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What is the last Television series you watched?


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Am I the only person on this board who has not seen a single episode of either Game Of Thrones or Breaking Bad?

I haven't.

the last scripted show I followed is LOST

Same here.

I have never seen an episode of "B.B.", "G.O.T.", or "The Sopranos". I have never watched a complete episode of "The Simpsons", neither.

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I've never seen Top Gun or Dirty Dancing.

I've never seen Top Gun and I dont admit to having seen Dirty Dancing.

your loss on both films.

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It's no loss.

To stay on topic, I've never seen Fringe, Girls, Sons Of Anarchy, The Shield, Almost Human, American Horror Story, Dracula, Haven, Caprica.

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I'm losing interest in Fringe because I know it's end is brutally disappointing, so if I give up now, it's the same net effect. And an article that dissected the finale of Breaking Bad totally spoiled the end of The Shield for me.

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The Shield is more about the journey than the end. Just like Breaking Bad.

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"another" show with a rubbish ending? Which show are you insinuating had a rubbish ending already?

Dexter was a show that was GREAT for 4 years, then started steadily declining, then had a final season - and especially final episode - that were SO BAD, I wouldn't recommend the show to ANYONE. Had you asked me any time during seasons 1-4 I would have said it's a must see, one of the best shows on TV....... but now, I'd just stay away, the ending is such garbage!

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"another" show with a rubbish ending? Which show are you insinuating had a rubbish ending already?

Dexter was a show that was GREAT for 4 years, then started steadily declining, then had a final season - and especially final episode - that were SO BAD, I wouldn't recommend the show to ANYONE. Had you asked me any time during seasons 1-4 I would have said it's a must see, one of the best shows on TV....... but now, I'd just stay away, the ending is such garbage!

Logically he's building off my mention of Fringe as the first show in our conversation with a rubbish ending. He might also mean Lost but I doubt it.

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It'd be an interesting discussion to compare these shows with so-called rubbish endings against shows that jumped the shark before they ended and made people less outraged about how, and probably just relieved that they did end.

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I'm losing interest in Fringe because I know it's end is brutally disappointing, so if I give up now, it's the same net effect. And an article that dissected the finale of Breaking Bad totally spoiled the end of The Shield for me.

How far are you into it? The show really isn't worth the time if you're not feeling it. Although as I explained in the show's thread, I found the finale to be surprisingly good, among a sea of shit that were Seasons 4 and 5. I'd say it ends quite well for what the writers and producers had to deal with. It never reaches its potential, which was always great, but there are some great episodes/moments throughout the series.

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I stopped after 1x07 "In Which We Meet Mr. Jones." It's not that I want to stop, it's that I've found other things to do or watch by myself, and now watch The X-Files with my gf.

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Yes, he's a good and enjoyable actor. I'm afraid I only recognize him from the lousy Lost in Space remake, but I know he's in other stuff. I didn't see the second Holmes movie. I will finish the show someday.

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Started to watch S3 of Homeland. Nobody here finds Claire Danes guilty of overacting? Bi-Polar or not, I find her over-the-top facial expressions distracting and annoying. It doesn't feel credible. Other than that, I'm still sorta entertained by the show.




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Yea, by the end of Dexter I was just relieved it was all over finally

Out-stayed its welcome?

Most definitely. That show ran for too long.

Started to watch S3 of Homeland. Nobody here finds Claire Danes guilty of overacting? Bi-Polar or not, I find her over-the-top facial expressions distracting and annoying. It doesn't feel credible. Other than that, I'm still sorta entertained by the show.



I thought season 3 has been going pretty well for entertainment's sake.

But yes, I agree. Claire Danes' overracting can make me cringe sometimes. There are certainly many moments where I find it hard to believe that she made it this far as a CIA agent, and one of their best too apparently. The fact that she's so emotionally invested in everything makes that premise even less credible.

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Without getting too technical on medical issues, but Dane's behaviour is not a role model for this kind of dysfunction. She seems not bi-polar, only polar, since she never gets out of the manic phase!

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Yeah, I think she's become permanently arrested in this phase where her face always looks like she's going to break down crying any moment.

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People have to trust me when I say that the third episode of Homenland S3 is pretty good. It's the one with the big unfinished building in the city of Caracas. Quite a nightmarish setting, I must say.


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After the 4th season brought the show to an all-time low, looks like Dan Hartmon intends to bring the show back to shape with what likely be the show's last season. The teaser is here:


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I still say season 4 was just as entertaining as the first three.

That trailer was quite odd.

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And I still say season 4 was the writers trying too hard to emulate Dan Hartmon. It ultimately came off very gimmickey without the same heart and soul of the first 3 seasons.

And I think the trailer was intentionally edited that way, as if advertising for some B-comedy flick.

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Fresh Meat on Channel Four, whose third series has just concluded. I had doubts that a sitcom about a group of student housemates would be to my taste, but this has grown into a really excellent programme. One of the best comedies I've seen in a while.

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Netflix finally added the second season of American Horror Story to its streaming lineup, aptly titled "Asylum". Overall a very good season of television and definitely a worthy successor to the first season. They only issue I had is that they tried to cram a little too much into this season. As a result it didn't feel as cohesive; contained a few too many subplots.

Great acting again all around. This show certainly stands out.

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I am just finishing The IT Crowd. It just tickles my funnybone in such a typical British way, mixing rather rude and crude jokes with some really funny situational comedy and witty dialogue. The characters are brilliantly cooky.

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Yea, very funny show! Though I didn't like the latter seasons as much as the earlier. The original boss was much better than the replacement one.

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Yea, very funny show! Though I didn't like the latter seasons as much as the earlier. The original boss was much better than the replacement one.

I think both of the bosses are great in their own entirely mad way. The rude son of Denholm spouting dramatic dialogue is extremely funny especially since he happens to have that kind of voice. The idea that the company has this crazy little world with these crazy characters inside is somehow so tickling and the way the comedy comes from transplanting very common everyday occurrences in this world and into the lives of the nerds in different ways.

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Season 4 was a bit odd though, with a lot of scenes outside of the office. I wish they had been able to do one final season to wrap everything up.

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Have to wait till 2014 for the last few episodes of Coven and Sleepy Hollow. Hope both go out spectacularly

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