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Posts posted by tomsmoviemadness

  1. What I find most noticable and interesting is that one of the biggest differences between the original and the sequel is the way music is used.


    In the original Elfman's score truly is it's own character in the film. It elevates so many moments and is very prominent.


    In the sequel the biggest musical moments are songs. The score takes a back seat for most of the film, while a few songs are used for big and important scenes.


    Does this maybe has to do with the way audiences watch films these days? Or that scores maybe serve a different kind of purpose these days to a lot of people?


    Anyone got any thoughts on this?

  2. Well, that's disappointing....

    Hoping a score release is inbound, because I really liked some of the stuff I heard.

    This is just a song album with the main and end titles.


    I get why they're releasing this, but come on Watertower, how hard is it to ether put more score on there or make another album. 



  3. 26 minutes ago, Knight of Ren said:

    The track Elves Embark has a melody that appears twice in that track at 0:03, and again at 0:48. I'm not sure if we've heard this already anywhere else, but it kind of reminds me of Shore's opening music for An Unexpected Journey with the House of Durin theme!

    Isn't that the same thing heard in "Army Of Orcs" at 0:43 & 1:35? My mind could be playing tricks on me now.


    But I love those statements and I've been searching for more of it in the season and this sounds closest to it up to this point.

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