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  1. Sad
    Brando reacted to Marian Schedenig in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    This hasn't aged well.
  2. Like
    Brando reacted to Damien F in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    JW mentioned on Thursday that the movie will be out by next Summer so either he wasn't aware of this date change or the decision was only made in the last few days.
  3. Surprised
    Brando reacted to crumbs in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Fun piece of trivia caused by the delay: both Star Wars and Indiana Jones will now have the exact same interval between their first and last scores: 42 years!
    (1977-2019 and 1981-2023 respectively).
  4. Really Sad
    Brando reacted to Antonb in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Indiana jones 5 delayed a bloody year. No score next year for that at least. Gutted.
  5. Really Sad
    Brando reacted to Edmilson in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, June 30 2023)   
    New date for the movie's opening: June 30, 2023.
    Well, I guess everyone that was worried that Williams couldn't score Indy 5 and The Fablemans in the same year now can relax. 
    On the other hand, it's depressing to know that we'll gonna have to wait A FULL YEAR to hear JW's new Indy score.
  6. Really Sad
    Brando reacted to Meredith McKay in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, June 30 2023)   
  7. Love
    Brando reacted to Skelly in Eddie Karam on Williams   
    Hi! Some of you may know that Eddie Karam was Williams's trusty orchestrator for a long time. Karam gave a talk in 2013 for The Academy of Scoring Arts where he discussed his life in music, his work with various composers (Williams, Mandel, Horner, etc.), and gave some very funny anecdotes. I don't think a thread about this video has been made before, so here are the comments he made regarding Williams.
    Meeting John Williams:
    Orchestrating Williams's music:
    Dividing work between himself and Conrad Pope:
    "Crystal Skull" story
  8. Haha
    Brando reacted to Tom in Star Wars Visions   
    Evidently Disney heard that we are interested in getting complete SW scores.  I believe we are now expected to say "thank you, " and praise them.  
  9. Love
    Brando reacted to BrotherSound in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Spielberg mentioned in the liner notes of Hook that JW started scoring that film with only 47 minutes of edited footage:

  10. Haha
    Brando reacted to Tom in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Funny that with this thread, none of us speculated that Williams himself would answer the question.  
  11. Like
    Brando reacted to Remco in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Also something to note is that he said we would be able to see it next ‘spring…. Or summer….’ Which indicates to me there’s no delay with scoring.
  12. Like
    Brando reacted to GlastoEls in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Audience reacted so positively when he said the news tonight!
  13. Like
    Brando reacted to Cerebral Cortex in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    Love the feeling that it's officially happening, that we're for sure getting more John Williams music for an Indiana Jones film. Still hasn't quite sunk in yet. 
  14. Surprised
    Brando reacted to ciarlese in When does Williams start working on Indiana Jones 5?   
    He just said in concert that he will be starting writing the music for the new Indiana Jones in 1-2 weeks 😁
  15. Like
    Brando reacted to Bayesian in Indiana Jones 5 Spoilers & Set Photos Thread   
    Yeah, me too. I’d figured KotCS took enough heat for the aliens at the end to guarantee no one would try to incorporate something so “sci-fi”-esque into an Indy property ever again.
    However, one caveat to my disdain here would be if the movie involves people attempting to figure out time travel—and not getting anywhere with it because it’s impossible and they just haven’t realized it yet. That could be an intriguing plot device, I dunno.
  16. Like
    Brando reacted to blondheim in Indiana Jones 5 Spoilers & Set Photos Thread   
    Sometimes bad decisions don't sound so bad to me when I think about the John Williams score that will support them.
    What a wild final score that would be.
  17. Like
    Brando reacted to Jay in Indiana Jones 5 Spoilers & Set Photos Thread   
    Ha! Incredibly, super lame if true. Hope it's wrong. 
  18. Like
    Brando reacted to TownerFan in Indiana Jones 5 Spoilers & Set Photos Thread   
    There is some footage on Instagram of the actual car pursuit. This has the potential of being a classic JW action scherzo.
    Yes, various reports from the Sicily filming said that the film is set in 1969.
  19. Like
    Brando reacted to JohnnyD in HOOK: Complete Cue List and Chronological Editing Guide   
    The Trek was NOT tracked into the End Credits; To the Island was.
  20. Love
    Brando reacted to crumbs in Indiana Jones 5 Spoilers & Set Photos Thread   
    Harrison looks so happy!


    And I like the sentiment of this post:

  21. Like
    Brando reacted to Richard P in HOOK: Complete Cue List and Chronological Editing Guide   
    Shoddy edits doesn't mean that the creative intention is bad. I'm generally a supporter of tracking, as directors do it for positive creative reasons. The fact that some is achieved using not very good edits is unfortunate.
    Of course Titanic teaches us that listening to film edits isn't always a good idea, but if I may put my suggestion this way: of the handful of moments from TLW I always remembered most strongly, at least two of them turned out to be tracked, with absolutely nothing in the film itself indicating that they weren't the original composition.
  22. Sad
    Brando reacted to Jay in HOOK: Complete Cue List and Chronological Editing Guide   
    Didier just grabbed a take that sounded good for the LLL CD (which at least is different from the take on the leak so we have two different performances to enjoy). The film versions of all the cues in the score are edited together from several takes. A producer like Mike Matessino or Neil Bulk always figures out all the correct take portions and re-creates the original choices made from the fresh transfer of the best elements. Didier didn't do that. 
  23. Like
    Brando reacted to crumbs in Indiana Jones 5 Spoilers & Set Photos Thread   
    Absolutely! I'm as excited to see how JW wlll score these sequences as I am to see the film!
    Looks a hell of a lot more inspired than KOCS, purely based on locations alone.
    Can't wait to hear how JW approaches a globetrotting adventure film in his late 80s, at the same time he's journeying across continents himself.
  24. Like
    Brando reacted to Richard P in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Re. Crocodile Dundee, I'm sure I saw the film many moons ago, and Spotify has this - credited to Silva Screen, although the original LP/CD are Varese. Opening Titles vaguely ring a bell, as do the odd other cue, but not something I'd buy.
    With regards to the rest of that mini wishlist above, it reminds that there are a ton of mid-late 90s action scores yet to see the expanded light of day, which doesn't make the labels' job any easier. I was pleasantly surprised by Hard Rain earlier this year, which has (compared to more 90s action) very little missing music, but perhaps was just not very difficult to do and therefore made the cut sooner?
  25. Like
    Brando reacted to 1977 in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    MV be like 

    Varese in perp maybe (at least the first one)? 
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