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    DarthDementous reacted to Darth Crossfader in Is Mark Griskey the Best Person (Other Than Williams) to do Star Wars Music?   
    It's incredibly annoying to be able to point out exactly which Williams cues Haab drew from to write his own. One of the above (Sullust's Harsh Terrain?) is at least partially based on REVENGE OF THE SITH's They're Coming Around, for example.
  2. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Richard P in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    I'd expect a series 9 CD release in the interim. The series 8 release came out in May 2015, so I could see it happening in the next few months.
  3. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Pieter Boelen in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    true, maybe this can serve as the intermediary between news by being more musically focused.
  4. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Pieter Boelen in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    you'll be disappointed to know that there's only about four occurrences of it that's been officially released (tonnes of unreleased cues though, it was played a lot during the show)
    Series 3 - All the Strange Strange Creatures
    Series 3 - YANA (Excerpt)
    Series 4 - The Final Days
    Series 4 - A Pressing Need to Save the World (appears in some capacity around 1:30)
    and as a bonus here's when it was played at the Doctor Who Proms
  5. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in Breaking news! Jwfan224 is Leaving JW Fan forever   
    In the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks earlier today in Brussels the first signs of an exodus begin to appear on JWFan, as one of it's most popular members announced toady that he is stepping down as member after a series of confrontations with the Moderator, Jason LeBlanc. These news reports are as yet unconfirmed however, since Jwfan2234, the member who made the announcement has a history of generating such stories in an effort to attract attention to himself. Also his modus operandi includes altering the title or content of his posts a short time later.
  6. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Loert in How many of you have already played JW music in an orchestra?   
    I wish.
    But I have an evil plan, which is to become conductor of my local school symphony orchestra, and make them learn "The Mine Car Chase" from Temple of Doom. Mwahahaha!!! 

  7. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Taikomochi in Rey's Theme – John Williams' Best Theme Yet?   
    Everytime I hear someone say a theme is only good if it's hummable, I cringe.  Especially when they then cite non-melodic scores like The Dark Knight which you probably wouldn't hum anyways...
  8. Like
  9. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Not Mr. Big in Rey's Theme – John Williams' Best Theme Yet?   
    Yeah, writing off the positive reaction to the theme as being the product of "rose-tinted glasses" was far more dismissive than saying "Ok"
  10. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in Rey's Theme – John Williams' Best Theme Yet?   
    Indeed. A lot of people didn't "get" Rey's Theme at first. So it's certainly not a case of it being a Star Wars hype.
    That's how it comes off to you! I'm not responsible for the way you interpret my comments. Especially since they weren't even directed at you.
    This Cantu guy was far more dismissive of people here then my "ok" ever was.
    And who the hell are you to tell me how to formulate my opinion anyway?
  11. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Loert in Rey's Theme – John Williams' Best Theme Yet?   
    Rey's theme is anything but random. It is, first and foremost, a derivation of the Force theme. Now, it may not sound as "tight" or complete as other, more popular Williams themes, but I believe Williams is aiming at something bigger here. Rey is only just becoming aware of her nature. Only by the end of the film is the Force "awakened" in Rey, and this is beautifully referenced by Williams in the end credits, when Rey's theme is played alongside the Force theme. This is Williams explicitly stating, "Hey guys, Rey is actually strongly connected to the Force".
    But before then, Rey's theme only subtly hints at this reference. And I agree that Rey's theme might come across as slightly hollow. One of the reasons for this is that the theme keeps returning to the tonic, but not always "on the beat". This is unlike the Force theme, which has a stronger sense of harmonic rhythm, whereas Rey's theme might come across as more confused.
    But this is entirely appropriate for the film and the story, because, after all, Rey is a "lost character" herself when we first come across her. She's a strong character to be sure, but ultimately confused about her destiny. And hence Rey's theme, while it certainly sounds bold, does not have such a strong sense of direction as it could have, because there isn't much to be certain about. Rey's journey is only just beginning!
    So, I don't think it's correct to dismiss Rey's theme because it isn't hummable or memorable. I believe that Williams knows what he's doing, and that he's trying to paint a larger, more profound narrative with his music, more so than he has done in the past. And I think this is one of the reasons why this soundtrack has been such a "grower" for so many people. It is not the kind of soundtrack that hits you in the face with memorable, hummable tunes, but (speaking for myself) it left me feeling inquisitive after first listening. And I like the fact that Williams seems to be going down this more operatic route because, after all, Star Wars is the sort of franchise which lends itself to this operatic treatment very well (even though it is just a kids' movie...)
  12. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Brónach in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    It's chock full of gorgeous little things.
    Like the melody that opens this: 
    Or River's backwards motifs and diverse unreleased variations, which slowly becomes a new melody.
    I think I'm most aware of the narrative flow of the music in the Matt Smith years, due to the more detailed releases.
    Gold is extremely good at emotional manipulation and writing lines that grow and grow.
  13. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Brónach in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    oh wow, how did I forget this track - it's absolutely beautiful! this plays during Hell Bent when the Doctor reveals how long he spent in the Confession Dial:
    it has the aesthetic of the music in Heaven Sent and maybe a bit of Doomsday in there, very beautiful subtle piece of music.
  14. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Marian Schedenig in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    The songs usually are highlights, and The Rings of Akhaten made particular good use of them. It was hardly one of the best episodes, but it drew some of the show's most powerful moments from the combination of storytelling and music/song.
    And it has one of my favourite action cues:
  15. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Marian Schedenig in Favourite Doctor Who Musical Moments   
    Martha and Clara for me:
    Certainly, though Tenant also had a pretty good theme already. I've grown to like Capaldi's, but it's more simple, Media Ventures styled and certainly not as interesting or exciting as the two earlier incarnations. (Capaldi's Doctor also has the by far best looking title sequence, but an annoyingly overproduced and un-swashbuckling rendition of the theme).
    Speaking of swashbuckling, one of my favourite set pieces is this one:
    Sounds more piratey than the actual pirate episode that came later.
  16. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Jamie Dutton in Rey's Theme – John Williams' Best Theme Yet?   
    Yes, JWFan has now reached the point where we find all the classic iconic themes completely unsuitable for their respective characters and situations.
  17. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to TownerFan in Your favourite film + music moments in Star Wars: The Force Awakens   
    In casual order:
    - Rey's introduction (especially the piano and celesta figuration when she slides down the dunes)
    - Rey's theme on flute when she prepares dinner and eats outside the remnants of the Imperial Walker.
    - The Rebel fanfare when we see the Falcon, and the flute repeating figure when the Falcon jumps into hyperspace
    - The Starkiller lament (probably the most inspired film/music combination of the entire film, imho)
    - The Resistance fleet arriving at the castle
    - The tragic reading of Rey's theme when Kylo Ren carries her on his ship
    - The timpani roll that precedes the Falcon jumping out of the forest trees on the frozen planet
    - The Starkiller explosion, accompanied by one of the most jubilant variations on the Force theme Williams ever did (the whole "Journey Home/Farewell and the Trip" is probably my own single favorite sequence of music of the new film)
    - Rey climbing the Jedi steps and finding Luke
  18. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Flare in LOSSLESS JOHN WILLIAMS IS THE MOST GLORIOUS THING I HAVE EVER HEARD   
    Damn. If I had known that I would've gotten physical (then again I didn't even know the difference back then) but I guess I was just too impatient.
  19. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in The Force Awakens - Score Reactions from Reviews, etc   
    Williams is just lazy copying all the greats of the past. Every time I hear the first note in one of his pieces, I can't stand listening to any more because I recognise that note from somewhere else. Every single instrument and note Williams writes has been used before. But he just reorganises the instruments and notes in a different order, thinking we wont notice. It disgusts me. 
  20. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in John Williams Receives 50th Oscar Nomination for 'The Force Awakens'   
    You are seriously becoming a candidate for the ignore feature
  21. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Datameister in Your favourite film + music moments in Star Wars: The Force Awakens   
    I agree that those more sweeping arrangements are wonderful, but I really like how the scoring for duel hints more at Rey's power and perhaps at the temptation of the dark side. I don't know whether my interpretation is correct, but between the music, the editing, and Daisy Ridley's acting, it seemed to me that Rey's power was being fueled in part by anger and vengeful thoughts. As we've seen, an untrained youth with strong Force powers can be tempted quite a bit by the dark side. And Williams' approach with the duel does a perfect job of subtly underlining that danger, even as she's besting the villain.
  22. Like
    1. It's great that you've realized that iTunes and other online digital retailers sell compressed files, and that lossless is better.  Good for you, welcome to a whole new world!
    2. If you want to own lossless music instead of lossy, most of us would recommend buying the physical CDs that music comes out on.  If not, there are actually online retailers that do sell lossless music instead of lossy - check out http://www.hdtracks.com/, http://www.ponomusic.com/, http://qobuz.com/, http://7digital.com/, etc etc.
    3. If you want to illegally download music instead of paying for it, that is your prerogative, but DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT ON JWFAN!!!!  It's really very simple.  If you want to talk about some music you've heard, talk about the music.  Don't mention that you illegally downloaded it from a torrent site!  Come on now!
    4. If you have any specific questions about lossy vs lossless stuff, file formats, etc, then start a thread in Other Topics.  This thread is done.
  23. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Not Mr. Big in The Force Awakens - Score Reactions from Reviews, etc   
    I'm not really a big fan of that one to be honest.  Especially not in its wholesale regurgited form in the latter 2 prequels.
  24. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in The Force Awakens - Score Reactions from Reviews, etc   
    Well your loss. I prefer it to the Prequel scores. Mainly because it's a lot more emotional, and a more cohesive score. Also finally theme new character them,es actually fir the people they are written for, which wasn't always the case with the Prequels (I like General Grievous's theme, but it has nothing to do with that stoopid character. Same for Anakin's...)
    And while I've warmed to what John Williams was trying to do for ROTS, I still don't get nearly the amount of emotion from it that others seem to. Very effective music, but also quite hollow. More patina then content.
    I've struggled with most of JW's scores in the last decade. I wanted to love ROTS but didnt. really wanted to love KOCS but can't. Tintin is very good but missing something, as was War Horse.
    Whatever those scores don't have, TFA does!
  25. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in The Force Awakens - Score Reactions from Reviews, etc   
    *cough* two movies still to go *cough*
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