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Lord Zimmer

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Everything posted by Lord Zimmer

  1. Jep, fuuhuck everything about that. Guess it explains why WB went thru with the Grindlewald casting, prolly knew but couldn’t fire Heard from Aquaman because it would look bad. No way she is in Aquaman 2.
  2. Have you seen Wallfisch recently? Half of the budget goes to the catering.
  3. Blame Lorne. Fine with Newman winning the Oscar, weak year overall tho.
  4. Someone just linked me “Sixteen Hundred Men”, this sounds like a discount Journey to the line.
  5. Of course not. You really think I will do that? I have people to do that for me.
  6. Wow, really good! Later this year as in November/December? Any possibility of getting it sooner?
  7. Why was Desplat fired anyway? (Rogue One) Curious Disney would hire him again (unless Marvel has final say on this?)
  8. It’s not like Williams did anything worthwhile with the ST, why is he giving Giachinno a hard time who had like 5 minutes to do RO.
  9. It was either this or Elfman. Pick your poison. These monkeys are well trained u know.
  10. Someone give Justin Hurwitz a goddamn chance. Why is he being ignored?
  11. Pfft, how can you NOT like this? Did some work on that as well. Giacchino is such a bore.
  12. Owh no a shit score by Tyler, who would have seen that coming... Remember that interview he did claiming what he loved most about his job is when he attends a screening and after the movie was done people would be humming the music and that this happened more than once. Liar.
  13. Better question: Why are the Williams Potter soundtracks so underrated?
  14. Hurwitz being ignored by Hollywood is infuriating.
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