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  1. Will they be announced on the 15th as well as released or announced prior and released the 15th?
  2. Only just realized I should've said I will gladly Die Hard on this hill lol
  3. I have this argument with everyone, yes it IS a Christmas movie, and I will gladly die on that hill. The score has Christmas elements and music. It's set on Christmas. By default that would make it a Christmas movie alone, yet we still have this debate.
  4. Never noticed that, and it's even present on the original OST too! Now we have two questions, why did this happen, and what is this mysterious "ghost" music?
  5. Ordered all 3. Spider-Man and Godfather Part II was a no brainer, and having less familiarity with JP3 I figured might as well tack it on as I know it's been pretty sought after. I was intending to just buy all their BF releases this round anyway, unless there was anything I absolutely would not want. Curious to see if they've got any other tricks up their sleeve before the year is out, but I'm also very happy with what we've got here even if it's only 3 releases compared to 5 from previous years. Another successful holiday with LLL!
  6. Ah I see now, so WB was just using the most recent artwork from the 4k, that's not even on him so that makes more sense. I agree, the older covers were far better.
  7. Fantastic! Kinda saw this one coming but glad to see it released. Excited to hear the remastered sound, but is it just me or does the cover seem a little... off? Dare I say nearly AI ish in quality? I don't expect Warm Butter would ever tread into such cheap terrain like that, but compared to the cover from the release of the first one, something about it is bothering me lol Really can't wait to listen to this though. I ordered all 3 releases.
  8. Yes!!! I was gonna make a post about it but hadn't yet. 8 tracks are lossy, so far from what I've seen. What gives?
  9. Wait what happened with Humanoids? I ordered that so if they're offering replacements I'll request one
  10. Gotcha. I'll have to re read this post later on and compare for myself so I can fully hear the difference. There's so many takes in that release I haven't gotten to sift through what's different yet. I've listened to it, but not in the sense where I'm actively trying to pay attention and look for all the anomalies. Thanks for the clarification, I read up a lot of analyses on these releases and can misinterpret things sometimes.
  11. The first CD, the original album presentation, is suppose to have gapless playback. There's an anomaly that plagues many intrada releases over the years that inserts a very tiny gap of silence at the start of each track. This doesn't affect stand alone tracks, but gapless, yeah... they wound up repressing it, but the same issue happened again on Windtalkers, which they did not fix. They also kept the "hot" mastering for the SH OST, which doesn't make sense. Why not remaster it properly?? Additionally, Sleepy Hollow's "film score presentation" does not reflect what's actually in film. In this case, it's more complicated because the film butchers the score so greatly with edits, they opted to "guestimate" and take some creative liberties. I can't fully fault them for that release given the circumstances, but it's easy to know cues like the main titles alone isn't close to the version heard in the film.
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