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    Brando reacted to ZackR in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   
    I would blame them. If were the rights owner (Sony), I wouldn't care what the source was. I might be annoyed it had gotten out or been taken or whatever, but at the end of the day, the material belongs to Sony. They would obviously have every right to use it and the fact that someone might have possessed it illegally doesn't make the material itself any less valid. I wouldn't make some moralistic stand as if I'm sticking it to bootleggers/leakers by not using the material in my authorized release. Regardless, as Jay said, for whatever reason, the decision was made not to include it..
    Even though we can cobble together a good experience with the sources available to us, a proper (ie, Matessino produced) version of Hook is right under Star Wars and Indy for me at this point. Hook is a Top 10 score for me from any composer. It's very special to me personally I hope it gets the presentation and preservation it deserves.
  2. Like
    Brando reacted to Jay in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   
    Here's the cadence of the past 12 years
    01-21: Black Sunday (1977) 04-20: The Poseidon Adventure (1972) 08-17: Space Camp (1986) 08-27: TV Omnibus Volume 1 (includes "The Bronze Locust" episode of "The Eleventh Hour") (1963) 11-22: Family Plot (1976) 11-26 (Black Friday): Home Alone (1990) 2011
    08-22: Not With My Wife, You Don’t! Vol. 2—Original Soundtrack(1966) 09-27: 1941 (1979) 10-10: Midway (1978) 11-03: Nightwatch (1965) / Killer By Night (1972) 2012
    03-27: Hook (1991) 05-22: Jane Eyre (1971) 09-12: The Long Goodbye (1973) 12-04 (Black Friday): Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992) 2013
    02-26: The Fury (1978) 05-09: Heidi (1968) 05-21: Rosewood (1997) 07-01: The Missouri Breaks (1976) 10-15: Fitzwilly (1967) 2014
    06-24: The Empire of the Sun (1987) 12-02: Space Camp (1986) - reissue of 2010 set 2015
    02-24: 1941 (1979) - reissue of 2011 set 06-16: A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) 06-19: The Long Goodbye (1973) - reissue of 2012 set 10-06: Lost In Space (1965-1968) 11-03: Jaws 2 (1978) 11-17: Jaws (1975) 12-01 (Black Friday): Home Alone (1990) 12-11: Tom Sawyer (1973) 2016
    11-29 (Black Friday): Jurassic Park (1993) / The Lost World (1997) 2017
    03-13: Stanley & Iris (1990) / Pete N Tillie (1972) 09-12: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 11-28 (Black Friday): Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) 2018
    06-18: The Cowboys (1972) 08-28: Saving Private Ryan (1998) 10-22: Dracula (1979) 11-27 (Black Friday): Land of the Giants (1968) 11-27 (Black Friday): Schindler's List (1993) 11-27 (Black Friday): Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / Chamber of Secrets / Prisoner of Azkaban (2001/2002/2004) 2019
    02-15: Superman: The Movie (1978) 06-03: Monsignor (1982) 10-17: Minority Report (2002) 12-03 (Black Friday): The Poseidon Adventure (1972) / Earthquake (1974) / The Towering Inferno (1974) 2020
    03-03: Far and Away (1992) 05-05: The River (1984) 10-06: War of the Worlds (2005) 2021
    03-16: The Time Tunnel - Vol. 1 (1966) 06-07: Images (1972) 06-22: Always (1989) 06-22: A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) - reissue of 2015 set 08-10: The Eiger Sanction (1975) 08-17: The Time Tunnel - Vol. 2 (1966)  
    That's 7 years with a Black Friday title out of 12 opportunities... more than I thougt!
  3. Haha
    Brando reacted to bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Oh yeah, I really need more Goldsmith. This year has been extremely uneventful for Goldsmith fans I'd say.
  4. Thanks
    Brando reacted to Jay in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   
    - The OST album had to be finalized before they had actually finished recording the score (which is why the climax of the score isn't on the album - it hadn't been recorded yet)
    - Therefore, a copy of the final recording session day's cues never went to Sony Music like the main scoring session cues had.  Why would they, the album work was done.
    - The 90s bootlegs missing the same set of cues that weren't available for the OST album, therefore makes perfect sense; Dubs of those cues only went from the recording stage right to the team mixing the final film, and that's it.  No copies sent to Sony Music, just less copies of these cues out there in the world in general.
    - 20 years later, LLL gets a license from Sony Pictures and Sony Music to expand the score, and Didier is hired to produce it.  He's a Sony Music guy.  He has his team put together an album primarily sourced from the tape at Sony Music, which as indicated is missing the cues from that final recording day.  For whatever reason, the only thing he gets from Sony Pictures is the film's music stem.  Maybe the music stem was already digitized so didn't cost anything while the unedited session recordings would have required someone to pay for a transfer, maybe he didn't ask the right person, maybe he just didn't care or know enough about how things work, I have no clue.  I'd speculate he started the project assuming the primary source had the whole score, only realized later that it didn't, and only at that point got the music stem, which was good enough for him.  But who knows - we'll never have any more insight into his process than what he shared here.
    - Meanwhile, another leak turns up coincidentally around the same time, that has a good take of most cues from the score, including those ones from that final day.  This means it came from a source unrelated to Sony Music; could be a source at Sony Pictures {maybe they've begun digitizing every tape in their vaults on their own dime?}, could be a source from the recording stage {maybe someone involved in the recording in 1991 kept a backup copy that he recently digitized and shared with a friend?}, who knows.  This new leak was sent to LLL before the album was released.  Whether LLL decided not to use it, or they were on board with using it but Didier decided not to use it, is unknown.  Maybe someone decided not to use it because it was only available in 320kbps mp3s and therefore had compression artifacts.  Maybe Didier didn't want to pay his team to open up the master and redo a bunch of tracks.  Maybe he has a personal issue with using elements sourced from fans.  Maybe Sony Music has an issue with elements sourced from fans.  I have no idea why the leak wasn't used, but any one of those is a good enough reason if you ask me.  The proper thing to have done when the main source turned out to not have every cue would have been to get the missing cues from the proper source at Sony Pictures (which would have negated the need for the leak entirely), even if it meant delaying the album, but that decision was not made at the time.  So we got what we got.
    - Another 10 years later.  Mike Matessino rebuilds and remasters the OST album for Mondo.  Since the 2011 transfers of that Sony Music tape sound great, are in high res, and contain everything that was on the OST album, there'd be no need to use anything else.  So the Mondo album existing gives no insight into whether work on a proper expansion is already in the works, or will be in the works eventually.  It's just a separate thing.  But let's all hope a proper expansion done by a competent producer will happen, and happen soon!
  5. Haha
    Brando reacted to Mephariel in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    "Mark my words, Kennedy will be fired."
    Sure thing.
    He also believed Disney is not not there to make money. They really extended Kennedy's contract because they wanted to push SJW agenda. Not because under her, the franchise has earned over 3 billion dollars. Because we also know big corporations don't care about money... 

  6. Haha
    Brando reacted to Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    Wiser words have never been spoken @Mattris. Clearly you were right all along and we are all simply unable to comprehend the miraculous nature of your divine predictions, and are unworthy to receive them. #MattrisFan2022
  7. Haha
    Brando reacted to Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    "Downtime leads to boredom, boredom leads to arguing, arguing leads to engaging with Mattris." -Yoda
    @Mattris You know what? You're 100% correct. I see now that I was wrong. Episode X-XII are have been completely finished, and will be the best films ever made in the history of history. Episode VII-IX will also become some of the best films ever made because of this, and everyone who doesn't like them will suddenly love them. Also John Williams has already scored all thee of these films and will soon be back next year to score XIII-XIV, and they will be even better. You will be crowned king of JWFan, and replace Andreas and Ricard as site owner. The site will also be renamed to MattrisFan.
  8. Like
    Brando reacted to Jay in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    Manakin, come on, Mattris is obviously trolling this entire board and you all keep engaging with him and keeping him going.  Why am I like the only one that sees this?  Why do you all continually engage?
  9. Haha
    Brando reacted to DrTenma in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    Lucas never planed to use Luke, Han and Leia, actually the story focused into Qui-Gon's lost grandgrandchildren and his forbidden love for a Gungan. 
    Probably, but the only track that I listened was a variation on the Desert Winds source track in Episode I. Glass wants to use the less popular material of Williams...
  10. Haha
    Brando reacted to mstrox in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    Episode X was already filmed in 2019.  They filmed Episode XI in autumn 2020, but because of COVID restrictions at the time, it is just a 15-minute porno.  Episode XII is the really good one, the one that’s going to bring you all back to Star Wars.  They filmed that one yesterday.
  11. Haha
    Brando reacted to DrTenma in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    I agree, Episode X (code name "something, something darker this time") is already finished. In fact, George Lucas filmed the whole movie right after Episode III. Williams, of course, score it in 2006 and, if you ask him, he's sure that the movie was premier that same year. Apparently Lucas new that if he released this new Episode people won't see The Clone Wars so he waited, but after being  sad with the reception of Red Tails, he decided to retire and sell Lucasfilms to Disney.
    I don't want to spoil you guys this movie, Disney has it and Lucas wanted this movie to be "Episode VII" but they told him "No, George, we paid you a lot of money and we want to make our story. Your movie, will be in fact Episode X". George, obviously, though that was the right move because it would make his movie even better and more unexpected. 
    The movie needed some reshoots because Disney wants to add Rey, Finn and the rest of the cast of their new trilogy into the movie. I can confirm you these reshoots are mostly done. Lucas is not doing the reshoots. He said, "I retired, you need to hire a younger director for these reshoots". So Disney hired David O. Russell. Williams is not needed for those reshoots because Philip Glass is already scoring some variations of the themes to fit these new scenes.
    Anyway, they planed to release Episode X this year, but seems that Russell has 2 hours of reshoots of Finn training to be a Jedi and he refuses to cut this into the 10 minutes that Disney demanded. The rumours (is not yet confirmed) are that they will release "Finn trains for real: A Star Wars Story" as a precuel to Episode X.
  12. Haha
    Brando reacted to Chen G. in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    See, as far as Mattris is concerned, as long as Episode X isn’t released his argument isn’t disproved…
  13. Haha
    Brando reacted to Chen G. in Star Wars Disenchantment   
  14. Like
    Brando reacted to Chen G. in Star Wars Disenchantment   
    Yes, and (per Mattris) had been completed for a very long time by now.
    Pfff, "Knowledge of Star Wars..."
    Obviously John Williams takes great pride in his work on the Star Wars films and is the consummate professional at scoring them. But that's not the same as saying he's knowledgable about Star Wars: he basically watches a cut of the film, scores it and goes his separate ways until next time. I bet if you had a chance to talk to him about Star Wars, he'd fail to remember anything beyond the main characters and the general beats of the story.
  15. Like
    Brando reacted to crumbs in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   
    I think we're all just worried that Mike is worried about something, because that's not reassuring (and Mike has always struck me as a very calm, cool, collected guy). 
    Who knew that 3 little words could cause so much anxiety. 
  16. Like
    Brando reacted to Gurkensalat in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   
    We do not know which aspect Mike is doubting: that it comes in 2021 (may be postponed to 2022), that it will contain the songs etc. It does not mean that NOTHING is in preparation at the moment.
  17. Haha
    Brando reacted to mstrox in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    You won’t have long to find out.  At this rate, LLL will have rereleased every score Jerry Goldsmith ever wrote by Black Friday.
  18. Haha
    Brando got a reaction from crumbs in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   

  19. Haha
    Brando got a reaction from blondheim in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   

  20. Haha
  21. Surprised
  22. Haha
    Brando reacted to Tom in Hook - 30th Anniversary Double Vinyl from Mondo Records 2021   
    I was able to open it.  Not a big deal.  Evidently, the world ends toward the end of October, and we will never be able to enjoy this release--that and one of the bonus track versions of Banning Back Home was shortened by 3 seconds.  
  23. Haha
  24. Like
    Brando reacted to Ollie in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    you are correct. 
  25. Like
    Brando reacted to crumbs in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    TLW is a better score than JP.
    There, I said it.
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