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Indiana Jones Unreleased Music Resource

Henry B

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Good to hear there's some interesting material. Please PM me if someone has the OGG files...

Also, could the people who have this keep an ear out for Young Indiana Jones Chronicles material, please?

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It appears they really changed this one around as far as the layout of the game goes, Raiders skips the opening jungle sequence and goes straight to Marion's place, but no new music is heard. Just the same Young Indy and Raiders music.

For some reason the game makes you start with KOTCS, at the college with Mac and then on to the Warehouse sequence.

There's some rather bland underscore while walking around the college, don't know what it's from. Then there's un-released music playing during the warehouse sequenece but it sounds just like the prequel action music with Indy's theme thrown in to remind you that it's an IJ film.

That's as far as I got.

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I really don't understand why they remade the 3 original movies, there was nothing wrong with the first game. After Lego SW, Lego Indy and Lego Batman, I'm passing on this one, they're all the same.

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Actually it's completely different when compared to how the Star Wars games mirrored each other.

They completely re-did the levels and the whole layout is different compared to the first one.

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The animation / camera is the same, but if you are playing 2 people the screen will become split if you get seperated or wander off from your partner, like my wife tends to do. That way you both can continue to play away from each other.

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"4 1a Hangar51 Qui" and "4 1b Control Room Qui" are identical, music-wise. Some of the stuff outside the hangar, I think -- although not the Indy reveal.

that fanfare was rippeable from staffo of kings...

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But I wonder what the sound quality is like of these from the new Lego game? As asked before, are there any sound effects obscuring the sound on the KOTCS unreleased music found in the files? If so, how badly?

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Are these music files for cinematic cutscenes, or the regular gameplay itself? It makes sense if the SFX are embedded for cutscenes, which are movies so everything's combined. But in regular gameplay, the player controls when he jumps or slashes or falls apart, so to have those cues in the music makes no sense at all.

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Are these music files for cinematic cutscenes, or the regular gameplay itself? It makes sense if the SFX are embedded for cutscenes, which are movies so everything's combined. But in regular gameplay, the player controls when he jumps or slashes or falls apart, so to have those cues in the music makes no sense at all.

It's not player-generated sound-effects that are in the music files, but ambient sounds, like jungle noises and so on.
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Well after a few days of playing the game it appears most of it is centered around KOTCS, with only a small section devoted to the other three films. So far it appears there may be less music from the original trilogy than what was on the first game.

So far there really hasn't been anything special in KOTCS. As mentioned earlier there is some unreleased music in the warehouse level but most of it has been has been subdued and somewhat bland underscore. I don't know if it's from KOTCS or not. The motorcycle chase sequence features the cue as heard on CD, or at least the first 3:00 minutes or so of it looped over and over.

I need to go back and check a level because I swear I heard Minority Report in one sequence.

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I need to look at the game credits and see if any new music was composed for the game.

I also wish they hadn't used any of the Young Indy music.

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I'm somewhat technically ignorant and I have no idea if it's been already posted here but is there anyway to look at these files if I have the Xbox game, or can they only be accessed thru the PC version?

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The jungle chase level has what appears to be the near complete unreleased part of the Jungle Chase. I don't know if the file has any sound effects or not. But it includes the statement of arion's theme.

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The jungle chase level has what appears to be the near complete unreleased part of the Jungle Chase. I don't know if the file has any sound effects or not. But it includes the statement of arion's theme.

Well, it is not clean, but when the action music is going the sound effects are nearly imperceptible. Better than a DVD rip, at least.

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A quick rundown (I'm afraid it's not very detailed):

4.1a Hangar Act

KOTCS Warehouse Chase material (all pre-viz?)

4.1a Hangar Qui

KOTCS unreleased Warehouse

4.1b Control Room Act

KOTCS Warehouse action material

4.1b Control Room Qui = 4.1a Qui

KOTCS unreleased Warehouse

4.2 Doom Town Free Act

Young Indy released Princeton?

4.2 Doom Town Free Qui

KOTCS unreleased Rocket Sled aftermath

4.2 Doom Town Story Act = 4.2 DTF Act? SFX

Young Indy released Princeton?

4.3 Diner Free SFX Wind

Young Indy unreleased – Austria? (cf Lego 1?)

4.3 Diner Story Afm SFX

??? Emperor’s Tomb?

4.3 Diner Story Bfm SFX

KOTCS released Motorcycle chase

4.4 Motorbike Act (= Diner Story Bfm)

KOTCS released Motorcycle chase

4.4 Motorbike Qui SFX Bird

KOTCS unreleased Introducing Mutt

4.5 Crane Train Act SFX!!

??? Young Indy or Emperor’s Tomb?

4.5 Crane Train Qui SFX!!

Young Indy Transylvania

5.0 South America Hub Act

KOTCS unreleased Jungle Chase

5.0 South America Hub Qui SFX

Young Indy unreleased (Verdun?)

5.1 Asylum Act

KOTCS unreleased Jungle Chase (pre-viz?)

5.1 Asylum Qui

KOTCS released

5.2 Orellana Act

KOTCS released / TOD released

5.2 Orellana Qui

Young Indy unreleased

5.3 Camp Escape Act SFX Bird

KOTCS released

5.3 Camp Escape Qui

Young Indy unreleased

5.4 Jeep Chase Act SFX Bird

KOTCS unreleased Jungle Chase

5.4 Jeep Chase Qui SFX

Young Indy Transylvania

5.5 Jungle Fight Act SFX

KOTCS unreleased Jungle Chase

5.5 Jungle Fight Qui SFX

ROTLA released

6.0 Akator Hub Act

KOTCS unreleased Jungle Chase (pre-viz?)

6.0 Akator Hub Qui SFX

KOTCS released?

6.1 Ant Attack Act

KOTCS released Ant Attack

6.1 Ant Attack Qui SFX

ROTLA released

6.2 Waterfalls Act SFX

TOD Water! / Slalom / unreleased Water part?

6.2 Waterfalls Qui SFX

ROTLA released

6.3 Temple Entrance Act SFX

??? Emperor’s Tomb

6.3 Temple Entrance Qui SFX

KOTCS ???? / released / ???

6.4 Mayan Fight Act

KOTCS released

6.4 Mayan Fight Qui SFX animal

Young Indy unreleased

6.5 Alien Chamber Act

KOTCS released / Young Indy unreleased

6.5 Alien Chamber Qui SFX!

KOTCS released

6.5 Alien Chamber B Act SFX! (cf Alien Chamber act)

KOTCS released / Young Indy unreleased

Can somebody confirm that Diner Story Afm and Temple Entrance Act are from Emperor's Tomb? I don't recognize it, and it doesn't sound like Young Indy music.

Anybody know where the beginning and ending from Temple Entrance Qui come from? Is this unreleased KOTCS music?

And in Waterfalls Act, is that unreleased Water! music from TOD? Buried under SFX though.

By the way, much of this music is indeed either sprinkled with or buried under SFX.

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All right...looking for SFX free clips.

If your a purist in your edits and don't want SFX there's 38 seconds of new Jungle Chase music that's usable in 5.0 South America Hub Act . ( that clip of the B theme that was missing from the Pre-Viz is clean + 10 seconds a bit later).

4.1a Hangar Act : 13 seconds not in Previz that Luke previously recorded in Staff Of Kings. Somewhat better sound quality and no clear sfx though there could be something in the background

But that's about it as far as I can tell.

K.M. Taking PM's

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the warehouse parts (loud action) could work if they arent listened with headpones...

They are still better than tape hissed foot warmers, arent they?

on a side note, damn damn DAMN wind noise...

PD: well the desert chase homage part in jungle chase is completely ruined.

5_5_jungle_fight Act seems to be an alternate of the film version. Maybe the concert version whose last 3 seconds were on the Staff of kings game?

Why do the lego games have to mix the sfx in?? Specially when there are also files that contain those ambient sounds isolated...

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well, the jungle chase part I mentionned is SFX free even on good headphones.

I'll check the rest more in detail

but to build a good edit, I reject anything I can hear wind, engines or a bird and crickets.

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A- 4.3 Diner Story Afm SFX

??? Emperor’s Tomb?

B- 4.5 Crane Train Act SFX!!

??? Young Indy or Emperor’s Tomb?

C- 6.3 Temple Entrance Act SFX

??? Emperor’s Tomb

D- 6.3 Temple Entrance Qui SFX

KOTCS ???? / released / ???

A- Emperor's tomb

B- Not emperor's tomb 100% sure

C- Staff of Kings

D- Sounds all KOTCS and Williams

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There's a spreadsheet of the new Lego tracks here, made by InexorableTash, mainly for the purpose of identifying the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles music. If interested in music from YIJC and/or in helping out with the spreadsheet (which also contains the KOTCS tracks), you're hereby kindly invited to join in on the discussion over at The Raven. With many, many thanks to InexorableTash for all his work!

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No, it's definitely Young Indy music (it's on the Vol. 3 CD).

Can somebody help with those Staff of Kings rips (and the Lego files), as I don't have the DVD of the film here with me:

- where does the 'crystal skull' cue go?

- what about the 'orellana's cradle' and the 'nevada' part?

- the stuff from the hangar in Lego 2, does that come before the Indy 'fanfare' or after? (and before 'Spell of the Skull', I assume?)

- anybody know where the beginning and ending of 6.3 Temple Entrance Qui come from?

Thanks for the help!

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4.1b Control Room Qui

there's a very cool statement of the Russian Theme that's not on the OST at the end. Exactly the type of miniature theme quote that make Williams so awesome. It's not clean though

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I can now confirm that there's nothing else of interest in Lego 2 - only TOD stuff we already have (the map, and the village cue).

Could anybody help with my editing questions above?

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  • 1 month later...

I'll say it again...there is probably a higher quality version of alt They Stole the Children and Mushroom Cloud to be ripped in Staff of Kings

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I know this is a big no-no, but I don't know who to ask specifically. Has anybody ripped the music from Lego IJ 2, the newer music that is?

No one has to "rip" the music from the Lego Indiana Jones games. Get a copy of the game and install it. The ogg files will be there in a music folder in the game directory for you to listen to.

If you want to obtain the files without buying the game ... well, I suppose that's between you and your personal code of ethics. But the board policy is quite clear: copyrighted files may not be publicly asked for or offered. Please don't risk this thread getting locked by violating that policy. It's happened before, even with long-running threads of significance.

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I don't think anyone should be forced to buy a game to get a low quality 1 minute music file. If you really want to play it and get the music at the same time you should be kind enough to do the right thing, I think it's always been the spirit here.

Not anyone can install these games on their PC's anyways

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KM: Like I said, if obtaining the files without buying the game doesn't bother his code of ethics, that's his business. I'm not trying to be his conscience. But "other means" CANNOT INCLUDE posts on this message board! It doesn't matter what I think is right or wrong -- it's a violation of house rules, and will get the thread taken down. That's the bottom line.

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