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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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3 hours ago, The Train Station said:

Why do superhero movies always need a sequel? Can't they ever just be a cool little self-contained movie?


Tell that to the superhero comic books. Imagine if there was only one Superman comic book. He wouldn't even be able to fly.

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3 minutes ago, The Train Station said:

As if movies have to conform to the funny book format. Just make one movie and move on.


That means that we would only have Ang Lee's HULK and you didn't understand that movie. Thanks to sequels you at least got to enjoy The Incredible Hulk.


People want to see how their favorite superhero fairs against other adversaries, just like Godzilla fans love to see him fighting against all kinds of other monsters. 


Hope this helps ...

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Rewatched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. What a strange, grotesque, ugly, needlessly overcomplicated, mean-spirited movie. No matter how hard the score tries to pretend it's innocent fun adventure.

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He's implying that you don't "get" the pretentious dreadful Ang Lee Hulk movie that didn't go over well with audiences and is long forgotten, and that the followup MCU popcorn movie was made for you, the general audience.

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10 hours ago, The Train Station said:

Why do superhero movies always need a sequel? Can't they ever just be a cool little self-contained movie?


10 hours ago, John Dutton said:

Like The Rocketeer


Eh, Rocketeer is not a good example. It didn't get a sequel only because it was a box office flop. Had it been a success we'd have seen at least 2 direct sequels in the 90s, a reboot in the early 2010s and the dreaded legacy sequel in the late 2010s/early 2020s, reuniting the old cast from the beloved first movie with characters from the reboot.


This is just the nature of Hollywood. If something works, they'll keep pushing it until people get tired. Just look at Star Wars.

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10 minutes ago, John Dutton said:

He's implying that you don't "get" the pretentious dreadful Ang Lee Hulk movie that didn't go over well with audiences and is long forgotten, and that the followup MCU popcorn movie was made for you, the general audience.


I'm sure Alex is a simple man with all his rigid, binary logic.

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Exactly. If Hollywood found a way to sequelize Gladiator of all things, they can do this to literally anything. As long as it brought money to them in the past.


That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a Rocketeer reboot for Disney+ at some point in the future. They did it with Willow and that movie wasn't exactly the new Star Wars in money terms...

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Hollywood is desperate to franchise anything that was previously successful. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a Titanic sequel about the inquiry or something. 


Also, they did reboot The Rocketeer.



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Back to the Future so far has bravely resisted to this trend... For now. But with Zemeckis' career in the shitter, I wouldn't be surprised if they announced some reboot or sequel with Marty McFly's kids and grandsons or something.


3 minutes ago, Sweeping Strings said:


Mean-spirited? Eh? Some of Alan Rickman's Sheriff Of Nottingham dialogue a bit too much for you or something? 

I saw it as a teen and didn't see anything that bothered me. For me, just a nice, decent medieval adventure movie.

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I dunno, so many characters are so hostile, shouty, the action is just violent instead of fun, half of it is shot and designed like a mad max movie, edgy stuff are brought in needlessly...

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44 minutes ago, Doo_liss said:

Maybe there is secret hate messages only Hungarians can pick up?

I saw it in the theatre with my Dad and loved it. It's one of my favorite adventure films. I have watched it many times. 


PS: I don't think Hungarians would detect any more hate messages in anything than Americans these days. ;) 

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Mixed feelings about RH: POT.


On one hand, I think it's a pretty entertaining flick. And pretty memorable, a genuine artifact of 90's cinema. As for Rickman's performance...it's delicious and perhaps the best thing about the flick. The "cut your heart with a spoon because it hurts more" is a classic. I'd be content to just watch his scenes and skip past the rest.  Morgan Freeman is pretty good as well.


But...Christian Slater is woefully miscast, and he talks and acts like Gen X'ers did in the 90's...which is what he is. Completely takes me out of the film. Even Costner, who I like, is sort of miscast, and I look at Robin Hood and just see...Kevin Costner. The cringy scene with Slater whinging because daddy didn't love him and Costner's "I have a brother" is just, well, cringy. In fact, the whole thing has a 90's, new age vibe to it that's a little weird. Dances with Wolves sort does the same thing, but to much better effect.


It's also full of contemporary values and preachiness...the kind that wouldn't be out of place in an Amazon or Disney+ series today...but that clash with the medieval setting. The film doesn't even make a half-hearted attempt to portray any of these characters as anything other than 20th century people in a 15th century setting.


On repeated viewings, I've also found it's overly long and a bit of a slog for what should be a light-hearted adventure flick. Tonally, it really doesn't know what it wants to be, alternating between being somewhat cartoony to being pretty violent for this kind of film.


If Lucas were involved, he'd of had the Tarzan yell every time someone swung on a rope.


**/***** Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

***/***** Robin Hood: Men in Tights

***/***** Ridley Scott

****/***** Errol Flynn

*****/***** for the animated version with Robin Hood as a red fox, Little John as a brown bear and Friar Tuck as a badger.


Happy Thanksgiving.



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19 minutes ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

*****/***** for the animated version with Robin Hood as a red fox, Little John as a brown bear and Nottingham as a badger.



Loved it when I was, like, 5 or 6. Watched it pretty much every day on VHS.


It's the definitive Robin Hood for me. Sorry Kevin, I know you tried your best.

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40 minutes ago, Davis said:

I don't think Hungarians would detect any more hate messages in anything than Americans these days. ;) 


Orbán would ban it. That's why he's called Or-ban. 

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17 minutes ago, Nick1Ø66 said:


Orbán would ban it. That's why he's called Or-ban. 

We should invite Viktor Orbán to be a mod here in JWFan.


"Either you follow the rules and stop blabbering about politics or... ban!"

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1 hour ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

****/***** Errol Flynn

*****/***** for the animated version with Robin Hood as a red fox, Little John as a brown bear and Friar Tuck as a badger.


Happy Thanksgiving.




The Disney is one of my earliest movie memories and one of my favourite films. I just re-watched it last week with my little niece, and I still love it, but I wouldn't objectively give it t stars. Four probably, and five to the Curtiz/Flynn version. Four and a half stars for the Bruns score (I may be biased), and five for the Korngold.


I love how Disney's Robin's archery tournament disguise features more or less the same headgear as Flynn's:




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I despise Prince of Thieves. Always have. Probably always will.


Even Rickman knew that they were going too far. He threw in "cancel Christmas" as a gag and the director said "Perfect!" and he knew he was in trouble.


Oh, and how do you have the sword choreographer from The Empire Strikes Back AND The Princess Bride and have TERRIBLE sword fights?!?


Amazing score, though.

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