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  1. Surprised
    Brando reacted to Manakin Skywalker in Who all performed on the Return of the Jedi source music?   
    I seem to have come across an interesting development. Someone on one of my "Max Rebo Band" videos commented that in an interview Ben Burtt had said that Ernie Fosselius had worked on all of the source cues for ROTJ. I've just noticed his name on both IMDB and Wiki, and a 2017 article about the scenes casually saying that they music itself was written by John Williams and Ernie Fosselius, with lyrics by Joseph Williams, and Annie Arbogast (who translated the words), and other claims that Ernie Fosselius wrote the Sail Barge source cue.
    Does anyone have any additional information about this? I'd never heard of Ernie Fosselius' Star Wars involvement until just now.
    EDIT: He's credited on the '93 Anthology set, I just hadn't noticed that before.
  2. Like
    Brando reacted to crumbs in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    Yes! But depends what locations they visit I guess. None of the scenes shot so far really lend itself to that type of scoring. 
  3. Like
    Brando reacted to crumbs in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    I might ask Mangold if he'll temp the film with existing Indy music.
  4. Like
    Brando reacted to King Mark in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    BUT got us an isolated score
  5. Like
    Brando reacted to crumbs in Star Wars is better than everything   
    Yet if it wasn't for Kathleen Kennedy, we wouldn't have 3 new John Williams Star Wars scores, and probably no 5th Indiana Jones on the way...
    Dunno about you, but I don't want to live in a world where Rey's Theme never existed!
  6. Love
    Brando reacted to JohnnyD in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    I LOVE IT! It makes me even more excited to see Indy 5, and this is the film I am most anticipated to see next year (the second being Steven Spielberg's next film, The Fabelman's).
  7. Love
  8. Like
    Brando reacted to Jurassic Shark in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    They should release everything so they won't have to release anything ever again.
  9. Haha
    Brando reacted to Edmilson in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
  10. Haha
    Brando reacted to Raiders of the SoundtrArk in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    Time Tunnel vol.3 with two John Williams' bumpers
  11. Like
    Brando reacted to Tallguy in Star Wars is better than everything   
    I'm going through old posts. How proud of yourself are you for this piece of insight a year and half before The Mandalorian? Has it already been pointed out that you predicted this?
  12. Thanks
    Brando reacted to Jay in The Official Varese Sarabande Thread   
    Deluxe Edition is Varese's branding for a new longer version of a score they'd already released in the past
  13. Like
    Brando reacted to radioflyer in Ended up having dinner with JW's doctor last night   
    I attended a dinner last night, and one of the guests (a neighbor of the host) happened to be the doctor for John Wiliams. We had a great conversation - and I was able to hip him to the more jazzy, early work of "Johnny Williams". 
    Most of the time living in Los Angeles is a drag, but on occasion the planets align just so and you get to have dinner and great conversation which would only happen here. 
  14. Haha
  15. Sad
    Brando reacted to crumbs in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    No idea, sadly. Can't find any info on Australia Post's website about it, and no explanation on the USPS website either.
    I've had an order pending with Intrada for 4 weeks now, and I got an email asking if I wanted to cancel it (due to the USPS suspension) or continue waiting. I'm honestly not sure what to do.
    It's such a frustrating situation for international buyers right now. We pay a fortune in international shipping rates then wait months for anything to happen, with no idea when the order will even arrive. Obviously I want to continue supporting the labels but, at a certain point, spending hundreds of dollars to order CDs from overseas (with no understanding of when it will even arrive) is going to become untenable.
  16. Thanks
    Brando got a reaction from Martinland in John Williams Returns to the Hollywood Bowl, Sept. 3, 4 & 5, 2021   
    In case anyone hasn't seen it, here's John practicing his golf swing!
    Edit: I thought I recorded it but I guess I didn't, but at some point before this the audience was screaming for more and he made the 'sleeping' hand motion against his face and that was the sad moment we realized it was over.
  17. Haha
    Brando reacted to Tom in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    "Hey John.  Why have you never written a theme for me?  I mean Dukakis got one, Obama got one, Kobe got one...what gives?"
    "I tell you what Steven.  Make a movie about yourself, and I'll write your damn theme."
    "Hmm.  Okay.  Here you go."  
    "Damn it, Steven.  I'm working on Indy here (plus I have to write a new big piece for the woman, as it will become the new theme for the franchise)." 
  18. Like
    Brando reacted to Jay in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    It's not confirmed. 
    But of course he's who Spielberg wants to score it. And I don't think Indy 5 or anything else will prevent him from scoring it. 
  19. Surprised
    Brando reacted to Jay in John Williams returns for Indiana Jones 5   
    It is expected JW will write and record The Fabelmans score starting sometime late this year or early next year, finishing up his duties to that film before his big Carnegie Hall night in April 2022, then write and record the Indiana Jones 5 score after Carnegie Hall, before that film opens in July 2022
  20. Angry
    Brando reacted to Jay in HOOK: Complete Cue List and Chronological Editing Guide   
    The worst is Attack of the Clones, where George Lucas replaced his entire unique end credits piece with the Across the Stars concert arrangement.
  21. Haha
    Brando reacted to Kühni in John Williams' Daily Work Schedule   
  22. Haha
    Brando reacted to Tom in John Williams' Daily Work Schedule   
    Well, not really.  If you listen to the full interview he mentions that the breakfast consists of a half of a box of Count Chokula and two Krispy Kremes.  This seems also to explain the regular two-hour nap he takes after breakfast.  
    He skipped the breakfast once.  By the end of the day he had begun and finished America, the Dream Goes On.   
  23. Like
    Brando reacted to pete in John Williams' Daily Work Schedule   
    He gets up at the same time every day and eats the same breakfast every day? That's madness!!

    He's also said he takes Sundays off, but that might just be when he doesn't have a deadline looming like a Star Wars score that requires millions of notes!
  24. Love
    Brando reacted to MikeH in John Williams' Daily Work Schedule   
    At 0:58
  25. Like
    Brando reacted to Will in John Williams' Daily Work Schedule   
    Does anyone remember any of the interviews where JW has discussed his daily work schedule? Just curious. I remember this interview from 2019: https://www.jwfan.com/?p=12355
    But I feel like there were other articles where he talked about how he likes to schedule his work, when he goes for walks to clear his mind, how he works in solitude for much of the day, etc. I remember being very fascinated by his work flow (which is obviously very different from how most ordinary professionals in other industries work). 
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