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  1. Love
    Positivatee reacted to bespinGPT in Soundtrack Fans and cloud music services   
    All my CD collection don't fit on a single card!!!
  2. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from theMaestraX in John Barry's SOMEWHERE IN TIME (1980) - 2021 La-La Land Records Expanded   
    Not to be confused with the classic

  3. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in LOKI - show and score SPOILERS ALLOWED for aired episodes   
    Loki has magic in the Thor movies and Avengers 1 because he is a powerful alien with illusion magic and two Infinity stones in his possession, giving him the ability to appear on Earth and mind control Hawkeye, Selvig, etc. Against mortal humans, he is a god. 
    Against Asgardians, he is their equal, though he's typically inferior against Thor. His magic isn't as effective. But Asgardians aren't immortal, since they can die of old age and fatal wounds - - Hela, Thanos, etc. They are just more hardy than homo sapiens. 
    The TVA appears to employ mere humans as its workforce, but the structure has scientific devices that suppress Loki's magic, and the workers have gizmos that rewind time in small areas.
    Were Loki to appear as powerful against the TVA as he did in Avengers 1, there would be no story or conflict.  There are logical explanations as to why he fights with knives - - they're the only weapon available, and he does not want pruned with the glowy end. 
    Definitely watch the mid-credits scene. Considering the first actor listed (the guy on the right) is kind of a big deal, the story is taking an interesting turn for eps 4 and 5.
    5 and 6.  I can't count.
  4. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in LOKI - show and score SPOILERS ALLOWED for aired episodes   
    That's the second time in the movies (in release order) the word was used. 

    Sorry, should I have used spoiler tags? 
  5. Love
    Positivatee reacted to SilverTrumpet in What is the last video game you played?   
    ...with less to do and more hand holding.
  6. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Jay in LOKI - show and score SPOILERS ALLOWED for aired episodes   
    That's the second time in the movies (in release order) the word was used. 

    Sorry, should I have used spoiler tags? 
  7. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Stark in LOKI - show and score SPOILERS ALLOWED for aired episodes   
    Anytime the main characters use the euphemism "jeez" it takes me out of the show. I don't think folks growing up on Asgard would use that word. 
  8. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Nick1Ø66 in The DCU - DC Universe   
    Best Roman numeral scene ever. Even better than the Venice library. 
  9. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Edmilson in The DCU - DC Universe   
    Best Roman numeral scene ever. Even better than the Venice library. 
  10. Surprised
    Positivatee got a reaction from GerateWohl in If you have an Elfman sequel score maybe you can spare the first part?   
    Of course. But when I joined this forum, I read the fine print. Smart-ass mode has been disabled. 
  11. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in LOKI - show and score SPOILERS ALLOWED for aired episodes   
    Erm, well, yes, but at least this past side timeline Loki got to fast-forward on the major moments of his original life. He knows how that Loki dies: betrayed by the Titan he tried to deceive.
    This Loki gets a Mulligan. He may not have the opportunity to prevent the death of the original, which is a fixed point on the Sacred Timeline that is not undone by Hulk's snap, but it's information he can use to... To... 
    I don't know where this show is going.
    Marvel has two priorities: set up the Multiverse, and figure out where the Eternals and Deviants fit into the established chronology, to hype their big movie. I kinda hope this show touches on both. 
    Because when you take a step back, the Multiverse is how you bring the X-Men into the MCU. 
  12. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Jurassic Shark in Is Howard Shore the Bernard Hermann of our time?   
  13. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Disco Stu in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    Sure, my ratio is only so-so, but hey I'm second only to Jay for raw like count.  Crumbs will absolutely pass me by the end of this year though.  I just don't post as much as I used to to keep up.
  14. Like
    Positivatee reacted to bruce marshall in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    I don't remember seeing Doug Adams actually post anything.
    Maybe he is on the Video Game or Tolkien threads?
  15. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Jay in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
  16. Like
  17. Like
  18. Like
    Positivatee reacted to bruce marshall in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    are a better indicator.
  19. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Jay in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    Yea, it's less than 10 years since we had those I think
  20. Like
    Positivatee reacted to mrbellamy in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    The like buttons have been around longer than that, though, before we added other emojis. I think it still counts those.
  21. Like
    Positivatee reacted to crumbs in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    Tsk tsk, sounds like you're just making excuses for your post:like ratio, Jay!
  22. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Jay in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    Of course, my forum account goes back almost 20 years, and the board's only had the reputation system for like... 5? 
  23. Like
  24. Like
    Positivatee reacted to crumbs in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    Well, JWFan always was divided into two eras: BLS (Before Like System) and ALS (After Like System).
  25. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Sunshine Reger in The Jay 20,000 Likes Community Reputation Celebration Thread   
    As far as ratios go, these are the most efficient posters:
    Congratulations to @Falstaft, @BrotherSound, and @Doug Adams

    Those who were members (especially prolific ones) before the advent of the like system, are generally screwed in the ratio ranking - but, as they say, life is brutal.
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