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DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in What does everyone think of 'March of the Resistance'?
I'm sure he's less of a cunt in the flesh, like you and I....
DarthDementous reacted to Code 000. Destruct. 0. in What does everyone think of 'March of the Resistance'?
That game is so good. I know what you're talking about I think, it's from ESB. Around 2:07 and 2:36?
DarthDementous got a reaction from Not Mr. Big in Favorite short musical moments in Williams scores?
Wouldn't be out of place on Tattooine in ANH!
DarthDementous reacted to Not Mr. Big in Favorite short musical moments in Williams scores?
The woodwind music at 0:44-0:52 of "Finn's Trek". It (and the rest of the track) might be one of my many favorite moments of the score.
DarthDementous reacted to TheUlyssesian in What does everyone think of 'March of the Resistance'?
I like the above discussion about the kind of theme it is. I will say this that there is something about the MotC which could easily make it a villain theme. It is rather forceful and extremely determined in its presentation and construction.
The Godwin themes seem more "heroic" so to say, or for good guys.
That is why I think the MotC is very interesting. It has a glinting mercenary edge which I think is reflective of the fact that it is apparently not actually sanctioned by the new Republic but is its own guerrilla body.
DarthDementous reacted to Code 000. Destruct. 0. in What are your Top 3 Force Theme renditions?
My favorite may now be the one 48 seconds into Farewell and The Trip.
DarthDementous reacted to Zaralyyth in What does everyone think of 'March of the Resistance'?
For me, March of the Resistance sounds very militarized, like from an old World War 2 propaganda video but with a science fiction element mixed in. It gives me chills, really.
DarthDementous reacted to Balahkay in Favorite short musical moments in Williams scores?
I've been in love with 2:00-2:22 ever since I heard the premiere of the AMA clip.
DarthDementous reacted to BLUMENKOHL in DANG IT! I "Ripped" Somebody Off!
It's some kind of psychological disorder.
DarthDementous reacted to Oboejdub in Fantastic Star Wars Music Podcast - Star Wars Oxygen
I'm doing the same, catching up on all the old ones and really enjoying it. Jimmy's growing on me. At first I felt like all he did was slow it down and take screen time away from Dave Collins, but it's really not that bad. He has some really meaningful and thoughtful things to say here and there, and the impersonations are hilarious. Dave Collins could certainly save some time and never lose content simply by avoiding the question "do you remember this one, Jimmy?"
DarthDementous got a reaction from Cerebral Cortex in What are your Top 3 Force Theme renditions?
Yes! That rather sorrowful statement of the Force theme when Obi Wan tells Luke to turn off his targeting computer is absolutely dripping with emotion. JW very rarely goes the route of overwhelming strings of sadness but when he does its usually to score a fantastic moment, like here and the firing of the Starkiller in TFA.
Damn it, I found another great one in TFA. I like how it sounds like the Force is in distress (as it bloody well should be considering the context) but is also a more of a darker rendition with the heavy bass to symbolise a major surge of the Dark Side. The way it also ends is rather unique and a tad militaristic, probably to symbolise the First Order.
DarthDementous reacted to heidl in Fantastic Star Wars Music Podcast - Star Wars Oxygen
Really a wonderful listening experience. The whole RFR is great actually, but the SW Oxygen's are the definite highlight.
Speaking of podcasts. I'd also recommend the last Tracksounds SoundCast featuring a bunch of illustrious guests, such as Kristen Romanelli (FSM Online), Eric Woods (Cinematic Sound Radio) or Doug Adams (you know him... ).
DarthDementous reacted to Red in What are your Top 3 Force Theme renditions?
"Funeral Pyre for a Jedi"
The statements in "The Battle of Yavin", specifically when the X-Wings first dive into their attack run and then when Luke hears Obi-Wan's call to "use the force". Gets me every time.
The opening to "The Rebel Fleet". I think one of the only times the theme has been developed beyond what it normally is.
I remember several years ago there was a forum-wide poll to determine our collective favorite John Williams theme and the Force theme won it. I still stand by that.
DarthDementous reacted to leeallen01 in What are your Top 3 Force Theme renditions?
One of my favourites is when Vader picks up the Emperor and throws him. The way that scene builds as Vader is battling his own mind, until he just can't watch his son suffer any more. Plus I love the meaning in the fact that Vader is given the Force Theme again, after he lost it when he turned. But in that moment the force returned to him triumphantly, and then of course he gets it again in another great moment in 'Funeral Pyre for a Jedi.'
DarthDementous got a reaction from Cerebral Cortex in DANG IT! I "Ripped" Somebody Off!
Alright it seems like you're starting to go off the deep end but I'll humour you.
Most of what John Williams does is subconscious and explains why you sometimes love a track initially because all the subtle cues click in your head and paint a vivid picture. I get that it doesn't happen with everyone but it certainly did for a lot of people including myself with Rey's theme. The breakdown shows that there is quality writing behind there and that it does suit the character, something that you've yet to provide an argument against. Unlike other Star Wars scores TFA has been a grower in that I appreciate it more and more everyday, and in the end that's more important than something that remains static because it gives it longevity.
DarthDementous reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (JJ Abrams 2015)
Or QI, 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Would I Lie To You, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Have I Got News For You or Mock The Week!
DarthDementous reacted to Oboejdub in Unknown Star Wars Motif
i think that might be the one that shows up all the time with R2 and threepio
It happens a bunch in this scene (when r2 is swimming around and afterwards)
apparently also in the threepio+R2 scenes on Hoth, and some of the threepio scenes on cloud city.
(praise dave collins for unearthing that one)
DarthDementous reacted to Marian Schedenig in Is Star Wars: The Force Awakens the best score of 2015?
I haven't heard the Morricone yet. But one of the things about TFA that stand out for me is a symbiosis between film scoring (and often action film scoring, at that) and concert writing that goes beyond at least most of what Williams has done before (or anyone else, for that matter). Pieces like Rey's Theme, March of the Resistance and Scherzo for X-Wings are full bodied concert arrangements - yet their building blocks appear in more or less the exact same form throughout the score, without seeming artificial. In that regard at least, I consider it one of the best scores of Williams' career, which automatically makes it a very likely candidate for best score of the year. And (although very unlikely) an absolutely Oscar worthy score, in any year.
(My second favourite score this year is Doyle's Cinderella, which has probably become one of my favourites of his. I like Giacchino's output as well - his strongest year so far - and Kramer's MI score was a very welcome surprise. But none of these are even remotely in the same category as TFA, in my opinion)
DarthDementous reacted to Not Mr. Big in The Force Awakens - Score Reactions from Reviews, etc
Trying not to tear my hair out reading Youtube comments saying that "the force awakens sukcs becase the london symphony didnt play the songsz". The majority of these people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the LSO and a high school marching band.
DarthDementous got a reaction from curlytoot in What does everyone think of 'March of the Resistance'?
Before I got to listen to this track in full (I had already seen the movie) I saw that people were underwhelmed and disappointed by this which in turn disappointed me because I thought this would be one of the most stand out tracks. However, when I listened to it boy was I wrong. From the moment the main theme of it started playing I fell in love with it, to me this is an instant classic that belongs up with the best of the Star Wars themes. It just perfectly characterizes the Rebellion in a grand militaristic way and the concert rendition at the end was even better. Seems like a bit of an inversion of the Imperial March yet it also feels like an extension of the Rebel Fanfare just... so good. Can't wait for a track analysis of this.
P.S. The sound of the instruments in the main theme sounds so perfectly OT for this as well.
DarthDementous got a reaction from Cerebral Cortex in Williams conducting Force Awakens cues shown on 60 Minutes (UPDATE: Second Video now online)
Oh my days, the music sounds so magical. There's a lot more snippets of the score including a BEAUTIFUL rendition of the Force theme, I seriously had tears in my eyes when it started playing because its so well-stated.
The music preceding the title crawl sounds very Star Wars and more like the OT as I said about the other tracks, its quite ominous so there's no musical spoilers there to what it entails.
Star Wars is back, baby.
DarthDementous reacted to Lewya in Williams conducting Force Awakens cues shown on 60 Minutes (UPDATE: Second Video now online)
Haha, JJ. Abrams: "This music will be studied by fans".
Yes indeed, one tracked second of music and you will be dead.
DarthDementous got a reaction from Incanus in Fantastic Star Wars Music Podcast - Star Wars Oxygen
I highly recommend the Star Wars Oxygen podcasts by Rebel Force Radio, hosted by David Collins who has served as lead sound designer of many high-profile Lucasarts projects like Star Wars the Force Unleashed, Star Wars Republic Commando and someone who is very knowledgeable in the music. Accompanying him is Jimmy Mack who co-hosts some of the other Rebel Force Radio shows but brings a certain joy and brings up interesting points of discussion, great chemistry between the two. They've been breaking down the ENTIRE score for every Star Wars movie and are currently on Episode 3 (but they'll be putting that on hold to discuss TFA at the end of this month) and that is past the soundtrack, I'm talking movie cues and even tracking in alternate music or music that was cut (most frequent in ESB where the sound effects often took center stage).
Each of the movies took an average of 5 episodes to get through and they are LONG, never less than an hour so its insanely in-depth.
Archive of all episodes with download links: http://www.shotglassdigital.com/releases/?a=3554
DarthDementous got a reaction from Incanus in .
Forgive me as I'm new to this forum, but why are so many of your recent posts so childish and reactionary? Not to mention that you actually HOPE it fails rather than maintaining low expectations, wanting to ruin it for everyone else. I'd be curious to see some actual god damn reasoning behind your *ahem* cynicism other than you not liking the look of Harrison Ford which is...an odd thing to be annoyed by.
DarthDementous got a reaction from crumbs in .
Forgive me as I'm new to this forum, but why are so many of your recent posts so childish and reactionary? Not to mention that you actually HOPE it fails rather than maintaining low expectations, wanting to ruin it for everyone else. I'd be curious to see some actual god damn reasoning behind your *ahem* cynicism other than you not liking the look of Harrison Ford which is...an odd thing to be annoyed by.