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About Jofi_

  • Birthday 22/10/2008

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    Reads too much music
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  1. I was just wondering how people's opinions of the Star Wars movies compared to their opinions on the music from them, and if they are correlated in any way. Here is my ranking for the Star Wars films: (and I'm limiting this to the Skywalker Saga, the only ones with music by John Williams) A great website to help you rank things: https://karenarialin.github.io/the-ranker/ Revenge of the Sith The Empire Strikes Back A New Hope The Phantom Menace Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens The Last Jedi Attack of the Clones The Rise of Skywalker And here is my ranking for the music of those films: Revenge of the Sith The Phantom Menace The Empire Strikes Back The Last Jedi Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens A New Hope Attack of the Clones The Rise of Skywalker So the rankings are somewhat similar, although I do believe that The Phantom Menace and the Last Jedi are largely carried by their soundtracks. A New Hope is a great film overall, but I feel like the soundtrack has grown a little dull for me personally, because so much of its material has been reused and replayed in later films, which are often accompanied by more great music of their own.
  2. Still working on those requests (most of which are very long and note-heavy cues with tons to analyze), but I decided to take a small break and make a simpler analysis of 'Epilogue' from War of the Worlds, which is a personal favorite of mine from the soundtrack.
  3. that's what i thought...interesting though, the overall pacing and how the strings climax, etc. really make it feel like it might have been intended for a scene.
  4. does anyone know what the Epilogue music (part of which was tracked in for the plane wreckage scene) was written for originally? (as in the parts not tracked in)
  5. I've been exploring Williams' work from more and more different films, and I've come to really like some of the jazz stuff that he writes, so I would like to make a playlist or complitation for myself of his jazz writings, and I was wondering if there were any that I'm missing: (I know there is a lot more jazz-style writing from his early music in the 30s and such, but I'm more looking for stuff that came later) -Cantina Band (Star Wars) -Canto Bight (The Last Jedi) -A lot of the music from Tintin (specifically the opening) -Catch Me If You Can
  6. Added Wait it doesn't look like theres sheets available for this cue - unless somebody else knows of them?
  7. then ill get to both eventually heres what my workload looks like so far 💀...i'm probably going to end up doing most of the work in classes now
  8. Yes, that’s also one of my favorites! (Although I’ve definitely studied the FOTR soundtrack more than the others) ill finish up some other requests and then get to that 😊 While you wait, here’s a piano arrangement I made of it a few years ago https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VLxWcitwfFXZEyqwc_22G5dSqUx-0-b4/view?usp=drivesdk
  9. They released Musesounds, which is probably the best free soundfont I've seen in a notation software - in some cases it might even be better than NotePerformer
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