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  1. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    According to this interview:
    You can even see the Prague Philharmonic recording the "Y-Wing" cue from the final episode here.
  2. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    According to this interview:
    You can even see the Prague Philharmonic recording the "Y-Wing" cue from the final episode here.
  3. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    Update on the Battle of Yerbana track:
    Makes absolutely no sense though, to go from an orchestra recording to a samples version - in what way is this better?!
  4. Like
    CGCJ reacted to Jay in THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album   
    So here's a simple cue list indicating which cues are on both releases.  Maybe somebody else can figure out proper editing notes...
    1M1 Main Title OST 01 0:00-1:25 1M2A OST 01 1:26-2:14 1M3 Welcome Poe and Hux OST 01 2.15-2.29 / (2.29-2.37 = 1M3 Insert David and Goliath) / 2.38-2.45 FYC 01 0:45-0:52 1M4 He's Insane OST 01 2.46-3.18 FYC 01 0:00-0:45 1M5 Resistance Force OST 01 3.18-4.35 FYC 01 0:52-1:32 FYC 01 2:22-2:31 FYC 01 3:01-3:51 1M6 We Can Do This OST 01 4.35-5.01 FYC 01 2:08-2:24 FYC 01 2:31-3:01 FYC 01 3:51-4:39 1M7 Fighter Down OST 01 5.02-5.41 FYC 01 4:39-5:18 1M8 We Lose Girl Ace  OST 01 5.42- end FYC 01 5:18-7:05 1M9 Revisiting Snoke OST 03 FYC 01 7:29-end 0M1 Tossing the Sabre OST 02 0.00-1.41 2M10 We Need Your Help  OST 02 1.42-2.27 FYC 02 0:00-0:46 2M12 We Need A New Base OST 04 0.00-1.20 FYC 03 0:00-1:13 2M13 Prep for Battle OST 04 1.20-2.23 FYC 03 1:13-end 2M14 (Fix) Leia Saved OST 04 2.24- end 2M16 Luke's Breakfast OST 02 2.28- end FYC 02 0:46-end 2M17 Old Books  OST 10 0.00-1.00 2M18 Admiral Holdo FYC 04 2M19 Rose Catches Finn OST 05 0.00-0.17 3M20 Luke in the Falcon  OST 06 0.00-0.38 / (0.39-0.57 = 3M20 Insert Watch The Language ) / 0.58-1.39 / (1.39-1.59 = 3M20 Insert 2) 3M22 Rev OST 05 0.17-end FYC 05 0M2 Thought Connection OST 06 2.00-2.36 0M2A Insert Place to Place OST 06 2.37- end FYC 06 0M3 Learning The Force OST 08 (0.00-0.36 = 0M3 Insert Learning The Force) / 0.37- end FYC 07 (0:00-0:38 = 0M3 Insert Learning The Force) / 0.38- end 4M31A Worst People in the Universe  OST 09 0.00-0.31 / (0.31-0.38 = alternate ending) FYC 08 0:00-0:30 / (0:30-0:37 = alternate ending) 4M31B (Add) More Party Music  OST 09 0.39-1.22 FYC 08 0:37-1:13 4M31C R.T. Shore  OST 09 1.22- end FYC 08 1:13-end 4M32 Rose’s Fathiers FYC 09 0:00-0:44 / (0:44-end = 4M32 Insert 2) 4M38 Codebreaker... Thief  OST 10 1.26- end 0M6 Fathiers Charge! OST 11 0.00-0.32 FYC 10 0:00-0:33 0M7 Crashing The Party  OST 11 0.33- end FYC 10 0:33-end 5M45 Mirror Scene OST 12 0.00-1.35 FYC 11 5M46 You're Not Alone OST 12 1.36-1.57 5M47 Young Ren Is Awakened OST 12 1.57- end 5M48 Yoda Appears OST 13 0.00- 1.34 / (1.35-2.07 = 5M48 Insert) / 2.08- end 6M52 Eavesdropping FYC 12 7M60 Come Closer, Child OST 10 1.01-1.25 OST 14 0.00-0.10 7Μ63 Big Fights OST 14 0.10-1.50 FYC 13 0:00-3:20 7M64 Finn, Rose and Hux FYC 13 3:20-3:42 7M65 Fighting Together  OST 14 1.51- end FYC 13 3:42-end 7M67 Holdo’s Resolve FYC 14 0:00-1:23 7M67A Important Scene FYC 14 1:23-2:06 / (2:06-end = 7M67A Insert) 7M68 After the Big Explosion  OST 15 0.00-1.14 FYC 15 0:00-1:10 7M68A Finn Fights Phasma OST 15 1.14- end FYC 15 1:10-end 8M73 Troops And Planes OST 16 0.00-1.03 FYC 16 0:00-1:21 8M74 Mechanical Trouble OST 16 1.03-3.20 FYC 16 1:21-3:34  8M75 Here They Come, Again OST 16 3.20-4.31 FYC 16 3:34-4:35 8M76 To The Target OST 16 4.31-5.49 FYC 16 4:35-6:00 8M77 Finn's Attempted Sacrifice  OST 16 5.49- end FYC 16 6.00-end 8M78 The Kiss FYC 17 0:00-0:46 9M80 Luke & Leia Together OST 17 FYC 17 0:46-end 9M81 Saving Luke FYC 01 7:05-7:29 9M82 Follow Him FYC 18 0:00-1:14 More Fight OST 18 0.00-0.17 FYC 18 1:14-1:55 9M85 Finale Part 1 OST 18 0.18-end OST 19 (0.00-1.09 = 9M85A Rey Looks) / 1.09-1.44 FYC 18 1:55-2:28 FYC 18 (2:28-end = 9M85 Insert) 9M86 Finale Part 2 (Old Friends) OST 19 1.44- end OST 20 0.00-0.36 FYC 19 FYC  20 0:00-0:24 9M87 Finale Part 3 OST 20 0.36-1.04 FYC 20 0:24-0:52 End Credit OST 20 1.04-1.42 FYC 20 0:52-1:29 End Credit Part 2 OST 20 1.42-2.55 FYC 20 1:30-2:44 End Credit Part 3 OST 20 2.56-5.30 FYC 20 2:44-3:54 FYC 20 5:10-7:17 End Credit Part 4 OST 20 5.30- end FYC 20 7:17-end The Rebellion is Reborn AKA Rose's Turn OST 07 FYC 20 3:54-5:10 8M76 To The Target (with a strange case of an Insert be written to purposely insert into tracked music that I don't know where else to put) FYC 01 1:32-1:43 / (1:43-1:53 = 1M6 Insert Theme In) / 1:53-2:08
  5. Thanks
    CGCJ reacted to Jay in THE LAST JEDI - For Your Consideration (FYC) Album   
    To go along with @filmmusic's great breakdown of the Last Jedi OST album (available here), now here is a breakdown of the FYC album!
    1 Escape (7:42)
    0:00-0:45 = 1M4 He’s Insane 0:45-0:52 = 1M3 Welcome Poe and Hux 0:52-1:32 = 1M5 Resistance Force 1:32-1:43 = 8M76 To The Target 1:43-1:53 = 1M6 Insert Theme In 1:53-2:08 = 8M76 (continued) 2:08-2:24 = 1M6 We Can Do This 2:22-2:31 = 1M5 Resistance Force 2:31-3:01 = 1M6 (continued) 3:01-3:51 = 1M5 (continued) 3:51-4:39 = 1M6 (continued) 4:39-5:18 = 1M7 Fighter Down 5:18-7:05 = 1M8 We Lose Girl Ace 7:05-7:29 = 9M81 Saving Luke 7:29-end = 1M9 Revisiting Snoke 2 Ahch-To Island (2:32)
    0:00-0:46 = 2M10 We Need Your Help 0:46-end = 2M16 Luke’s Breakfast 3 The Supremacy (2:00)
    0:00-1:13 = 2M12 We Need A New Base 1:13-end = 2M13 Prep For Battle 4 Admiral Holdo (1:03)
    2M18 Admiral Holdo 5 Fun With Finn And Rose (3:04)
    3M22 Rev 6 Connection (1:59)
    0M2A Insert Place to Place 7 Lesson One (2:00)
    0:00-0:38 = 0M3 Insert Learning The Force 0:38-end = 0M3 Learning The Force 8 Canto Bight (2:16)
    0:00-0:30 = 4M31A Worst People in the Universe  0:30-0:37 = (alternate ending) 0:37-1:13 = 4M31B (Add) More Party Music  1:13-end = 4M31C R.T. Shore  9 The Master Codebreaker (1:08)
    0:00-0:44 = 4M32 Rose’s Fathiers 0:44-end = 4M32 Insert 2 10 The Fathiers 
    0:00-0:33 = 0M6 Fathiers Charge!  0:33-end = 0M7 Crashing The Party  11 The Cave
    5M45 Mirror Scene 12 Rey’s Journey (1:35)
    6M52 Eavesdropping 13 A New Alliance (5:29)
    0:00-3:20 = 7Μ63 Big Fights 3:20-3:42 = 7M64 Finn, Rose and Hux 3:42-end = 7M65 Fighting Together 14 Holdo’s Resolve (2:18)
    0:00-1:23 = 7M67 Holdo’s Resolve 1:23-2:06 = 7M67A Important Scene 2:06-end = 7M67A Insert 15 Chrome Dome (2:03)
    0:00-1:10 = 7M68 After the Big Explosion  1:10-end = 7M68A Finn Fights Phasma 16 The Battle of Crait (7:01)
    0:00-1:21 = 8M73 Troops And Planes  1:21-3:34 = 8M74 Mechanical Trouble 3:34-4:35 = 8M75 Here They Come, Again 4:35-6:00 = 8M76 To The Target  6.00-end = 8M77 Finn's Attempted Sacrifice  17 The Spark (3:36)
    0:00-0:46 =  8M78 The Kiss 0:46-end =  9M80 Luke & Leia Together 18 The Last Jedi (5:03)
    0:00-1:14 9M82 Follow Him 1:14-1:55 More Fight 1:55-2:28 9M85 Finale Part I 2:28-end 9M85 Insert 19 Old Friends (1:24)
    9M86 Old Friends 20 Finale (9:03)
    0:00-0:24 = 9M86 Old Friends (continued) 0:24-0:52 = 9M87 Finale, Pt. III  0:52-1:29 = End Credit 1:30-2:44 = End Credit Part 2 2:44-3:54 = End Credit Part 3 3:54-5:10 = Rose’s Turn 5:10-7:17 = End Credit Part 3 {continued}  7:17-end = End Credit Part 4
  6. Like
    CGCJ reacted to TownerFan in The Legacy of John Williams (Website & Podcast)   
    Hope you'll like this one, guys.
  7. Like
    CGCJ reacted to filmmusic in THE LAST JEDI - OST Album MUSIC Discussion (No Movie Spoilers)   
    For anyone into this sort of thing, the ost is constructed as follows:
    1 Main Title And Escape (7:26)
    0.00-1.25 = Opening (fixes 12_11_16) 1.26-2.14 = 1M2A 2.15-2.29 = 1M3 Welcome Poe and Hux 2.29-2.37 = 1M3 Insert David and Goliath 2.38-2.45 = 1M3 Welcome Poe and Hux (contin.) 2.46-3.18 = 1M4 He's Insane 3.18-4.35 = 1M5 Resistance Force 4.35-5.01 = 1M6 We Can Do This 5.02-5.41 = 1M7 Fighter Down 5.42- end = 1M8 We Lose Girl Ace 2 Ahch-To Island (4:23)
    0.00-1.41 = 0M1 Tossing the Sabre 1.42-2.27 = 2M10 We Need Your Help 2.28- end = 2M16 Luke's Breakfast 3 Revisiting Snoke (3:29)
    1M9 Revisiting Snoke (4 Flutes) 4 The Supremacy (4:01)
    0.00-1.20 = 2M12 We Need A New Base 1.20-2.23 = 2M13 Prep for Battle 2.24- end = 2M14 fix Leia Saved (w_ red pen fixes 5-19-17) 5 Fun With Finn And Rose (2:34)
    0.00-0.17 = 2M19 Rose Catches Finn (updated) 0.17 -end = 3M22 Rev 6 Old Friends (4:29)
    0.00-0.38 = 3M20 Luke in the Falcon 0.39-0.57 = 3M20 Insert Watch The Language 0.58-1.39 = 3M20 Luke in the Falcon (contin.) 1.39-1.59 = 3M20 Insert 2 2.00-2.36 = 0M2 Thought Connection 2.37- end = 0M2A Insert Place to Place 7 The Rebellion Is Reborn (4:00)
    Rose's Turn 8 Lesson One (2:10)
    0.00-0.36 = 0M3 Insert Learning The Force 0.37- end = 0M3 Learning The Force 9 Canto Bight (2:38)
    0.00-0.31 = 4M31A Worst People in the Universe 0.31-0.38 = (alternate ending) 0.39-1.22 = 4M31B (Add) More Party Music 1.22- end = 4M31C R.T. Shore 10 Who Are You? (3:04)
    0.00-1.00 = 2M17 Old Books 1.01-1.25 = 7M60 Come Closer, Child 1.26- end = 4M38 Codebreaker... Thief 1 The Fathiers (2:42)
    0.00-0.32 = 0M6 Fathiers Charge! 0.33- end = 0M7 Crashing The Party 12 The Cave (3:00)
    0.00-1.35 = 5M45 Mirror Scene 1.36-1.57 = 5M46 You're Not Alone 1.57- end = 5M47 Young Ren Is Awakened 13 The Sacred Jedi Texts
    0.00- 1.34 = 5M48 Yoda Appears (with fixes 02-05-17) 1.35-2.07 = 5M48 Insert 2.08- end = 5M48 Yoda Appears (with fixes 02-05-17) (contin.) 14 A New Alliance (3:13)
    0.00-0.10 = 7M60 Come Closer, Child 0.10-1.50 = 7Μ63 Big Fights 1.51- end = 7M65 Fighting Together 15 "Chrome Dome" (2:03)
    0.00-1.14 = 7M68 After the Big Explosion 1.14- end = 7M68A Finn Fights Phasma 16 The Battle Of Crait (6:48)
    0.00-1.03 = 8M73 Troops And Planes 1.03-3.20 = 8M74 Mechanical Trouble (fixed 4-20-17) 3.20-4.31 = 8M75 Here They Come, Again (w JW fixes 04-03-17) 4.31-5.49 = 8M76 (with Insert 4-6-17) To The Target 5.49- end = 8M77 Finn's Attempted Sacrifice 17 The Spark (3:36)
    9M80 Luke & Leia Together [Retimed] 18 The Last Jedi (3:04)
    0.00-0.17 = More Fight (probably) 0.18-1.49 = 9M85 Finale Part I 1.50-end = 9M85 Insert (w JW Fixes 04-06-17) 19 Peace And Purpose (3:08)
    0.00-1.09 = 9M85A Rey Looks 1.09-1.44 = 9M85 Finale Part I 1.44- end = 9M86 Old Friends 20 Finale (8:28)
    0.00-0.36 = 9M86 Old Friends 0.36-1.04 = 9M87 Finale, Pt. III 1.04-1.42 = End Credit 1-27-17 (fixed 2-5-17) 1.42-2.55 = 9M90 (AKA End Credit Part 2) 2.56-5.30 = End Credit 5-15-17 Part 3 Rev 5.30- end = End Credit 5-15-17 Part 4
  8. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    The Kiner Brothers (Sean & Dean Kiner) have released a cue from Old Friends Not Forgotten: Anakin and Obi-Wan Speak. I've updated my spreadsheet to included this.
    00:48-01:38, which scores the scene of Anakin seeing Ahsoka for the first time since she left, was dialed out in the episode.
  9. Confused
    CGCJ reacted to Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    To further your own point, it actually hasn't even been a month, haha. I think the final ep/soundtrack came out a couple weeks ago? Maybe a little longer? And I don't think it's "ridiculous," since some services (like Spotify) can make changes to albums in the span of a couple days. That said, I'm more puzzled by the lack of messaging on the issue. And I don't see why they'd leave it as is on-album, if it is indeed a mistake. Would that not be embarrassing for them to permanently leave it that way, esp when it is so easy to send in the correct file? Seems like if they want their album to be correct, they'd make the fix.
    As for the "ignoring" thing, I'm just going off of what I've seen. I've seen some people post online comments to some of the other show composers, to see if they're aware of it or could maybe pass the word along to someone who could fix it. They haven't replied or "liked" or anything on the subject, as far as I've seen, but they've still been posting, liking and replying to other stuff that people say to them. Idk, maybe they just don't know what to say about it.
    But that's my main qualm; it's not so much that I actually expected it to be fixed on all the platforms by now. Rather, I expected one of the composers to put out a Tweet or post saying "Hey guys, here's the deal with the Battle of Yerbana track." And if it's a mistake, say it is. And if it's not, say it's not. My point is simply that they obviously know about it, and have seen people talking about it, yet no one will take 5 seconds to say what is going on.
    And the obvious downside to it just getting put out by the composer himself, is of course that it would no doubt just be some crappy mp3. Considering I bought the album in lossless and have all the other soundtracks in that format, it would kind of suck to have one of the best cues be a lower quality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    There's at least one difference I've seen pointed out in the trumpets, in one of the triplet licks around like 16 or 17 seconds in. It seems it was revised between the time the samples version was made, and the orch recording session. So, the samples version doesn't even have all the same notes we hear in the show version, which is additionally unfortunate.
    Like CG said, it's basically the same. The problem is, like every other cue on this album has live orchestra (or at least sounds exactly as it sounds in the actual show), so this one (one of the most prominent cues in the final arc- a big battle scene) sort of sticks out in the midst of the listening experience. If this was a typical TCW soundtrack/story arc where everything is samples, then that's one thing. But when they took the time to record with live orchestra, it's noticeable and the track suffers for it. Also though, the live version has at least one change, note-wise.
  10. Thanks
    CGCJ got a reaction from Meredith McKay in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    It's the same just with samples (like all of the non-orchestra cues).
  11. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Cerebral Cortex in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    The Kiner Brothers (Sean & Dean Kiner) have released an unused cue from Victory and Death: End Credits. I've updated my spreadsheet to included this.

    It's labelled as M15V2, and features very out of place sounds over the synths as used. Very obvious why it wasn't used. (It really doesn't fit with the tone set by the two previous cues) Presumably V1 is the version that was actually used in the episode.
  12. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    I also have ones for Rebels, The Freemaker Adventures, and The Mandalorian.
  13. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Pieter Boelen in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    I know, the game was a tie-in for the series. Also, I forgot to add the spreadsheet I have Resistance.
    The Kiner Brothers (Sean & Dean Kiner) have released another version of the End Credits from Victory and Death. I've updated my spreadsheet to included this.
    This is labelled as V4 and is much closer to the version in the episode, although it isn't an exact match. Could be that there's a still yet to be released later version that is a 100% match with the episode or the version in the episode is a mix of versions.
  14. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    The New Yoda Chronicles, a game that used to be on lego.com.
  15. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    I also have ones for Rebels, The Freemaker Adventures, and The Mandalorian.
  16. Thanks
    CGCJ got a reaction from Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    The Kiner Brothers (Sean & Dean Kiner) have released an unused cue from Victory and Death: End Credits. I've updated my spreadsheet to included this.

    It's labelled as M15V2, and features very out of place sounds over the synths as used. Very obvious why it wasn't used. (It really doesn't fit with the tone set by the two previous cues) Presumably V1 is the version that was actually used in the episode.
  17. Like
    CGCJ reacted to Jay in The Force Awakens - Complete Score Breakdown & Chronological Order (Film Spoilers Allowed)   
    So, here's an updated chronological re-ordering of the OST album.
    01 Main Title And The Attack On The Jakku Village (6:25) 02 The Scavenger (3:39) 03 I Can Fly Anything (3:11) 08B "That Lady With The Stick" (0:35-1:05) 05 Follow Me (2:54) 07 The Falcon (3:32) 08A "What's Your Name?" (0:00-0:35) 08C "Kylo and His Sword" (1:11-end) 09 The Rathtars (4:05) 10B "Green Planet" (0:52-1:17) 10C "You Got A Name?" (1:17-end) 11A "Maz on the Table" (0:00-1:21) 10A "I Ran Into You" (0:00-0:52) 04B "I've Found The Droid" (1:10-end) 11B "I Have To Go Back" (1:21-end) 12 The Starkiller (1:51) 13 Kylo Ren Arrives At The Battle (2:01) 14 The Abduction (2:25) 15 Han And Leia (4:41) 17 Snoke (2:03) 18 On The Inside (2:05) 19 Torn Apart (4:19) 20 The Ways Of The Force (3:14) 22A "Light In The Snow and Flying Home" (0:00-2:05) 04A "Finding The Map" (0:00-1:10) 22B "The Complete Map (2:05-end) 23 The Jedi Steps And Finale (8:51)
    Concert Arrangements 06 Rey's Theme (3:11) 16 March Of The Resistance (2:35) 21 Scherzo For X-Wings (2:32)
  18. Like
    CGCJ reacted to Jay in The Force Awakens - Complete Score Breakdown & Chronological Order (Film Spoilers Allowed)   
    Here is how the OST was constructed
    1 Main Title And The Attack On The Jakku Village (6:25)
    0:00-1:26 = 1M1 Main Title 1:26-1:44 = 1M1Av3 Starry Night 1:44-2:16 = 1M2A Fix 2:16-2:29 = 1M1Av3 Starry Night {continued} 2:29-2:59 = 1M2B 2:59-3:07 = 1M1Av3 Starry Night {continued} 3:07-3:27 = 1M3C I've Seen Too Much 3:27-4:07 = 1M3D The Attack on the Village 4:07-4:52 = 1M3BR The Attack on the Village 4:52-6:03 = 1M4R The Arrival of Kylo Ren 6:03-end = 1M4B Landing 2 The Scavenger (3:39)
    0:00-2:21 = 1M5 Alt 2R The Scavenger 2:21-2:40 = 1M6 Alt R One Quarter Portion 2:40-end = 1M7 Lunchtime With Rey (Flute Version) 3 I Can Fly Anything (3:11)
    0:00-0:57 = 2M14R I Can Fly Anything 0:57-end = 2M15R The First Escape 4 Rey Meets BB-8 (1:31)
    0:00-1:10 = 8M72 Finding The Map 1:10-end = 4M37 I've Found The Droid 5 Follow Me (2:54)
    0:00-1:07 = 2M18B Who's Luke Skywalker? 1:07-2:24 = 2M18CR Follow Me 2:24-2:36 = 2M18C Insert II 2:36-end = 2M18CR Follow Me {Continued} 6 Rey's Theme (3:11)
    8M79 Rey's Theme 7 The Falcon (3:32)
    3M20R The Falcon Still Flies! 8 That Girl With The Staff (1:58)
    0:00-0:35 = 3M21R What's Your Name? 0:35-1:05 = 2M18A That Lady with the Stick 1:05-end = 3M22R Kylo And His Sword 9 The Rathtars (4:05)
    0:00-1:01 = 3M24R Hiding Under the Grate
    1:01-1:22 = 3M27 Rathtars Appear 1:22-2:47 = 3M28 The Rathtar Attack
    2:47-end = 3M28AR Old Falcon To The Rescue 10 Finn's Confession (2:08)
    0:00-0:52 = 4M36R I Ran Into You 0:52-1:17 = 4M32R Green Planet 1:17-end = 4M33R You Got A Name? 11 Maz's Counsel (3:07)
    0:00-1:21 = 4M35R Maz on the Table 1:21-end = 4M39R I Have To Get Back  12 The Starkiller (1:51)
    8M81 Sunbeam Strings 13 Kylo Ren Arrives At The Battle (2:01)
    0:00-0:15 = 5M43R (Fix) Find Rey! 0:15-0:43 = 5M43A (Fix) Maz’s Treasure Chest 0:43-end = 5M44 Kylo Arrives at Battle 14 The Abduction (2:25)
    0:00-0:56 = 5M46R Kylo Stalks Rey 0:56-1:18 = 5M48 We’ve Got What We Need 1:20-end = 5M49R The Abduction of Rey 15 Han And Leia (4:41)
    0:00-1:12 = 6M50R Han & Leia Reunion 1:12-2:52 = 6M51R Finn and Poe, United 2:51-3:23 = 6M52 R2 In Hibernation 3:23-end = 6M53R Parental Discussion 16 March Of The Resistance (2:35)
    8M77 The Resistance Theme 17 Snoke (2:03)
    0:00-1:02 = 8M78 Snoke 1:02-end = 6M54AR Bring Her To Me 18 On The Inside (2:05)
    0:00-0:45 = 7M62A On The Inside 0:45-0:54 = 7M62A Insert 0:54-end = 7M62A On The Inside {Continued} 19 Torn Apart (4:19)
    0:00-2:26 = 7M65B Father and Son 2:26-2:32 = 7M65C Leia Fix 2:32-3:40 = 7M65 Father And Son 3:40-end = 7M66 The Control Room And Ren In The Forest 20 The Ways Of The Force (3:14)
    0:00-0:12 = 7M67R It Is You
    0:12-0:47 = 7M67BF Rey Catches Sword
    0:47-end = 7M67A Rey vs. Ren
    21 Scherzo For X-Wings (2:32)
    8M80 Scherzo For X-Wings 22 Farewell And The Trip (4:55)
    0:00-1:16 = 7M68A Light In The Snow and Flying Home 1:16-2:05 = 7M68 Fly Home 2:05-end = 8M73 The Complete Map 23 The Jedi Steps And Finale (8:51)
    0:00-2:12 = 8M74 Climbing the Mountain 2:12-end = 8M75 Finale (11/11/15)
  19. Like
    CGCJ reacted to Jay in The Force Awakens - Complete Score Breakdown & Chronological Order (Film Spoilers Allowed)   
    Anonymous tipster has sent in this complete cue list for TFA.  Discuss!
    Main Title
    1M1A v2 (Longer)
    1M1A v3
    1M1A (Free Version)
    Starry Night
    1M2R (New Ending)
    'Hand' Opening
    The First Order Approaches
    The Attack on the Village
    I’ve Seen Too Much
    The Attack on the Village
    The Arrival of Kylo Ren
    Introductions or Introduction
    Fix on Fix
    1M5 Alt New Intro
    1M5 Alt 2 
    1M5 Alt 2 Insert
    1M5 Alt 2R
    The Scavenger
    1M6 Alt
    Seeing A Mother and Getting Rations
    1M6 AltR
    One Quarter Portion
    1M7 Flute Version
    Lunchtime with Rey or Lunchtime
    Don’t Follow Me
    2M11R Alt
    BB + Rey or BB & Rey or BB and Rey
    Poe Under Torture
    2M12A (Old)
    2M12A (Preferred) 
    BB & Rey Cont.
    The Droid Is Not For Sale or This Droid Is Not For Sale
    2M14R Alt Intro
    2M14R Alt Intro v2 
    Finn Helps Poe
    I Can Fly Anything
    2M15R Insert
    The First Escape
    I Don't Know What To Do
    Kylo Ren
    Finn's Trek
    Kylo And Hux On The Bridge
    That Lady with the Stick
    Who's Luke Skywalker
    2M18C Insert
    2M18C Insert II
    Follow Me
    The Falcon Still Flies!
    What's Your Name
    Kylo and His Sword
    No, No...No!
    Hiding Under the Grate
    You're Han Solo?
    Rathars Appear
    The Rathars Attack or The Rathtar Attack
    Old Falcon to the Rescue
    Leia, C3P0 and R2
    Reading the Map
    The Map Scene
    4M31A (New Ending)
    Talking With Grandfather
    Green Planet or The Green Planet
    You Gotta Name? or You Got A Name?
    4M33R Insert
    Gotta Name?
    Maz on the Table
    I Ran Into You
    I’ve Found the Droid
    Into the Cellar
    Rey’s Dream
    4M39 R
    I Have to Get Back
    5M40 (New Ending)
    The Beam is Released
    Leia’s Condolence Speech
    5M43R (Fix)
    Find Rey!
    5M43A (Fix)
    Maz's Treasure Chest
    5M44 Alt Intro v1
    5M44 Alt Intro v2
    Kylo Arrives at the Battle
    5M45R v1
    Back to Battle
    5M45R Alt
    Finn Fight Alt
    5M45 Fix
    Finn and Trooper Fight
    Kylo Stalks Rey
    5M47 v2
    5M47 Possible Insert
    Good Guys Shooting
    We’ve Got What We Need
    5M49A Fix 11-5-15
    The Abduction of Rey
    6M50R v2
    Han & Leia Reunion
    Finn and Poe, United
    R2 in Hibernation
    Parental Discussion
    We See Rey
    Rey vs. Ren
    6M54A New
    6M54A R
    Bring Her to Me
    You Will Remove These Restraints
    Council Meeting
    Preparing for the Mission
    6M56BR v1 (new ending)
    Kylo’s Rage!
    6M56C Fixed
    To Lightspeed
    Ice Landing
    Ren In Cockpit
    Rey’s Rope Climb
    6M57R Alt Ending
    Rey On Wall
    The Bombing Run
    Hug Later
    Guns A’blaze
    I Can Get Us In
    7M62A Insert
    On the Inside
    Father and Son
    Leia’s Grief
    Father and Son
    Leia Fix
    The Control Room and Ren in the Forest
    Rey Vs Ren
    It Is You
    Rey vs. Ren
    Rey Gets the Saber
    Rey Catches Sword
    Blowing Up The Oscillator
    Flying Home
    Light In The Snow and Flying Home
    Finding the Map
    The Complete Map
    Climbing the Mountain
    8M74A v2
    To Ending
    End Credits Part 1
    End Credits Part 2
    Finale (9-23-15)
    Finale (11-11-15)
    Finale Tag
    The Resistance Theme
    Rey's Theme
    Rey's Theme (6-6-15)
    Rey's Theme (Piano Version 9-14-15)
    Rey’s Theme (10-7-15 longer version)
    8M80A (First Ending)
    8M80A (Second Ending)
    Scherzo for X-Wings
    Sunbeam Strings
  20. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    The Kiner Brothers (Sean & Dean Kiner) have released the final cue of the series: Vader Finds Lightsaber. I've updated my spreadsheet to included this.
  21. Like
    CGCJ reacted to Holko in Summon the Heroes by Boston Pops with John Williams - NEW 2020 home recording dedicated to frontline workers   

    Awww, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes right on his shelf, what a nerd!
  22. Like
    CGCJ reacted to Jay in The Rise of Skywalker - COMPLETE SCORE Discussion - SPOILERS ALLOWED!   
    Definitely!  I'll get to it as soon as I can
  23. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tydirium in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    Looks like the score to the final arc was recorded with the Budapest Scoring Orchestra & City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra!
  24. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from Tiburon in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    Looks like the score to the final arc was recorded with the Budapest Scoring Orchestra & City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra!
  25. Like
    CGCJ got a reaction from greenturnedblue in Star Wars - The Clone Wars   
    Looks like the score to the final arc was recorded with the Budapest Scoring Orchestra & City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra!
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