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Unlucky Bastard

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Everything posted by Unlucky Bastard

  1. I just hope my new DAC is good. Some bloke in another thread said I can listen to music on the internet, and I can plug my computer into it and essentially make my computer a hi-fi component. Who'd'a thunk?
  2. I really love the cue where Bill Pullman speaks to his dead wife, who oddly doesn't look like a cartoon spectre. Good effort from Horny.
  3. As far as grammatical sins are concerned, this is nothing compared to Bruce's persistent abominations!
  4. I felt the same way about Ransom '74. Probably decent thriller scoring, but an utter chore to endure on album.
  5. Seriously? I listened to that about a year ago and thought it was just average.
  6. So... the music similarity wasn't a coincidence? Gosh
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