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Everything posted by Jwfan2234

  1. Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar just to name a few
  2. Dunkirk is looking to be another masterpiece from Christopher Nolan
  3. A new song is available today, it's called "Fly-By-Night Operation" it's available on iTunes at least. The song isn't that good and that's coming from a fan of his recent works
  4. Everyone here talkes garbage about every composers scores unless it's John Williams. Hans Zimmer's Interstellar and Dark Knight trilogy scores are incredible. Danny elfman's batsman score is awesome. It's very hard to create a score.
  5. It's trolling by asking a question related to this thread?
  6. Is the digital soundtrack coming out tomorrow?
  7. Is the soundtrack coming out tomorrow, digitally?
  8. Soon John Williams will write music for the new film, Revenge of JWfan.com
  9. Maybe an announcement today? Probably not, but may the 4th be with you.
  10. Even though Episode 7 had great music, the battle scenes were a bit disappointing. How cool would it be for the choir to come back for 8 or 9 and have a epic sounding piece! #epicfightmusic
  11. So excited for this one! So far confirmed heroes are, Darth Maul, Yoda, Han Solo, Rey and Kylo Ren. Also they confirmed to have all 3 eras including the a Clone Wars!!!! Full campaign from the bad guys prospective. Here is the first trailer! Standard edition and Delixe edition available to buy. Standard is $59.99 and Deluxe is $79.99. Ordering from Amazon with Prime gets you 20 percent off. Also more info about the game at https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjHtM-KjrPTAhVJWYYKHQwJAZYYABAAGgJ2dQ&sig=AOD64_066km7T0zOboHg-9F-xdsjAqo5lA&q=&ved=0ahUKEwi_88uKjrPTAhWB3SYKHeKSB7MQ0QwIGA&adurl=
  12. I would love to see the trailer music on iTunes to buy. Any else?
  13. Hoping for a brand new box set and of course the prequels expansion sets of 2 and 3 (mostly 3)
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