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    Jofi_ got a reaction from BrotherSound in Your Star Wars Movie Rankings vs. Star Wars Music Rankings   
    I was just wondering how people's opinions of the Star Wars movies compared to their opinions on the music from them, and if they are correlated in any way. 
    Here is my ranking for the Star Wars films: (and I'm limiting this to the Skywalker Saga, the only ones with music by John Williams)
    A great website to help you rank things: https://karenarialin.github.io/the-ranker/
    Revenge of the Sith The Empire Strikes Back A New Hope The Phantom Menace Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens The Last Jedi Attack of the Clones The Rise of Skywalker  
    And here is my ranking for the music of those films:
    Revenge of the Sith The Phantom Menace The Empire Strikes Back The Last Jedi Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens A New Hope Attack of the Clones The Rise of Skywalker  
    So the rankings are somewhat similar, although I do believe that The Phantom Menace and the Last Jedi are largely carried by their soundtracks. A New Hope is a great film overall, but I feel like the soundtrack has grown a little dull for me personally, because so much of its material has been reused and replayed in later films, which are often accompanied by more great music of their own. 
  2. Like
    Jofi_ reacted to Pando in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    These unrecorded mockups are really great! It's just amazing to listen to them, knowing that otherwise this wonderful music could be left unheard by anyone.
    Not from ROS, but some years back I made a mockup of an early, unreleased version of Rey's theme from TFA.
  3. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Jurassic Shark in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    As barely any of the Rise of Skywalker soundtrack has been officially released, and many of the cues aren't even used in the film, I decided to make mockups using the music from the few cues that we have available. 
    Note: I'm not 100% sure on the tempos, I just did what sounded right based on the mood/feeling of the cue
    I will continue to add more mockups here as I make them!
    0M1 "Children's School"
    0M1 Children's School.mp3
    1M3 "Nothing is Impossible"
    1M4 "Thru the Jungle"
    1M5 "Rey Trains"
    1m3 Nothing is Impossible.mp3
    1m4 Thru the Jungle.mp3
    1m5 Rey Trains.mp3
  4. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Pando in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    1M5 "Rey Trains"
    1m5 Rey Trains.mp3
  5. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Pando in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    1M4 "Thru the Jungle"
    1m4 Thru the Jungle.mp3
  6. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Pando in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    As barely any of the Rise of Skywalker soundtrack has been officially released, and many of the cues aren't even used in the film, I decided to make mockups using the music from the few cues that we have available. 
    Note: I'm not 100% sure on the tempos, I just did what sounded right based on the mood/feeling of the cue
    I will continue to add more mockups here as I make them!
    0M1 "Children's School"
    0M1 Children's School.mp3
    1M3 "Nothing is Impossible"
    1M4 "Thru the Jungle"
    1M5 "Rey Trains"
    1m3 Nothing is Impossible.mp3
    1m4 Thru the Jungle.mp3
    1m5 Rey Trains.mp3
  7. Thanks
    Jofi_ got a reaction from BrotherSound in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    At long last:
  8. Thanks
    Jofi_ reacted to Muad'Dib in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Absolutely fantastic, thank you!
  9. Thanks
    Jofi_ reacted to Muad'Dib in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    I never noticed the trombones joined the strings at the end with those glissandi. I always thought they stayed steady on the rythm -fascinating to know it's an almost cluster chord (I always thought it was the same note in two different octaves) and that it's four players! 
    Such great stuff! 
  10. Love
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Muad'Dib in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    At long last:
  11. Thanks
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Sunshine Reger in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    At long last:
  12. Love
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Trope in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    At long last:
  13. Love
    Jofi_ got a reaction from ragoz350 in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    At long last:
  14. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Sunshine Reger in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Still working on those requests (most of which are very long and note-heavy cues with tons to analyze), but I decided to take a small break and make a simpler analysis of 'Epilogue' from War of the Worlds, which is a personal favorite of mine from the soundtrack. 
  15. Love
    Jofi_ got a reaction from BB-8 in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    It's already been done here: 
    Also already been done
  16. Thanks
    Jofi_ got a reaction from That_Bloke in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Still working on those requests (most of which are very long and note-heavy cues with tons to analyze), but I decided to take a small break and make a simpler analysis of 'Epilogue' from War of the Worlds, which is a personal favorite of mine from the soundtrack. 
  17. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from VenomVeVenom in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Still working on those requests (most of which are very long and note-heavy cues with tons to analyze), but I decided to take a small break and make a simpler analysis of 'Epilogue' from War of the Worlds, which is a personal favorite of mine from the soundtrack. 
  18. Thanks
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Trope in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Still working on those requests (most of which are very long and note-heavy cues with tons to analyze), but I decided to take a small break and make a simpler analysis of 'Epilogue' from War of the Worlds, which is a personal favorite of mine from the soundtrack. 
  19. Thanks
    Jofi_ got a reaction from BrotherSound in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Still working on those requests (most of which are very long and note-heavy cues with tons to analyze), but I decided to take a small break and make a simpler analysis of 'Epilogue' from War of the Worlds, which is a personal favorite of mine from the soundtrack. 
  20. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from fommes in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    As barely any of the Rise of Skywalker soundtrack has been officially released, and many of the cues aren't even used in the film, I decided to make mockups using the music from the few cues that we have available. 
    Note: I'm not 100% sure on the tempos, I just did what sounded right based on the mood/feeling of the cue
    I will continue to add more mockups here as I make them!
    0M1 "Children's School"
    0M1 Children's School.mp3
    1M3 "Nothing is Impossible"
    1M4 "Thru the Jungle"
    1M5 "Rey Trains"
    1m3 Nothing is Impossible.mp3
    1m4 Thru the Jungle.mp3
    1m5 Rey Trains.mp3
  21. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Once in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
  22. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from ragoz350 in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
  23. Love
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Trope in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    coming later today hopefully
  24. Thanks
    Jofi_ got a reaction from BrotherSound in Rise of Skywalker Unrecorded Cue Mockups   
    As barely any of the Rise of Skywalker soundtrack has been officially released, and many of the cues aren't even used in the film, I decided to make mockups using the music from the few cues that we have available. 
    Note: I'm not 100% sure on the tempos, I just did what sounded right based on the mood/feeling of the cue
    I will continue to add more mockups here as I make them!
    0M1 "Children's School"
    0M1 Children's School.mp3
    1M3 "Nothing is Impossible"
    1M4 "Thru the Jungle"
    1M5 "Rey Trains"
    1m3 Nothing is Impossible.mp3
    1m4 Thru the Jungle.mp3
    1m5 Rey Trains.mp3
  25. Like
    Jofi_ got a reaction from Once in Taking Score Reduction Requests   
    Yes, that’s also one of my favorites! (Although I’ve definitely studied the FOTR soundtrack more than the others)
    ill finish up some other requests and then get to that 😊
    While you wait, here’s a piano arrangement I made of it a few years ago  
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