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Everything posted by HPFAN_2

  1. Unless you were there of have access to the entire post production staff and Williams and Spielberg you will never know. Decisions like this are made because of reason we are not meant to understand and sometimes the reasons aren't very spectacular and creative.
  2. I saw a screening of Valkyrie, Bryan Singer was supposed to come and do a Q&A afterword. Bastard flaked out because "he was tired from doing Charlie Rose" Anyways the movie was quite good. If you don't try and take it too seriously. P.S. OTTMAN IS A FREAKING THIEF, HE STOLE ENCOUNTER IN LONDON FROM MUNICH
  3. Long gone are the days when a trilogy isn't made haphazardly but is a complete story told in three parts.
  4. Okay I must say that I'm quite embarrassed about this. I've fallen out of the film score world for a while, a very very long while. Maybe two years now. I haven't been buying scores or keeping up with the new soundtracks like I used to and thus I am unaware of what is going on. So to all of you have been waist deep in it and know all the best scores from the best composers tell me what I need to get and what I should avoid. Oh no need to update me on Williams. And my most recent non jw purchase was Beowulf by Silvestri. Thanks for your help old friends.
  5. Not if we go by the American variation like the one red_rabbit posted for HBP. DH will be in glorious greyish-blue! Or something else, I can't recall. oh is Kiminski the DP? I wouldn't lend too much credit to the DP for the look of that trailer. The amount of color correcting done is mind blowing. Those are all digitally alter pictures. I imagine for the next couple of months the post production crew will just be having fun.
  6. So much money is spent making and marketing movies like this one that Warner would have to be a pack of slobbering fools not to place it where it had the chance of making the most money. In fact, it would be financially irresponsible to do anything else. My fear is that there is something else going on here that the studio isn't owning up to. It is a major financial decision to do something like this, and it's typically not done to such a high-profile movie only three months in advance. I doubt that it's cause for Potter fans to panic, or even worry . . . but it is odd. I totally agree. While the presented reason does seem legitimate this would mean that they literally made the decision yesterday which would be unbelievable. A financial move like this had to have gone through dozens of people to be even put on the table. Consider the new Entertainment Weekly cover that features Harry Potter as a fall release (from what i read EW is pissed by the lack of communication from a sister company) also consider that trailer released a couple of weeks ago features a november date and that same trailer will be in theaters today with Star Wars. So am I supposed to believe that the Warner exec woke up on Thursday and went let's change the date of hp and it was green lit for a mid day press release. Highly highly highly doubt it. Like I said before, this decision was long in the making. Three months to a Harry Potter film we should be over run with images and on our second trailer by now. Yet we don't have a poster to even look at. All this seems extremely worrying up until yesterday when it all made sense.
  7. Sad but not surprising. Their marketing strategy or lack there of pointed to signs of a major studio decision on the horizon and this is it. I know that their marketing department will be kicked in to the highest gear for that movie. One side of me wants to kill them all but the part of me that understands the business appreciates the decision.
  8. Oh from the trailer and the resume of the director I'm sure you expected something different.
  9. Not really a score, but i recently listened to Avner and Daphna from Munich. Somehow I passed this track over in the original listening. I LOVE THIS PEICE!!!! I love how he builds the melody with the clarinet then it explodes into a fully string movement. Then ends with a solo with a horn. Amazing. In itself it's a story. The melody goes through three acts in a single piece, it's such brilliant writing.
  10. I feel like i should be excited for this. However i've never heard a Bernstein score. Maybe i should start with this.
  11. No honestly no it's not a matter of credibility. I've always been interested over the years i've been here, who here actually makes films. You don't have to be behind the camera to know what a good film is. I know that. While I disagree with a lot you, your reasonings are valid. I am simply curious to see if I am among fellow filmmakers.
  12. I see a composer in that situation would be much like a cinematographer or an editor. At that point they just do the job they were hired for and try to make the best of it knowing the director or the writer just handed them crap.
  13. Do any of you all make, write or produce films? Honestly just curious.
  14. No I don't like this ending. There is no climax, there is no resolution. The entire film builds that first ending, this is just a sour way to go out. No Francis Lawrence made the right decision.
  15. How the hell is Spielberg able to film an epic like Indy in such a short time!
  16. Rap, R&B, Rock, and Film Score are my main types of music. I pretty much will listen to anything as long as it's good. As of right now 'm into Jason Mraz, John Legend, Led Zeppelin, The Faint, Postal Service and my top of the top Beyonce. I love her
  17. *looks at vosks avatar* :cool: Anyways, I wish i could help but I too am student so my pockets only have cobwebs and lint. HEY playing with FX sabers is something productive! At least it's doing something instead of spending most of your time posting on a forum. *Looks at Vosk's post count*
  18. What did he say? I mean anything other than the regular celebrity "thank you" and "sure" "have a nice day"?
  19. *looks at vosks avatar* Anyways, I wish i could help but I too am student so my pockets only have cobwebs and lint.
  20. Then it would be safe to say then that the prequels are closer to his vision than the originals. Where filmmaking is concerned.
  21. That is Lucas' style of filmmaking. I really believe that if he had the technology available to him in the 70s he would have made it the same way.
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