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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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1 hour ago, filmmusic said:

I wanted to ask, has anyone seen A Boy Called Christmas (2021)?

They want to show it at my school, the last day (the day before Christmas Eve).

Is it suitable for children (grades 1 to 6)? Moreover, will it keep their interest?

I only read the book, it was good. 


Have you seen KLAUS? It's kind of a modern Christmas classic animated film.

Off the top of my head these are all good choices:

- Jingle All The Way

- The Santa Clause 

- Rise of the Guardians

- Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas

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3 minutes ago, Davis said:

Have you seen KLAUS? It's kind of a modern Christmas classic animated film.


Yes, I have seen it. But I don't remember anything about it. I just found it in Greek too.

1 minute ago, Edmilson said:

Another great choice: Arthur Christmas.

I remember liking this one..

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7 minutes ago, Davis said:

- Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas

Some parents may complain this one is too scary for their children, even if the kids aren't scared at all :lol:


Btw @filmmusic how Home Alone is called in Greek? Here it's "Esqueceram de Mim", with roughly translate to "They forgot about me" ROTFLMAO I miss those days when the studios allowed our translators to have fun with naming a movie, these days they mostly just translate the English title verbatim.

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7 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

how Home Alone is called in Greek?

In Hungarian it's called Tremble, Burglars! :D



7 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Some parents may complain this one is too scary for their children

There are always some parents who think they know better what their children like than their children. It's one of the greatest stop motion animated movies ever made. I bet there are parents who think Arthur Christmas isn't suitable for children, either. 

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17 minutes ago, Davis said:

Have you seen KLAUS? It's kind of a modern Christmas classic animated film.

By the way, we may live in a twisted parallel universe since Klaus is #169 at top 250 imdb films, and E.T. is NOT in this list at all!!! :angry:

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2 minutes ago, filmmusic said:

By the way, we may live in a twisted parallel universe since Klaus is #169 at top 250 imdb films, and E.T. is NOT in this list at all!!! :angry:

It doesn't mean anything. Everyone who loves films knows how great E.T. is. 

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40 minutes ago, The Train Station said:

The 2090 one. Duh




Can we ban him... or something? :lol:


16 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

That's a super fun title :lol:


In French, it's "Maman, j'ai raté l'avion" (litteraly "Mom, I missed the plane!")


And the 2nd movie is "Maman, j'ai ENCORE raté l'avion!" (Mom, I missed the plane AGAIN!)

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24 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

I miss those days when the studios allowed our translators to have fun with naming a movie, these days they mostly just translate the English title verbatim.

Hungarian movie titles can be pretty wild. :)


Alien -> The 8th Passenger: Death


Aliens -> The Name of the Planet: Death


Alien 3 -> The Final Solution: Death


Batman Begins -> Batman: It Begins!


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? -> We Are Not Afraid of Wolves!


Die Hard -> Give Your Life Dearly


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27 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Some parents may complain this one is too scary for their children, even if the kids aren't scared at all :lol:

My objection to Nightmare when my kids were little was that there are a couple of super gross things in it. The guy with the axe in his head is a bit much but the child with his eyes sewn shut was just over the top for me. Of course I also feel that way about people's legit gross Halloween decorations. I don't know if it would have scared them or not. That wasn't the issue.


And this is someone who dressed as Jack Skellington long before you could buy an off the shelf costume for it! (Ahhh, I miss being that skinny!)


10 minutes ago, bespinGPT said:




Can we ban him... or something? :lol:





Hey, which is better, the original Maltese Falcon or the remake? (Has anyone seen the original? I haven't.)

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3 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

The guy with the axe in his head is a bit much but the child with his eyes sewn shut was just over the top for me.

I was 12 when I first saw TBTNBC, and loved it. These things never bothered me one bit. The entire film was so entertaining, so much fun and the songs and score so great that I never for a second felt scared. And I had already seen BATMAN and BATMAN RETURNS. I knew I was watching an animated movie, not a documentary. 

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21 minutes ago, bespinGPT said:

In French, it's "Maman, j'ai raté l'avion" (litteraly "Mom, I missed the plane!")


And the 2nd movie is "Maman, j'ai ENCORE raté l'avion!" (Mom, I missed the plane AGAIN!)


But… he didn't actually *miss* the plane…


9 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

Hey, which is better, the original Maltese Falcon or the remake? (Has anyone seen the original? I haven't.)


I didn't even know the Huston was a remake.

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25 minutes ago, Davis said:

Hungarian movie titles can be pretty wild. :)


Alien -> The 8th Passenger: Death (In french from France it's the same idea "Alien, le 8e passager" [Alien, the 8th passenger])


Aliens -> The Name of the Planet: Death ("Alien, le retour", [Alien, the return])


Alien 3 -> The Final Solution: Death (simply "Alien 3")


Batman Begins -> Batman: It Begins! (in Québec, "Batman : Le Commencement", [Batman : The beginning])


--> Fun fact, in french, the term "Alien" is accepted. It have the exact same two senses it have in english.


1. To have come from elsewhere; extraterrestrial.

Synonym: extraterrestrial

2. Figuratively. A person foreign to an environment; an animal or plant species that appears in an environment that is not its own.


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1 hour ago, Davis said:

Alien -> The 8th Passenger: Death



43 minutes ago, bespinGPT said:

Alien -> The 8th Passenger: Death (In french from France it's the same idea "Alien, le 8e passager" [Alien, the 8th passenger])


Wait, there too? I thought this "8th Passenger" thing was exclusively for us Brazilians! :lol:


The original Alien is known here as "Alien: O 8º Passageiro" ("The Eight Passenger"). Aliens is "Aliens: O Resgate" ("Aliens: The Rescue"). The others are just the English name translated (or not, since Covenant and Romulus are also... Covenant and Romulus here).


Batman Begins retained its English title (I think WB Brazil just thought "Batman: O Começo" might be a little boring). The sequels added the word "Batman" before "O Cavaleiro das Trevas" (The Dark Knight) and "O Cavaleiro das Trevas Ressurge" ("The Dark Knight Rises"). I guess they were worried people would think this isn't a Batman movie. 


Usually, superhero names here are translated. For example, we don't know Spider-Man, the Avengers, Wonder Woman and Justice League here, but rather "Homem-Aranha", "Vingadores", "Mulher-Maravilha" and "Liga da Justiça". Batman has always been Batman and Superman used to be "Super-Homem" until the early 2000s I think.


The most curious case is Daredevil. Here he is known as "Demolidor", which can roughly be translated to...




It robs the character of his religious associations though. I guess religious moms wouldn't let their children read a comic about the "Diabo Ousado" :lol:

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1 hour ago, bespinGPT said:

--> Fun fact, in french, the term "Alien" is accepted. It have the exact same two senses it have in english.


8 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

The original Alien is known here as "Alien: O 8º Passageiro" ("The Eight Passenger"). Aliens is "Aliens: O Resgate" ("Aliens: The Rescue"). The others are just the English name translated (or not, since Covenant and Romulus are also... Covenant and Romulus here).

It's the official title, but in Hungary everyone calls the first film Alien

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10 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Usually, superhero names here are translated. For example, we don't know Spider-Man, the Avengers, Wonder Woman and Justice League here, but rather "Homem-Aranha", "Vingadores", "Mulher-Maravilha" and "Liga da Justiça". Batman has always been Batman and Superman used to be "Super-Homem" until the early 2000s I think.

I think Spider-Man gets translated in (almost) every country, mainly because of the comic book that is primarily for children. So in Hungary he's called Pókember. Batman stays Batman, although the first film is called Batman - A denevérember, but every other Batman film they kept the "Batman" just like the comics. Same with Superman. 



10 minutes ago, Edmilson said:


Demolition Man here is A pusztító, which means The Demolisher

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20 minutes ago, The Train Station said:

I call it "Alien One".




I call it Chapter 24 In the Complete Adventures of Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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21 hours ago, Edmilson said:

Unfortunately, yes.


Home Sweet Home Alone (2021) - IMDb


I haven't seen it but those who have says it's utter crap.


Yeah. check those scores. Hated by critics and audiences pretty much equally. 

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Adventures in Babysitting - Watched it for the Kamen score, but outside of Elizabeth Shue’s dancing at the beginning, it felt boring, so I turned it off after the hook man  arrived to save the kids. 

Knight Moves - I’m still in love with Diane Lane. That woman is simply gorgeous, super sexy. Josh Brolin was so lucky. Oh yeah, the film was watchable, a decent B movie. 

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Tomorrow Never Dies - a Bond of two halves, the second being not really as good as the first. Still ... seeing as the first half contains such cracking action sequences as the pre-credits at the arms bazaar and the car chase that never gets out of the car park, the gorgeous Teri Hatcher and the chucklesomely sinister Dr Kaufman it could be much, much worse. Jonathan Pryce's megalomaniacal media baron villain looks less and less like action movie fantasy with each passing year.

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9 minutes ago, Jay said:

Aw, that's too bad.  I loved watching him ham it up

Yeah. I don't know what more I wanted. Maybe more ham? Really I just wanted to see Mr. Dark play Hugo Drax.

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Apparently Pryce wanted to play it 'hammier', but was denied. Still, there's always the video conference scene ('There's no news ... like bad news!') and his mockery of Wai Lin's martial arts moves. 

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27 minutes ago, Sweeping Strings said:

Apparently Pryce wanted to play it 'hammier', but was denied. Still, there's always the video conference scene ('There's no news ... like bad news!') and his mockery of Wai Lin's martial arts moves. 


He does have the line about German efficiency that I liked.

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