exhilarating moments. Like the ground battle in the tropical location. The brilliantly well and tastefully done sequence of each major character dying one by one. The great scene with them getting the plans and hanging onto the data core whilst having a gun fight with Krennick and troopers. The entire bloody great space battle. The ramming ship that pushed a Star Destroyer into another one. Vaders reveal in the tank. Vader tearing through the rebels with ease. Every death star scene, especially that reveal and that beautiful scene when they destroyed the city and temple with the very slow and monstrous explosion. I also actually enjoyed the CGI of Tarkin and he was utterly convincingly perfect in shots with less or no dialogue (but  any mouth movement is still not convincing enough.) The stunning locations and new planet ideas. The sets were very refreshing and well staged. And I really was very happy with Giacchino's efforts.  I can't wait to see it again. This time in 3D for the extra depth of the great action.
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