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  1. Did not expect JWFAN to be almost as old as me. Happy Birthday, it's always fun to read what people think about JW music here.
  2. Woo! That's some great news! Crazy to think how busy John is at his age, and how talented he still is.
  3. Bon anniversaire Maestro Williams! Wishing you lots more birthdays!
  4. Reunion of Friends was a great pick. It filled me with nostalgia and a bit of sadness. Thank you for the podcast, it was truly amazing. I am so glad to have learned so much about John Williams' work.
  5. Like you, I adore (JW) action music. His style is so detailed, rich and seamless, jumping from one theme to another, and the evolution and clever use of theme. For instance, the Slave Children theme that goes from dark at the beginning of the movie at the village, to heroic at the end at the bridge. Impressive and beautiful. JW is so good at this, that I sometimes recognize differently adjusted themes years after listening to the OST or watching the movie. TOD is one of those OST that solidified my love and appreciation for JW music. He didn't have to write a motif for the water escape, or the cart chase, or all the catchy action cues, and yet he did, and it makes the movie better for it. All of this music work make this movie unforgettable. I'd say the TOD OST has the strongest identity of the 3 Indiana Jones movies, maybe because it's the most action-packed, in your face but that's exactly why I love it. It's a ride of an OST. I'm not necessarily saying it's my favorite, as I adore Last Crusade too, which has a very different musical identity. As weird as it sounds, Last Crusade gives me European vibes, because of the composition, and the religious/holy motifs mostly at the end of the movie. It definitely has more heart and is very different. I wish we had genius music like this for today's movies, JW or not (when applicable of course, ie. action movies).
  6. RIP Ennio Morricone. A very sad day for film music indeed. You and John Williams are one of the reason why I got interested in film music in the first place. I remember enjoying your spaghetti western music a lot as a kid. It's hard to believe that you are gone but your music is eternal. Nothing better than this heavenly piece from The Mission to pay respects
  7. It's hard to cite a single cue. Catch me if you can - Joy Ride Banquet theme from Hook Dobby's theme - Harry Potter 2 Star Wars VI - Victory Celebration or SW I - Naboo Parade Finale maybe Happy cue from Keeping up with the Joneses - Last Crusade Beginning from Journey to the Island - Jurassic Park
  8. The music we hear at the title reveal is so chilling! Is it a remix of a theme we know?
  9. I agree one of the ""manliest'" scores from Williams has got to be the entirety of TLW (which is why I admit TLW is one of my favorite scores from our maestro). What do you think of this one? :
  10. Happy birthday Maestro Williams! Thank you for your (very) impactful work. Here's to many, many more!
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