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Anyone Else Here Gay?


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Alright, before any of you think too far into this...

This topic is not about discussion of being gay being right or wrong. It is not to be political or about morality at all. If you have a negative opinion toward gay people in any regard, it's real simple: do not post in this thread. It is not meant to be a debate thread.

The topic is actually real simple: I am a gay film score fan, and was wondering if I was the only one out here on these forums. :jump:

I feel no shame it letting it be known what I am, for to me it makes no difference. I'm just a nerdy guy who likes movies like Jurassic Park, loves film scores, goes to theme parks to ride the crazy rollercoasters, works at a video store, and hikes around national parks. I just also happen to like guys. ;)

However, on a side note, especially in case you aren't gay, could anyone shed light if any well-known film score composers are gay?

This thread is merely for curiosity. Think of it as being as relevant as a thread on "Is anyone else here a girl?". Same principal. :) And hey, someone should put up a thread on that! :lol:

If for some reason the mods feel the need to delete this thread, so be it. But please don't ban me for it. It is not meant to stir anything up. If anything, it is meant to shed more light. :)

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I could be wrong... but I seem to remember reading that Marc Shaiman was gay. Actually I might go so far as to suggest that his partner actually works with him as a lyricist at times.

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I am a gay film score fan, and was wondering if I was the only one out here on these forums. :)

Nope, you are not. I am a fellow gay film score fan and glad to see you on the boards.

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Oh you've pretty much landed on the city of Gayville, Internet.

Mansechs is the way to roll around this place. :)

P.S. I'm not gay, not that I know of anyway.

P.P.S. Welcome to Gayvi--err JWFan!

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You never know, I could be sleeper agent. One night during great sex with the wife I'll stop abruptly, and go....it's time to corrupt and destroy the universe and set fire to baby otters, all without ever having to leave my bedroom. :)

I think it is a completely viable scenario.

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However, on a side note, especially in case you aren't gay, could anyone shed light if any well-known film score composers are gay?

It has been well documented that both Aaron Copland and (I think) Richard Addinsell, of Warsaw Concerto fame, were gay.

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I am a gay film score fan, and was wondering if I was the only one out here on these forums. :P

Nope, you are not. I am a fellow gay film score fan and glad to see you on the boards.

It seems there are at least three of us, then :D

Please no! :)

Don't worry; given the three wives he had this scenario is quite unlikely :P

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I...did not know that?

What was Dean Devlin?

According to wikipedia he has a wife. So he is probably just his colleague and friend. Not that it matters.

Devlin was Emmerich's producer. He left after Godzilla tanked

Seems to be not quite true. He left after the Patriot, but is now working with Emmerich on a new script.

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Want to know why Jerry Goldsmith was called "Golden Boy?"

Because he had golden balls? I thought Elmer Bernstein was called "Golden Boy".

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However, on a side note, especially in case you aren't gay, could anyone shed light if any well-known film score composers are gay?

Leonard Bernstein, if you count On the Waterfront. ;) It seems like homosexuality is much more prevalent among modern art music composers than film composers.

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I am glad to know there are other gay members here. ;) I thought there definitely would be, but you never know. After a certain California verdict I thought people would be starting to closet themselves and attempt to marry women in a vain attempt to be what is considered "normal" by everyone else.

Was that a political remark? Maybe just a little... oops. ;)

But I did not know about Marc Shaiman and Kloser/Emmerich being gay. Very interesting!

I'm actually writing a very crazy sci fi/action/adventure/fantasy/horror story right now that I actually intend to have a sort of "gay undertone", where, at the end, it is a nod that two of the main characters are going to stick with each other through all the crazy insanity to the end. Here is hoping that I can create a enjoyable story and characters in a action adventure setting while introducing just a notion that the main characters are gay and end up together. Sneak it under the mainstream's nose. ;) Now I just have to hope I somehow make it into the buisness and art of it all... lol. :)

I'm definitely not, I've got a very beautiful girlfriend whom I love.

Which is great as well! :) If I think I know what you may be intending, it is that liking film scores, to some breed of people, is considered a "gay" thing. Which is indeed preposterous. I guess some people think that because some call film scores "whimsical" and "pretty". Which they are not always anyway! Heh, how un-educated people can be, right? Like all gay people MUST like whimsical and pretty things. My favorite scores are usually the most intense and horrifying ones, for example. Like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom... that is one of my favorite scores, and mostly for it's elements of horror mixed with the heroism.

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But I did not know about Marc Shaiman

That's why he now works on broadway.

Guess that explains his involvement with "Hairspray". :)

He did the scores for the "Addams Family" and "Addams Family Values", didn't he? I love those scores, especially for the 2nd one! ;)

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I'm definitely not, I've got a very beautiful girlfriend whom I love.

Then why are you here? We have yet to see a photo of this beautiful woman of yours. Entice us.

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Want to know why Jerry Goldsmith was called "Golden Boy?"

Because he had golden balls? I thought Elmer Bernstein was called "Golden Boy".

No, Elmer was known as "The Wrong Bernstein" and JG was called "Gorgeous"

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Actually you will find that most members are open about their sexuality. FSM has a large amount of open members, to include the board's moderator.

There's no need to hide it from other members, we're all friends here for the most part.

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I'm definitely not, I've got a very beautiful girlfriend whom I love.

Then why are you here? We have yet to see a photo of this beautiful woman of yours. Entice us.

Very well if you insist, I'll humor you.


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Harold Kloser, who replaced David Arnold as Roland Emmerich's composer, is gay and Roland's partner.

Isn't that the situation with Bryan Singer and John Ottman?

There's a flute joke in there I'm just going to leave alone...

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Thank you, Williamsfan301. And to respond to this thread's question: Yes, I am a happy John Williams fan. Oh wait, you are using "gay" as "homosexual" ( I still want to know why people do that!). "No" is the answer, then. But thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share.

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Thank you, Williamsfan301. And to respond to this thread's question: Yes, I am a happy John Williams fan. Oh wait, you are using "gay" as "homosexual" ( I still want to know why people do that!). "No" is the answer, then. But thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share.

It was done more or less deliberately by homosexuals to get away from terms such as "queer", which some considered derogatory.

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Thank you, Williamsfan301. And to respond to this thread's question: Yes, I am a happy John Williams fan. Oh wait, you are using "gay" as "homosexual" ( I still want to know why people do that!). "No" is the answer, then. But thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share.

Lol :D I used the word "gay" because "homosexual" sounds a bit too... oh what's the word... scientific? ;) And of course most of the other words describing people like me are usually in a negative connotation (hell, even "gay" is being used as a synonym for "stupid" by teenagers these days, in the States anyways).

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Thank you, Williamsfan301. And to respond to this thread's question: Yes, I am a happy John Williams fan. Oh wait, you are using "gay" as "homosexual" ( I still want to know why people do that!). "No" is the answer, then. But thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share.

"Gay" is being used as a synonym for "stupid" by teenagers these days, in the States anyways.

You speak the truth.

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Well what I meant by that....here example, Like if I heard something on TV that was stupid or something happened during a conversation on msn and msn shut down for some reason and I'll say, "Oh that's gay". Not to be derogatory or anything like that.

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"Gay" is mostly used in such examples that Trent gave. But the thing is, even if you don't mean anything by it, it's still derogatory. I end up using it like that now and again, but I try not to. I actually started seeing commercials about it.

If you say it when MSN shuts down, Trent, you're using it to describe something negative. I'm not trying to lecture you or anything but a good "Sh*t!" or "F*ck!" works just the same. :D

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Thank you, Williamsfan301. And to respond to this thread's question: Yes, I am a happy John Williams fan. Oh wait, you are using "gay" as "homosexual" ( I still want to know why people do that!). "No" is the answer, then. But thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share.

Lol ;) I used the word "gay" because "homosexual" sounds a bit too... oh what's the word... scientific? ;) And of course most of the other words describing people like me are usually in a negative connotation (hell, even "gay" is being used as a synonym for "stupid" by teenagers these days, in the States anyways).

In certain context, the word "gay" has become the modern equivalent of the "n-word." Which really is a shame and embarrassment to those who wield it so.

I have prided myself in never using the word "gay" as an insult.

Well what I meant by that....here example, Like if I heard something on TV that was stupid or something happened during a conversation on msn and msn shut down for some reason and I'll say, "Oh that's gay". Not to be derogatory or anything like that.

That would be completely derogatory.

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"Right, I shall now read the facutly rules:

Rule 1- No poofters!

Rule 2- There is to be no mistreating of the abbos in any way at all!...If there's anyone watching.

Rule 3- No poofters!

Rule 4- I don't want to catch anyone this term not drinking.

Rule 5- No poofters!

Rule 6- There is no...rule 6.

Rule 7- No poofters!

Right, that concludes the reading of the rules. Bruce!"

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