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Everything posted by Desplat13

  1. Still deciding... I think I am with Joey on this one...the movie deserved more. Though I don't have the CR.
  2. Calling him the next John Williams would be selling him short.
  3. I wouldn't think too hard... A joke...is...a story with a humorous climax. No humorous climax in this case. No jokes!
  4. We're talking about the film, not the book. The book Jurassic Park has good, developed characters, as far as I remember. The film Jurassic Park... did that have characters? Was there a movie? Oh wait, there must have been, because I am listening to the score right now. Good score, by the way. Worth looking into...
  5. There will be no jokes on this forum!
  6. Who cares about the films? Were talkin' music here! Don't tell me you guys actually put yourselves through the agony of watching this stuff? Well, actually I did see JP a while back. Sure, it was fine. But the music...
  7. Well, maybe I'll listen to Jaws someday...but for now, yes, certainly #1. And I also listen to "Journey to the Island" more than any other track on Jurassic Park....in fact, I just checked and it is my top played track in iTunes.
  8. No, no, I mean the theme proper. I call it a four note theme, though it isn't really. I am talking about the brilliant, romantic, lush, moving, noble, proud, (and any other synonyms that can be used to express greatness) theme that is featured in the track "Theme From Jurassic Park"........yes, that theme. It's #1 for me.
  9. Or it's possible I like Jurassic Park music better than any of the afore-mentioned....at the moment at least. Yes, I think I would put that four not theme as #1 for me right now.
  10. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can top Jurassic Park! Too bad more people don't realize that...
  11. I am not familiar enough with Harry Potter music to vote in this poll. Just found the theme in question on youtube, and it is very nice. I would still vote for ET if I voted, but I won't.
  12. I would have to say the march, though it is pretty close.
  13. Jurassic Park, very easily. Oh no! Perhaps Williams best theme ever is not going to lose in the first round is it?
  14. What? Asking why people prefer to spend so much money on stuff they can get for free? I'm sorry if I broke the rules about acknowledging that people download music off the internet. Some of us think that it is nice to have music being made, and think that those who make it and make it available to us should get a little money for their trouble...
  15. Sorry Jason, I haven't been working on anything lately. I want to do "Willie Into The Fryer", though it is looking a but daunting at the moment. But who knows, maybe I'll get real inspired sometime... Anyways, yes I hope to do more, at some point.
  16. Come on...there's gotta be more "Slave Children" fans out there...vote! But only if your a "Slave Children" fan...
  17. Hmmm...not a bad idea. I'd be game to do it, though picking out 10 cues/tracks would be even tougher than themes. Go for it.
  18. Whoa...people really seem to value Joey's opinion...
  19. Yes, I was thinking it might be fun to make it an annual thing. It might be interesting to do one of these for best commercially released track.
  20. *sigh* There's an emoticon for that, y'know. That is not my way of thinking, not at all. No, but it seems to be the direction, and taking your logic to the extreme seems to end up there. But hey, if it works for you.
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