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RIP, George Carlin


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My wife and I saw him perform two years ago. We had really close seats, and when he came out, we were astonished at how he weak he appeared. I can't say I'm surprised, but it's a hell of a loss. RIP to the greatest comedian of the 20th century.

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We have really never heard of him in France, so I only know quotations posted on message boards and blogs, and judging from these, George Carlin seemed to be pretty witty, sarcastic, and very funny indeed.

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When I woke up this morning the local ESPN radio station was talking about Eddie Murphy so I thought he had died.

Turned out they were comparing all the comedians with George Carlin.

A sad loss, a very funny and witty person. He will be missed, R.I.P. Mr. Carlin.

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I fondly remember my first exposure to him before I had any idea who he was, as Mr. Conductor on Shining Time Station (haven taken over the role from Ringo Starr). RIP.


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I've been watching his stuff ever since I've heard. Damn. First place I saw him was as Rufus in Bill & Tedd, loved him ever since.

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I first heard Carlin when I was about 12 and I've been quoting him ever since. Most of the time when somebody asks me how I'm doing, I reply "Moderately neato." And, on more than one occasion, when I have been at the airport, I have corrected people by telling them that I would be getting in the plane, not on it. I've always loved the way he played with language.

He's the only comic I have seen twice. The first time ("Back in Town" routine) I laughed so hard, it hurt for a couple of days. The second time was back in February. I was glad that he had eschewed the nihilistic tone of his previous routine and had spent most of the time discussing "goofy stuff".

George, I hope Joe Pesci has a special place set aside for you.

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I think of that rule that celebrities alwasy die in 3s, but this year is ridiculous. It's more like 20 of them have died in a short time span.

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