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  1. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Marian Schedenig in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON   
    It could have been so much better. 

  2. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from DarthDementous in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
    He did not participate in the heist because of his Rebel sympathies. He hates the Empire, but until recently, he has only taken on jobs for the money, not because he was answering a higher calling. He said he was able to infiltrate Imperial compounds because they let him walk right in. The Empire's hubris did not allow them to consider there was organized rebellion, so random individuals were considered low threat. 
    It's the Luthen character pulling the strings behind the scenes that sets this into motion. As a customer and distributor of stolen Imperial tech, he is laying the groundwork for a Rebel supply network. True, Andor had little choice when he was recruited because the Ferrix security goons had him surrounded and known by name. 
    The sad part of the story is how strict Imperial arrests and prisoner treatment has gotten since the first Rebel attack on Aldhani occurred. Andor shares responsibility for instigating that treatment of his fellow prisoners. 
    It is inevitable that Andor leaves prison before R1 so the question is how. I'm sure this experience has helped stoke a stronger interest in taking down the Empire. 
    I wonder if we'll see the Ghorman Massacre really turn up the heat on the rebellion. 
    I wonder if Andor will run into Crix Madine. 
  3. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from MaxMovieMan in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON   
    It could have been so much better. 

  4. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Docteur Qui in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON   
    It could have been so much better. 

  5. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Glóin the Dark in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON   
    It could have been so much better. 

  6. Haha
    Positivatee reacted to bespinGPT in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
  7. Haha
  8. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from bespinGPT in What's your app of choice for listening to music on your ANDROID phone?   
    Poweramp has no issues playing Flac or mp3 stored locally on a phone. 
    PlexAmp has no issues playing flac or mp3 from your home server. 
    Any other software selections are unnecessary. 
  9. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Richard P in The Doctor Who Thread.....   
    Halfway through Sunday's episode and this gives Sea Devils a run for its money as the most boring hour of Who Chibnall has ever done.
  10. Haha
    Positivatee reacted to Disco Stu in The Doctor Who Thread.....   
  11. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Disco Stu in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON   
    He made the time jumps in the TARDIS
  12. Like
    Positivatee reacted to Tallguy in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
    5 is a hoot. "Laugh it up, fuzzball!" The battle in the snow, the asteroid field. Vader's jump scare on Cloud City. "Mine! Mine! Mine! Or I will help you not!" The saber fight with Luke and Vader is thrilling. It might be the "serious" one of the OT, but it is certainly fun.
    I find 3 to be unwatchable.
  13. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Nick1Ø66 in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
    While true, Star Wars media should never have unmemorable music. 
    Every Williams score has a few earworms.
    Rogue One has a great villain march. 
    The Mandalorian has very unique music. 
    But Andor's is meh. 
  14. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Andy in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
    While true, Star Wars media should never have unmemorable music. 
    Every Williams score has a few earworms.
    Rogue One has a great villain march. 
    The Mandalorian has very unique music. 
    But Andor's is meh. 
  15. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from enderdrag64 in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
    While true, Star Wars media should never have unmemorable music. 
    Every Williams score has a few earworms.
    Rogue One has a great villain march. 
    The Mandalorian has very unique music. 
    But Andor's is meh. 
  16. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Manakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Andor (2022) - released episode spoilers allowed   
    While true, Star Wars media should never have unmemorable music. 
    Every Williams score has a few earworms.
    Rogue One has a great villain march. 
    The Mandalorian has very unique music. 
    But Andor's is meh. 
  17. Love
    Positivatee got a reaction from Tallguy in GAMER POLL: Inverted or Not Inverted?   
    My brain is physically unable to play in the normal Y-axis. When my partner hands me the gamepad to get past a hard boss, I must invert Y or I fumble around like a drunkard. Then I switch it back. 
    I grew up on flight sims and other true 3D games in the 90s. My brain was rewired a long time ago. 
  18. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from Tallguy in GAMER POLL: Inverted or Not Inverted?   
    Inverted Y-axis also applies to the mouse on a computer, which controls POV. 
    Some games permit you to also invert the X-axis, but players who use this option are psychologically unstable. 
  19. Haha
    Positivatee reacted to Koray Savas in GAMER POLL: Inverted or Not Inverted?   
    Not inverted and there’s a reason why it’s the default setting in all video games. 
  20. Neutral
    Positivatee reacted to Jay in GAMER POLL: Inverted or Not Inverted?   
    Inverted and those who don't invert are wrong
  21. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from bollemanneke in The Official La-La Land Records Thread   
    But if a child AMAB and named Stephane wants to transition and keep her name, that is allowed. 
  22. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from StarFox in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, June 30 2023)   
    The trailer is fantastic, even sideways with people walking in front, when the crowd cheers... Oh my gosh. It'll be great.
    There's no way they can screw up two Indiana Jones movies in a row! 
  23. Haha
    Positivatee got a reaction from crumbs in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, June 30 2023)   
    The trailer is fantastic, even sideways with people walking in front, when the crowd cheers... Oh my gosh. It'll be great.
    There's no way they can screw up two Indiana Jones movies in a row! 
  24. Like
    Positivatee got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, June 30 2023)   
    The trailer is fantastic, even sideways with people walking in front, when the crowd cheers... Oh my gosh. It'll be great.
    There's no way they can screw up two Indiana Jones movies in a row! 
  25. Haha
    Positivatee reacted to Disco Stu in The "(Fill in the Blank) Has Died" Thread   
    It was this version
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