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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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1 hour ago, Mr. Hooper said:

How can it be "mostly entertaining" but also "overall crap"? I demand a detailed explanation! :)

You know, these movies where you know it's bad but you have fun anyway. The cinematic equivalent of a McDonald's meal, you know it's shite and you still eats it.

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1 hour ago, Naïve Old Fart said:

Agreed. It's a case of diminishing returns.

What was the one where the brontosaurus (or whatever) died?

Didn't give two shits.

Brontosaurus never existed. Paleontologists figured out this was an error. They had wrongly put together the bones of various other dinosaurs and thought they found a new one.

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1 minute ago, GerateWohl said:

Brontosaurus never existed. Paleontologists figured out this was an error. They had wrongly put together the bones of various other dinosaurs and thought they found a new one.

From Wikipedia:


For decades, the animal was thought to have been a taxonomic synonym of its close relative Apatosaurus, but a 2015 study by Emmanuel Tschopp and colleagues found it to be distinct. It has seen widespread representation in popular culture, being the archetypal "long-necked" dinosaur in general media.



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3 hours ago, Edmilson said:

Jurassic World 1 is on TV. I really like the Indominus Wrecks sequence, the editing and Giacchino's score really sell the growing desperation and horror.


Now, the movie overall is crap. But it's still watchable and mostly entertaining. One of those shit movies that I don't mind the crappiness.


The sequels though... :pukeface:


I'm sort of the opposite. I found World entirely unimpressive. It's an extremely ugly movie that jetisons the lovely jungle aesthetic and natural colours of the original movie and makes everything look like crap. Awful cinematography, color grading and overall design of the Starbucks Apple Store island. And that's just how it looks. How it feels is like a quippy Marvel movie with a comedic tone. The actors are fine, the kids are boring, but the material just sucks.


For me, it's a pointless teal remake of the original. For modern more sophisticated audiences it makes JP relevant with smart phones rather than confusing dated things like Interactive CD Roms and a guy smoking a cigarette. The dinos look faker too. One and done. 


The second one, I've only seen it once as well, but I remember not being as bored/fidgety with it. I liked how loony the second half is where they're selling dinos on the black market to the Saudis. That's just crazy enough to seem realistic.


Dominion is what it is. It's way too long, so much screentime is wasted on stupid crap like bugs and the magical super girl. Where the hell are the dinosaurs? They suddenly toss everyone together at the end like it's Jurassic Avengers and there's some guilty pleasure to be had. But boy has this franchise been let down.

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Studio 666 - comedy horror starring the Foo Fighters, who rent a house in California to both stay in and record their 10th album there. But the house is cursed by demonic forces, and it's not long before more than the spirit of rock 'n' roll has possessed Dave Grohl. Quite amusing, with some outrageously gory stuff and also starring Jeff Garlin.

Not Okay - an aspiring young writer (Zoey Deutsch) desperate for social media 'traction' fakes having been on a writer's retreat in Paris, then when the city is subject to terrorist attack she doubles down and pretends to be a survivor of same. It works to start with, but a co-worker at the magazine she works at is suspicious ...

This satirical comedy drama is pretty good, but could've probably been even more biting about the world we live in now.

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Born on the Fourth of July


Somehow I was expecting this to be less brutal than Platoon, probably due to the patriotism implicit in the title and poster (albeit with an ironic flavour) and the fact that only a portion of the film is set in Vietnam. How wrong was I. This was a deepy harrowing film that gave me nightmares the night after. But this is also what I like about Oliver Stone, he pulls no punches with his imagery, such that ultimately his movies are not so much things to be watched but things to be experienced. The PTSD scene was especially powerful for me. I know it sounds almost insulting to say it, especially since I'm lucky to have never fought in the military, but the acting, the way that scene was filmed and the context surrounding it, I could almost feel what Tom Cruise's character was going through.  I still can't stop thinking about it.


And of course John Williams' music. Is this one of the most disturbing tracks/scenes he's scored?



It would give even Penderecki nightmares.

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It's a great film. The first act feels very Spielbergian somehow. It's bordering on corny with its portrayal of life in an ideal American town. At some point, Ron is in Vietnam and the tone shifts so substantially and rapidly, it is disturbing. It's a great anti-war flick that doesn't really villainize the men who went to war. Stone probably took a lot of shit for it due to the Military Industrial Complex, but that's par the course. Tom Cruise is brilliant in that part.

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A good exorcism movie is always welcome! Here, we find Russell Crowe playing an Italian priest who’s anything but uninteresting and never goes anywhere without his scooter! Worth watching on Netflix.

The Pope's Exorcist (2023)


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Leave the World Behind




With all due respect to Longlegs and Smile 2 (which are good movies, don't get me wrong), but this is perhaps the scariest movie I've watched this month.


Everyone should see it, if only to see how vulnerable we are to these kinds of events. It's the story of a family going on vacation and suddenly a calamity begins. But they can't know anything for sure because internet, phone lines and TV is compromised. They don't know what is happening for sure, who is behind the attacks... And, as we see the world through them, we don't know either which makes all the more scary and paranoid.


Honestly, for me movies that tell the beginning of the apocalypse and how the situation got increasingly worse are much more compelling than post apocalyptic movies, when everything has already gone to hell and people live in a Mad Max-style society. Because the former is much closer to our own reality than the latter.

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7 hours ago, Edmilson said:

Leave the World Behind




With all due respect to Longlegs and Smile 2 (which are good movies, don't get me wrong), but this is perhaps the scariest movie I've watched this month.


Everyone should see it, if only to see how vulnerable we are to these kinds of events. It's the story of a family going on vacation and suddenly a calamity begins. But they can't know anything for sure because internet, phone lines and TV is compromised. They don't know what is happening for sure, who is behind the attacks... And, as we see the world through them, we don't know either which makes all the more scary and paranoid.


Honestly, for me movies that tell the beginning of the apocalypse and how the situation got increasingly worse are much more compelling than post apocalyptic movies, when everything has already gone to hell and people live in a Mad Max-style society. Because the former is much closer to our own reality than the latter.


This is one of my favourite kind of movies to watch, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I normally get put off these days when I see the Netflix logo on the poster, but I'll definitely give this one a look.

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18 hours ago, Edmilson said:

Leave the World Behind




With all due respect to Longlegs and Smile 2 (which are good movies, don't get me wrong), but this is perhaps the scariest movie I've watched this month.


Everyone should see it, if only to see how vulnerable we are to these kinds of events. It's the story of a family going on vacation and suddenly a calamity begins. But they can't know anything for sure because internet, phone lines and TV is compromised. They don't know what is happening for sure, who is behind the attacks... And, as we see the world through them, we don't know either which makes all the more scary and paranoid.


Honestly, for me movies that tell the beginning of the apocalypse and how the situation got increasingly worse are much more compelling than post apocalyptic movies, when everything has already gone to hell and people live in a Mad Max-style society. Because the former is much closer to our own reality than the latter.


I liked this movie a lot.  I went to find my post where I wrote it about after I saw it, and it looks like I never wrote one, sadly!


But I remember not being THAT impressed with it immediately after, but it's the kind of movie that really sticks with you, and I thought about it more afterwards than I do most movies - which is a great thing.  I'd definitely watch it again already, which is another rarity.

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1 hour ago, LSH said:


A glowing endorsement if I ever saw one.

If you had seen what I saw… 


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Dante's Peak - vulcanologist Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan) is sent to the titular volcano-bordering town to investigate recent seismic activity. Whilst his superior at the US Geological Survey advises him against calling for the town to be evacuated, Dalton thinks an eruption is likely and warns its mayor (Linda Hamilton) to prepare for same. Guess who turns out to be right?

Whether or not there was any significance to Brosnan signing up to play a part with the same surname as his Bond predecessor we'll never know. Suffice to say that this is entertaining enough when the volcanic mayhem SFX (which hold up pretty well) kick in, with the expected disaster movie 'beats' present and correct (there's even a seemingly indestructible dog).

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Last time we watched I thought that the FX not only held up but they crossed over into "HOW did they DO that?!?" territory.


1 hour ago, Sweeping Strings said:

there's even a seemingly indestructible dog


There seemed to be a run of "everyone dies but the dog gets away" flicks around this time. Independence Day tops the list. Maybe this is the only other one? It seems there were more.


Anyway, it seemed it culminated with the dog house dangling from the T-Rex's jaws in JPII.


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4 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

There seemed to be a run of "everyone dies but the dog gets away" flicks around this time. Independence Day tops the list. Maybe this is the only other one? It seems there were more.


Anyway, it seemed it culminated with the dog house dangling from the T-Rex's jaws in JPII.


Disaster-Dodging Dog

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Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny - comedy with Tenacious D (Jack Black and Kyle Gass) on a quest to retrieve a legendary guitar pick (made of part of one of Satan's horns) from a rock 'n' roll museum that will help them to become rock gods. A good 'Saturday night with beers' movie.

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Licence to Kill 


The most Floridian Bond. I've loved this movie since I had it on tape as a reclusive disturbed child. Something compelled me to watch Bond take down the Colombians tonight.

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On 27/01/2025 at 2:13 AM, Jamie Dutton said:



Licence to Kill 


The most Floridian Bond. I've loved this movie since I had it on tape as a reclusive disturbed child. Something compelled me to watch Bond take down the Colombians tonight.

'This time, it's personal' back when that was still a novelty in the series.  

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Brando and De Niro in one movie. Howard Shore’s score is good, sounds at times like LotR. 

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59 minutes ago, Naïve Old Fart said:

LTK features one of the very best lines in a Bond film: "We're not a Country Club, 007!"

Robert Brown was a fantastic M.


When Arlen Specter switched parties, I said "we're not a country club, Double-Oh-Specter" to my US Studies mates back in 2009, but that one didn't land because those eggheads had no idea what I was referencing.

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1 hour ago, Naïve Old Fart said:

LTK features one of the very best lines in a Bond film: "We're not a Country Club, 007!"

Robert Brown was a fantastic M.


It's not bad. But it's not as good as "This department is not concerned with your personal problems."

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