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  1. Love
    scallenger reacted to lairdo in Jurassic Park 2-CD (La-La Land) - 5th Of July 2022   
    @crumbs You beat me by a min!  (But you may want to edit out the last 6 lines about Patriot Games. Never mind, you fixed it as I was writing.)
    My take - it's nice to have the original album available in remastered sound. It has always been a great listen, and it's really amazing to think that 70 mins was released back then. 
    I do wonder if the digital release might get updated at HD resolutions as that could be swapped in for the existing digital masters out there now. (Which is actually already at 196/24 now that I look at HDtracks.com.) Hmm. 
    In any case, I'm happy to have this in my collection and will order tomorrow. I have no problem with La-La Land releasing something is pretty much a lot of previous content. As noted above, some folks don't have it and are paying high eBay prices if they want a physical copy, and La-La Land and other should be able to use the material they developed and paid for anyway they need. There are no different than Warner Bros, Sony, DG, Decca and other labels getting more mileage from their catalog with box sets and other combos. Look at the Philips JW Boston Pops set. They did not even remaster it. 
    I am all for these wonderful companies thriving and helping us be satiated for all the wonderful music they bring us.
  2. Like
    scallenger reacted to crocodile in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I am going to see it with my mates on Friday night. We are not expecting anything beyond daft fun.
  3. Like
    scallenger reacted to Anthony in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    Until I realised it was an end credits piece, I assumed it was a Three Stooges joke, referring to Alan, Ellie and Malcolm as you say, but I couldn't figure out why MOE was capitalised.
  4. Thanks
    scallenger reacted to Anthony in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I'm pretty sure that title is refering to the scene in which
    So it makes sense summarising this as "blah blah blah" as that's exactly what it is. If anything, it's mocking the absurdity of the script rather than giving up when it comes to naming cues.
    Btw, I only figured it out with Lightyear, but has anyone else noticed the new trend AKA "World's Worst..." appears to be including "MOE" within cue names? E.g. Larry Curly And MOE and Infinite MOEtion. At first I didn't understand why MOE was all caps, but then realised it's Main On Ends.
  5. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from Taikomochi in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    Yeah, exactly this. It's so puzzling and weird to omit it on ANY score release, especially given that it is not a very long cue! There is easily some more boring underscore that could have been edited or cut to have made room for it. It really is a bizarre choice.
    I rank this score as my second favorite of the trilogy, with Fallen Kingdom taking the top spot easily. The first Jurassic World may have most of the best themes, but that score as a whole (especially in complete form) just has too slow of a pace for a Jurassic score, musically. I'm not sure if Colin at the time gave him misdirection to not make the music be so... lively... but it's just really kind of there. That and the recording quality of that score isn't very good compared to Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. Dominion on the other hand is a really fun listen all the way through, even with its less memorable new themes. Like the film, it's a nice fun ride but not nearly as impressive, insane, and masterful as Fallen Kingdom's score.
  6. Like
    scallenger reacted to Jay in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I'm in the cinema now with the end credits playing and to add insult to injury that "Da Plane and Da Cycle" isn't on the physical CD edition, the entire cue plays in the end credits on top of being used in full in a memorable scene in the film.
    I can't fathom the thought process that led to it not being included on the CD edition 
  7. Sad
    scallenger got a reaction from bruce marshall in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I just thought of all cues to not have on the CD it is hilarious that it's the one that was first released online in full officially, haha. And for good reason: it's one of the biggest standout tracks of of score. 
  8. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from ThePenitentMan1 in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I just thought of all cues to not have on the CD it is hilarious that it's the one that was first released online in full officially, haha. And for good reason: it's one of the biggest standout tracks of of score. 
  9. Haha
    scallenger reacted to bruce marshall in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I sympathize with Scallenger.
    I understand his frustration.
    I remember being disappointed the " Docking" cue was originally left off INTERSTELLAR.
    Same with the end titles of THE FIRST AVENGER.
    But, it's not the end of the world😁
    Any , Are you really expecting consistency or logic from a man who looks like the guy in the picture ?!😄😉
  10. Haha
    scallenger reacted to bruce marshall in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    I really like this art.
    What is wrong with you people?!
  11. Sad
    scallenger got a reaction from bruce marshall in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    This is very disappointing about the CD release. Of all the tracks to leave off the album... LOL. Especially after they showcased it. Kind of a joke! Still going to get it, but truly as a "completeness sake" trophy of sorts, lol.
    EDIT: Now the Dominion OST CD says it will be released in July on Amazon. Blegh.
  12. Like
    scallenger reacted to Jay in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    Well Back Lot is different than Water Tower so I wouldn't expect the same situation
  13. Haha
    scallenger reacted to Jaaaackified in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    Velociraptor Clones and the March of Motorcade
  14. Haha
    scallenger reacted to Luke Skywalker in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022)   
    Im sad they did not continue the 'logo' covers since jurassic world. At least kingdom had it in the booklet...
    Hmm maybe its intentional... atrocious cover with atrociraptors...
  15. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from Remco in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    For me The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of them all. It just never clicked for me. Never even had a real engaging sequence. At least Attack of the Clones has fun action sequences and interesting things that happen (often visually). But TROS... it all looked like everything we've seen before. And don't get me started on all the other issues that movie had. And people like to hate on Last Jedi... to me that one at least felt like a movie.
  16. Haha
    scallenger got a reaction from DarthDementous in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    I have a strange and probably too personal of a memory associated with this movie. So of course, I am gonna share it.
    I was, I believe, a sophomore in high school. I was totally in love with this guy I had been hanging out with, but I wasn't out of the closet or anything so I doubt he knew. But we were friends, at least. Well, at one point, he got a girlfriend (I know, the nerve of him), and he wanted to see Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones. I wanted to see it too... and so did his new girlfriend. So, we all went to see it... and as you can imagine, for me it was awkward. Silently sitting beside them as they made out with each other... snuggling... yeah, it was mini torture.
    Until... I started to hear the dialogue in the movie. I laughed a little. Then the "romance" on the screen played out, which was mirroring the ridiculous high school play-style nature of the one beside me. I laughed again. But then, finally... the moment came... when Yoda appeared onscreen, ready to fight Count Dooku. And he... began to jump around like a leap frog, flailing around his lightsaber. And I didn't even laugh. Instead, I frowned, looked over to my friend and his girlfriend to see what their reaction was. They laughed, and seemed to dig it. I looked back towards the screen, my frown not escaping me... and all I could think was:
    "This movie is so bad. Thank god. I needed the distraction."
  17. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from Naïve Old Fart in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    For me The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of them all. It just never clicked for me. Never even had a real engaging sequence. At least Attack of the Clones has fun action sequences and interesting things that happen (often visually). But TROS... it all looked like everything we've seen before. And don't get me started on all the other issues that movie had. And people like to hate on Last Jedi... to me that one at least felt like a movie.
  18. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from crumbs in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    For me The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of them all. It just never clicked for me. Never even had a real engaging sequence. At least Attack of the Clones has fun action sequences and interesting things that happen (often visually). But TROS... it all looked like everything we've seen before. And don't get me started on all the other issues that movie had. And people like to hate on Last Jedi... to me that one at least felt like a movie.
  19. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from enderdrag64 in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    For me The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of them all. It just never clicked for me. Never even had a real engaging sequence. At least Attack of the Clones has fun action sequences and interesting things that happen (often visually). But TROS... it all looked like everything we've seen before. And don't get me started on all the other issues that movie had. And people like to hate on Last Jedi... to me that one at least felt like a movie.
  20. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from bruce marshall in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    For me The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of them all. It just never clicked for me. Never even had a real engaging sequence. At least Attack of the Clones has fun action sequences and interesting things that happen (often visually). But TROS... it all looked like everything we've seen before. And don't get me started on all the other issues that movie had. And people like to hate on Last Jedi... to me that one at least felt like a movie.
  21. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from Bellosh in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    For me The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of them all. It just never clicked for me. Never even had a real engaging sequence. At least Attack of the Clones has fun action sequences and interesting things that happen (often visually). But TROS... it all looked like everything we've seen before. And don't get me started on all the other issues that movie had. And people like to hate on Last Jedi... to me that one at least felt like a movie.
  22. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from Tom Guernsey in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    I have a strange and probably too personal of a memory associated with this movie. So of course, I am gonna share it.
    I was, I believe, a sophomore in high school. I was totally in love with this guy I had been hanging out with, but I wasn't out of the closet or anything so I doubt he knew. But we were friends, at least. Well, at one point, he got a girlfriend (I know, the nerve of him), and he wanted to see Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones. I wanted to see it too... and so did his new girlfriend. So, we all went to see it... and as you can imagine, for me it was awkward. Silently sitting beside them as they made out with each other... snuggling... yeah, it was mini torture.
    Until... I started to hear the dialogue in the movie. I laughed a little. Then the "romance" on the screen played out, which was mirroring the ridiculous high school play-style nature of the one beside me. I laughed again. But then, finally... the moment came... when Yoda appeared onscreen, ready to fight Count Dooku. And he... began to jump around like a leap frog, flailing around his lightsaber. And I didn't even laugh. Instead, I frowned, looked over to my friend and his girlfriend to see what their reaction was. They laughed, and seemed to dig it. I looked back towards the screen, my frown not escaping me... and all I could think was:
    "This movie is so bad. Thank god. I needed the distraction."
  23. Haha
    scallenger got a reaction from Edmilson in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    I have a strange and probably too personal of a memory associated with this movie. So of course, I am gonna share it.
    I was, I believe, a sophomore in high school. I was totally in love with this guy I had been hanging out with, but I wasn't out of the closet or anything so I doubt he knew. But we were friends, at least. Well, at one point, he got a girlfriend (I know, the nerve of him), and he wanted to see Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones. I wanted to see it too... and so did his new girlfriend. So, we all went to see it... and as you can imagine, for me it was awkward. Silently sitting beside them as they made out with each other... snuggling... yeah, it was mini torture.
    Until... I started to hear the dialogue in the movie. I laughed a little. Then the "romance" on the screen played out, which was mirroring the ridiculous high school play-style nature of the one beside me. I laughed again. But then, finally... the moment came... when Yoda appeared onscreen, ready to fight Count Dooku. And he... began to jump around like a leap frog, flailing around his lightsaber. And I didn't even laugh. Instead, I frowned, looked over to my friend and his girlfriend to see what their reaction was. They laughed, and seemed to dig it. I looked back towards the screen, my frown not escaping me... and all I could think was:
    "This movie is so bad. Thank god. I needed the distraction."
  24. Like
    scallenger got a reaction from Naïve Old Fart in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    I have a strange and probably too personal of a memory associated with this movie. So of course, I am gonna share it.
    I was, I believe, a sophomore in high school. I was totally in love with this guy I had been hanging out with, but I wasn't out of the closet or anything so I doubt he knew. But we were friends, at least. Well, at one point, he got a girlfriend (I know, the nerve of him), and he wanted to see Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones. I wanted to see it too... and so did his new girlfriend. So, we all went to see it... and as you can imagine, for me it was awkward. Silently sitting beside them as they made out with each other... snuggling... yeah, it was mini torture.
    Until... I started to hear the dialogue in the movie. I laughed a little. Then the "romance" on the screen played out, which was mirroring the ridiculous high school play-style nature of the one beside me. I laughed again. But then, finally... the moment came... when Yoda appeared onscreen, ready to fight Count Dooku. And he... began to jump around like a leap frog, flailing around his lightsaber. And I didn't even laugh. Instead, I frowned, looked over to my friend and his girlfriend to see what their reaction was. They laughed, and seemed to dig it. I looked back towards the screen, my frown not escaping me... and all I could think was:
    "This movie is so bad. Thank god. I needed the distraction."
  25. Haha
    scallenger got a reaction from Taikomochi in Attack of the Clones was released 20 years ago today   
    I have a strange and probably too personal of a memory associated with this movie. So of course, I am gonna share it.
    I was, I believe, a sophomore in high school. I was totally in love with this guy I had been hanging out with, but I wasn't out of the closet or anything so I doubt he knew. But we were friends, at least. Well, at one point, he got a girlfriend (I know, the nerve of him), and he wanted to see Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones. I wanted to see it too... and so did his new girlfriend. So, we all went to see it... and as you can imagine, for me it was awkward. Silently sitting beside them as they made out with each other... snuggling... yeah, it was mini torture.
    Until... I started to hear the dialogue in the movie. I laughed a little. Then the "romance" on the screen played out, which was mirroring the ridiculous high school play-style nature of the one beside me. I laughed again. But then, finally... the moment came... when Yoda appeared onscreen, ready to fight Count Dooku. And he... began to jump around like a leap frog, flailing around his lightsaber. And I didn't even laugh. Instead, I frowned, looked over to my friend and his girlfriend to see what their reaction was. They laughed, and seemed to dig it. I looked back towards the screen, my frown not escaping me... and all I could think was:
    "This movie is so bad. Thank god. I needed the distraction."
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